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Last active March 18, 2023 16:55
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An Org Chart Layout function
private float HorizontalSpacing => canvasRectWidth * 0.3f; // The horizontal spacing between nodes
private float VerticalSpacing => canvasRectHeight + 24; // The vertical spacing between nodes
private HashSet<DialogueEntry> visited = new();
private HashSet<DialogueEntry> subtreeVisited = new();
private HashSet<DialogueEntry> subtreeWidthAdded = new();
private Dictionary<DialogueEntry, float> subTreeWidths = new();
private void ArrangeNodes()
CalculatePositions(currentConversation.dialogueEntries[0], 0, 0);
private void CalculatePositions(DialogueEntry node, int level, float offset)
if (node == null) return;
// If the node has been visited before, return
if (visited.Contains(node)) return;
// Mark the node as visited
// Calculate the width of the subtree rooted at this node
float subtreeWidth = GetSubtreeWidth(node);
node.canvasRect = new Rect(0, 0, canvasRectWidth, canvasRectHeight);
// Set the X position of this node to be the center of its subtree
node.canvasRect.x = offset + subtreeWidth / 2;
// Set the Y position of this node to be based on its level
node.canvasRect.y = level * (canvasRectHeight + VerticalSpacing) + 50;
// Recursively calculate the positions of the child nodes
float childOffset = offset;
foreach (Link childLink in node.outgoingLinks)
if(childLink.destinationConversationID !=
DialogueEntry child = currentConversation.GetDialogueEntry(childLink.destinationDialogueID);
CalculatePositions(child, level + 1, childOffset);
childOffset += GetSubtreeWidth(child) + HorizontalSpacing;
// Calculate the width of the subtree rooted at a node
private float GetSubtreeWidth(DialogueEntry node)
if (node == null) return 0;
// If the node has no children, return its own width
if (node.outgoingLinks.Count == 0) return canvasRectWidth;
// Check if we've been to this subtree before so we don't infinite loop
if (subtreeVisited.Contains(node))
if (subTreeWidths.ContainsKey(node))
return subTreeWidths[node];
return canvasRectWidth;
// Otherwise, return the sum of the widths of its children and the spacings between them
float width = 0;
foreach (Link childLink in node.outgoingLinks)
if (childLink.destinationConversationID !=
DialogueEntry child = currentConversation.GetDialogueEntry(childLink.destinationDialogueID);
if (!subtreeVisited.Contains(child))
width += GetSubtreeWidth(child) + HorizontalSpacing;
width -= HorizontalSpacing; // Subtract the extra spacing at the end
// Return the maximum of the node's own width and its children's width
subTreeWidths[node] = Mathf.Max(width, canvasRectWidth);
return subTreeWidths[node];
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