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choco-bot / 1.RegistrySnapshot.xml
Created February 11, 2025 20:10
fossamail v38.2.0 - Passed - Package Tests Results
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<registrySnapshot xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<key installerType="Unknown" displayName="FossaMail 38.2.0 (x64 en-US)" displayVersion="38.2.0">
<KeyPath>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FossaMail 38.2.0 (x64 en-US)</KeyPath>
<DefaultValue />
<InstallLocation><![CDATA[C:\Program Files\FossaMail]]></InstallLocation>
<UninstallString><![CDATA[C:\Program Files\FossaMail\uninstall\helper.exe]]></UninstallString>
# For setting up the vector db
import chromadb
# For working with our data files
import os
import glob
# For handling our data
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
phillipwilhelm / gk-allow-logged-out.php
Created February 11, 2025 20:10 — forked from rafaehlers/gk-allow-logged-out.php
Allow logged-out users to edit entrie
// Removes Edit Entry "nonce" validation. Edit Entry checks whether an user has the ability to edit an entry, but it also checks a "nonce" to make sure that the Edit Entry link was recently generated by the current user visiting the page. This can sometimes cause problems; this code removes that "nonce" validation.
add_filter( 'gravityview/edit_entry/verify_nonce', '__return_true' );
// allow non logged-in users to edit entries
add_filter( 'gravityview/edit_entry/user_can_edit_entry', '__return_true' );
add_filter( 'gravityview/capabilities/allow_logged_out', '__return_true' );
add_filter( 'user_has_cap', function( $caps ) {
$caps['gravityview_edit_others_entries'] = true;
pip install chromadb
pip install pandas
pip install scikit-learn # This is where we'll grab the cosine similarity function
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HugsLibRecordKeeper / output_log.txt
Created February 11, 2025 20:09
Rimworld output log published using HugsLib
Log uploaded on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 4:09:12 AM
Loaded mods:
Harmony(brrainz.harmony)[mv:]: 0Harmony(2.3.3), HarmonyMod(2.3.1)
Core(Ludeon.RimWorld): (no assemblies)
HugsLib(UnlimitedHugs.HugsLib)[ov:11.0.4]: 0Harmony(av:2.3.3,fv:, HugsLib(av:1.0.0,fv:11.0.4)
HugsLib_zh(RWZH.ChinesePack.HugsLib): (no assemblies)
Combat Extended(CETeam.CombatExtended): CombatExtended(0.0.0)
Combat Extended Guns(CETeam.CombatExtendedGuns): (no assemblies)
Combat Extended [zht](Spirit.CombatExtended.zht): (no assemblies)
Vanilla Expanded Framework(OskarPotocki.VanillaFactionsExpanded.Core): 0ModSettingsFramework(1.0.0), 0MultiplayerAPI(av:0.3.0,fv:0.3.0), 0PrepatcherAPI(1.1.1), ExplosiveTrailsEffect(1.0.7140.31563), GraphicCustomization(1.0.0), HeavyWeapons(1.0.0), KCSG(av:1.1.2,fv:25.2.3), MVCF(, NoCamShakeExplosions(1.0.0), OPToxic(1.0.0), Outposts(av:3.0.0,fv:1.0.0), PipeSystem(av:1.0.1,fv:22.7.29), RecipeInheritance(1.0.1), RRO(1.0.0), SmokingGun(1.0.0), VanillaStorytellersExpanded(1.0.0), Van
HugsLibRecordKeeper / output_log.txt
Created February 11, 2025 20:09
Rimworld output log published using HugsLib
Log uploaded on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 12:09:08 PM
Loaded mods:
Harmony(brrainz.harmony)[mv:]: 0Harmony(2.3.3), HarmonyMod(2.3.1)
Core(Ludeon.RimWorld): (no assemblies)
P-Music(Peppsen.PMusic): (no assemblies)
Royalty(Ludeon.RimWorld.Royalty): (no assemblies)
SimpleCameraSetting(ray1203.SimpleCameraSetting): BetterKeybinding(av:5.0.0,fv:5.5.109), SimpleCameraSetting(1.0.0)
Ideology(Ludeon.RimWorld.Ideology): (no assemblies)
Smart Farming(Owlchemist.SmartFarming): 0Harmony(2.3.3), SmartFarming(av:1.13.1,fv:1.13.1)
Biotech(Ludeon.RimWorld.Biotech): (no assemblies)
choco-bot / Install.txt
Created February 11, 2025 20:09
scala.portable v2.11.4 - Failed - Package Tests Results
2025-02-11 20:06:10,057 1508 [DEBUG] - XmlConfiguration is now operational
2025-02-11 20:06:12,665 1508 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'CygwinService' for type 'IAlternativeSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-02-11 20:06:12,747 1508 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'CygwinService' for type 'IInstallSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-02-11 20:06:12,797 1508 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IAlternativeSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-02-11 20:06:12,823 1508 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IListSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-02-11 20:06:12,900 1508 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IInstallSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-02-11 20:06:12,950 1508 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IUninstallSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-02-11 20:06:13,029 1508 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'RubyGemsService' for type 'IAlternativeSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-02-11 20:06:13,087 1508 [DEBUG] - Adding new typ
import os
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright
import aiohttp
from hyperbrowser import AsyncHyperbrowser
import asyncio
import boto3
from dotenv import load_dotenv
choco-bot / FilesSnapshot.xml
Created February 11, 2025 20:08
virtualdub v1.10.4.3549101 - Passed - Package Tests Results
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<fileSnapshot xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<file path="C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\virtualdub\" checksum="6B845DED1903F59DEB3F1D676E98CE25" />
<file path="C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\virtualdub\virtualdub.nupkg" checksum="467C7EFEE5B9633716BBA7DE517D20E5" />
<file path="C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\virtualdub\virtualdub.nuspec" checksum="B74C08994C9F54777B2CDEC74C987EAA" />
<file path="C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\virtualdub\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1" checksum="E349062668D958E07F2327CB0E7F942F" />
<file path="C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\virtualdub\tools\chocolateyUninstall.ps1" checksum="8D1EF03107C5F3AE0F634AE85824C10A" />
<file path="C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\virtualdub\tools\copying" checksum="AD4652E2DCFD4A0ECF91A2C01A7DEFD5" />
<file path="C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\virtualdub\tools\frameserver64.reg" c