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Created September 22, 2012 21:22
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Documenting JavaScript with Doxygen
FILTER_PATTERNS =*.js=doxygen.js
#!/usr/bin/env node
var fs = require('fs')
var functionName = /^\s+\/\/\/\s+@function\s+(.*)$/;
var type = /^(\s+)\/\/\/\s+@param\s+{(\w*)}\s+(.+?)(\s+.*)$/;
var param = /^(\s+)\/\/\/\s+@param\s+(.+?)\s/;
var resultType = /^(\s+)\/\/\/\s+@return\s+{(\w+)}(\s+.*)$/;
function Section()
{ = '';
this.result = 'undefined';
this.args = [];
this.comments = [];
this.namespaces = [];
Section.prototype.handle_function = function (line) {
this.namespaces = line.match(functionName)[1].split('.') || []; = this.namespaces.pop();
Section.prototype.handle_param = function (line) {
var paramType = 'Object';
var name = '';
var m = line.match(type);
var r = line;
if (m) {
paramType = m[2];
name = m[3];
r = m[1] + '/// @param ' + name + m[4];
else {
m = line.match(param);
name = m[2];
this.args.push({name: name, type: paramType});
Section.prototype.handle_return = function (line) {
this.result = 'undefined';
var m = line.match(resultType);
var r = line;
if (m) {
this.result = m[2];
r = m[1] + '/// @return ' + m[3];
Section.prototype.Generate = function () {
var doc = [];
this.namespaces.forEach(function (namespace) {
doc.push('namespace ' + namespace + ' {\n');
this.comments.forEach(function (c) {
var args = [];
this.args.forEach(function (argument) {
args.push(argument.type + ' ' +;
if ( {
doc.push(this.result + ' ' + + '(' + args.join(', ') + ');');
this.namespaces.forEach(function (namespace) {
return doc.join('\n');
Section.prototype.handle_line = function (line) {
function writeLine(line) {
process.stdout.write(line + '\n');
fs.readFile(process.argv[2], 'utf8', function (err, data) {
var lines = data.split('\n');
var comment = /^\s*\/\/\//;
var directive = /@(\w+)\s+(.*)$/;
var inside = false;
var section = new Section();
lines.forEach(function(line) {
if (line.match(comment)) {
var d = line.match(directive);
if (d) {
var handle = Section.prototype['handle_' + d[1]] || Section.prototype.handle_line;, line);
} else {
inside = true;
} else if (inside) {
inside = false;
section = new Section();
/// @file Sync.js
/// @namespace Sync
/// Module for loading and storing data
var Sync = {
/// @function Sync.load
/// Loads an resource
/// @param {String} id the GUID of the resource
/// @param {Function} success callback to be executed with the data on suceess
/// @param {Function} error callback to be executed with error description in case of failure
/// Loads an resource
load : function (id, success, error) {
/// @function
/// Store an resource
/// @param {String} id the GUID of the resource
/// @param {Object} data the resource
/// @param {Function} success callback to be executed when the store operation has completed successfully
/// @param {Function} error callback to be executed with error description in case of failure
/// Store an resource
store : function (id, data, success, error) {
/// @file Sync.js
/// @namespace Sync
/// Module for loading and storing data
namespace Sync {
/// Loads an resource
/// @param id the GUID of the resource
/// @param success callback to be executed with the data on suceess
/// @param error callback to be executed with error description in case of failure
/// Loads an resource
undefined load(String id, Function success, Function error);
namespace Sync {
/// Store an resource
/// @param id the GUID of the resource
/// @param data the resource
/// @param success callback to be executed when the store operation has completed successfully
/// @param error callback to be executed with error description in case of failure
/// Store an resource
undefined store(String id, Object data, Function success, Function error);
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We're trying to apply this on a VueJS project, does seem to parse the structure but no highlighted sources are generated. Anything we may be able to check and test? Any help is appreciated!

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