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class ExtractRelevantTextNode(template.Node):
def __init__(self, field_name, query, fieldtext):
self.field_name, self.query, self.fieldtext = field_name.strip(), query.strip(), fieldtext.strip()
def render(self, context):
efffield_name = Variable(self.field_name).resolve(context)
effquery = Variable(self.query).resolve(context)
efffieldtext = Variable(self.fieldtext).resolve(context)
if type(self.query) == type(u""):
effquery = lucene.QueryParser(efffield_name, lu.getAnalyzer()).parse(effquery)
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local mem = collectgarbage("count")
local s = "Hi"
for t=1,1000 do
x = function() print(s) end
ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Used: "..(collectgarbage("count") - mem))
module Merb::Cache
class MutexFetchStore < StrategyStore
def initialize(config = {})
@interval = config[:sleep_interval] || 0.1
@timeout = config[:timeout] || 0.5
def writable?(key, parameters = {}, conditions = {})
contexts.any? {|c| c.writable?(key, parameters, conditions)}
# current code:
unless @users = cache_get("active_users")
@users = User.all(:active => true)
cache_set("active_users", @users)
# object caching can be used to avoid pulling huge amounts of data
# from the database.
# you could have calle cache_set with an expiration time as well:
# cache_set("active_users", @users, 10)
# current code:
unless @users = cache_get("active_users")
@users = User.all(:active => true)
cache_set("active_users", @users)
# object caching can be used to avoid pulling huge amounts of data
# from the database.
# you could have calle cache_set with an expiration time as well:
# cache_set("active_users", @users, 10)
how to do stuff
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An Evil Gist!