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Last active January 19, 2025 23:24
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Scriptable iOS Server Status Widget
const initialData = {
servers: [
url: '',
title: 'Server 1',
online: null,
url: '',
title: 'Server 2',
online: null,
url: '',
title: 'Server 3',
online: null,
lastUpdate: null
// Refresh Interval in seconds
const refreshInterval = 300
const widget = await createWidget()
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
await widget.presentSmall()
async function createWidget(items) {
const data = await refresh()
const list = new ListWidget()
// uncomment the lines below if you want to show the header (not working with more than ~5 servers)
// const header = list.addText("Server Status")
// header.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(13)
// list.addSpacer()
data.servers.forEach((server) => {
const label = list.addText(( ? '🟢' : ( === false ? '🔴' : '❔')) + ' ' + server.title)
label.font = Font.boldSystemFont(12)
label.textColor = Color.gray()
list.refreshAfterDate = new Date( + refreshInterval)
if (data.lastUpdate) {
const lastRefreshLabel = list.addText('Last refresh: ' + data.lastUpdate)
lastRefreshLabel.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(8)
return list
async function refresh() {
let data = initialData
for (let server of data.servers) {
try {
let response = await new Request(server.url).loadString() = response && response.length > 0
} catch (e) { = false
let now = new Date()
let hours = now.getHours()
let mins = now.getMinutes()
data.lastUpdate = (hours > 9 ? hours : '0' + hours) + ':' + (mins > 9 ? mins : '0' + mins)
return data
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I a'm added push notifications for down servers and add HTTP status codes from response.

const initialData = {
  servers: [
      url: '',
      title: 'server1',
      online: null,
      url: '',
      title: 'server2',
      online: null,
  lastUpdate: null

// Refresh Interval in seconds
const refreshInterval = 300

const widget = await createWidget()

if (!config.runsInWidget) {
  await widget.presentLarge()


async function createWidget(items) {
  const data = await refresh()
  const list = new ListWidget()

//	uncomment the lines below if you want to show the header (not working with more than ~5 servers)

// 	const header = list.addText("Server Status")
//  	header.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(13)
//  	list.addSpacer()

  await data.servers.forEach((server) => {
    let status = '';
    if (String('20') !== -1 || String('30') !== -1) {
      status = '🟢 ' + + ' ' + server.title
    } else {
      status = '🔴 ' + + ' ' + server.title
    const label = list.addText(status)
    label.font = Font.boldSystemFont(12)
    label.textColor = Color.gray()
    list.refreshAfterDate = new Date( + refreshInterval)

  if (data.lastUpdate) {
    const lastRefreshLabel = list.addText('Last refresh: ' + data.lastUpdate)
    lastRefreshLabel.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(8)

  return list

async function refresh() {
  let data = initialData

  for (let server of data.servers) {
    let request = new Request(server.url)
    request.method = 'GET'
    try {
      await request.load() = request.response.statusCode
    } catch (response) { = 0

  let now = new Date()

  let hours = now.getHours()
  let mins = now.getMinutes()

  data.lastUpdate = (hours > 9 ? hours : '0' + hours) + ':' + (mins > 9 ? mins : '0' + mins)
  return data
async function sendNotification(server) {
  let alert = new Notification()
  alert.sound = 'failure'
  alert.title = 'Server down'
  alert.body = 'Status of server "' + server.title + '" is ' +
  alert.openURL = server.url
  await alert.schedule()

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dioncodes commented Oct 30, 2020

I a'm added push notifications for down servers and add HTTP status codes from response.

@MrTheFirst Thanks, this is a great extension to the initial script. Would you mind if I adopt your notification functionality in the gist?

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MrTheFirst commented Nov 2, 2020

@MrTheFirst Thanks, this is a great extension to the initial script. Would you mind if I adopt your notification functionality in the gist?

Of course use it! I just used the notification from the documentation. But I noticed an error in my script, if the server is not available, then a lot of notifications come (it seems as much as there are servers in the settings). This is because of the asynchronous functions in the loops.

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I wanted to add ip addresses instead of http and for some reason it doesn't work. Help me how to do this?

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@Sergey20482048 I used the above script with IP addresses by just using in the server line , but my servers have a web page that you land on when you navigate to that IP. I'm not sure if yours are running a web server..

Does anyone know how to make this script use two columns so I can squeeze in two columns of 4 servers each?

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Incorporating the advantages of the aforementioned modifications, this version also utilizes Promise.all for concurrent network requests to enhance the efficiency of checking server statuses. Additionally, it implements a retry mechanism among other optimization features. Moreover, this widget can display a list of up to 6-7 servers while showing a title.

// Variables used by Scriptable.
// icon-color: purple; icon-glyph: globe;

const initialData = {
  servers: [
    { url: '', title: 'Server 1' },
    { url: '', title: 'Server 2' },
    { url: '', title: 'Server 3' },
    { url: '', title: 'Server 4' },
    { url: '', title: 'Server 5' },
    { url: '', title: 'Server 6' },
    // 可以继续添加更多服务器...
  lastUpdate: null

const refreshInterval = 161; // Refresh Interval in seconds

async function createWidget() {
  const data = await refreshStatus();
  const list = new ListWidget();

  addHeader(list, "CY Server&API Stat");

  data.servers.forEach(server => {
    addServerStatus(list, server);

  addFooter(list, data.lastUpdate);
  list.refreshAfterDate = new Date( + refreshInterval * 1000);
  return list;

async function refreshStatus() {
  let data = { ...initialData, servers: await checkServers(initialData.servers) };
  data.lastUpdate = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();
  return data;

async function checkServers(servers) {
  const checks = => (
      .then(online => ({ ...server, online }))
      .catch(() => ({ ...server, online: false }))
  return Promise.all(checks);

async function fetchServerStatus(server, retries = 3, delay = 1000) {
  async function attemptFetch(remainingRetries) {
    try {
      const request = new Request(server.url);
      await request.loadString(); // 尝试加载数据
      return true; // 加载成功,返回在线状态
    } catch (e) {
      if (remainingRetries <= 0) throw e; // 重试次数用尽,抛出异常
      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay)); // 等待一段时间再重试
      return attemptFetch(remainingRetries - 1); // 递归调用,减少剩余重试次数
  try {
    return await attemptFetch(retries); // 初始调用,尝试获取状态
  } catch (e) {
    return false; // 所有尝试失败,返回离线状态

function setGradientBackground(list) {
  const gradient = new LinearGradient();
  gradient.locations = [0, 1];
  gradient.colors = [
    new Color('#2D1925'),
    new Color('#402938')
  list.backgroundGradient = gradient;

function addHeader(list, text) {
  const header = list.addText(text);
  header.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(13);
  header.textColor = Color.white();

function addServerStatus(list, server) {
  let symbol = '❔'; // 默认状态未知
  if ( === true) {
    symbol = '🟢'; // 在线
  } else if ( === false) {
    symbol = '🔴'; // 离线
  const label = list.addText(`${symbol} ${server.title}`);
  label.font = Font.boldSystemFont(12);
  label.textColor = Color.white();

function addFooter(list, lastUpdate) {
  const footer = list.addText(`Last refresh: ${lastUpdate}`);
  footer.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(8);
  footer.textColor = Color.white();

const widget = await createWidget();
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
  await widget.presentSmall();

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