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# HOMEWORK: Functions | |
# Read carefully until the end before you start solving the exercises. | |
# Basic Function | |
# Define a basic function that only prints Hello. Create the definition using def and the call that executes it. | |
def print_hello(): | |
print('Hello') | |
print_hello() |
__kernel void vadd(__global const uint* A, __global const uint* B, __global uint* C) { | |
size_t idx = get_global_id(0); | |
C[idx] = A[idx] + B[idx]; | |
} |
https://aap-ledgrere-info.gitbook.io/us | |
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# Homework: Loops | |
# 🔥Read carefully until the end before you start solving the exercises🔥 | |
# Practice the Basics 💪🏻 | |
# You can uncomment or type the necessary code on each task | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Task 1. Create a basic for loop |
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https://indianf.com/how-does-lifestyle-fuel-an-epidemic-of-mental-health-illnesses/# |
#include <iostream> | |
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> | |
#include <stdio.h> | |
#define RETURN_IF_FAILED(COND, RETVAL, MSG) if (!(COND)) { std::cerr << MSG << std::endl; return RETVAL; } | |
int run() { | |
cv::dnn::Net model = cv::dnn::readNet("models/yolov8s_pose_refine.onnx"); | |
RETURN_IF_FAILED(!model.empty(), -1, "Cannot load model!"); | |
[alias] | |
st = status | |
sts = status -s | |
sw = switch | |
co = checkout | |
ci = commit | |
br = branch -a | |
re = remote | |
di = diff | |
dump = cat-file -p |