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nasitheaod / Cerbero Suite Advanced
Created March 13, 2025 13:08
Cerbero Suite Advanced Cracked
Cerbero Suite Advanced Crackeded
luckied / Ubuntu Post Install Setup.txt
Created March 13, 2025 13:08 — forked from hemenkapadia/Ubuntu Post Install Setup.txt
[Ubuntu Post Install Setup] Instructions for installing applications post Ubuntu installation #Ubuntu #setup
#TODO - convert this into an installation script to help quickly setup the machine post installation
0. Time in Windows gets corrupted when dual boot with Ubuntu. (Note needed on 18.04 LTS)
First adjust hardware time in BIOS to UTC time
Windows will automatically recognise it and will display appropriate local time
For Ubuntu, update /etc/default/rcS and change line with UTC=no to UTC=yes, indicating that BOIS time is UTC.
Reboot - and check both systems.
- Follow this method too -
running 1 test
INFO gadget: Creating agent with ID: 7d251a58-30df-473f-b516-dc9bca28b21d
INFO gadget: Template files copied successfully to agent directory
INFO gadget: Created agent directory: /var/folders/wk/qcfly3h940s4cfmlpxbyf21w0000gn/T/.tmpR5aZBj/7d251a58-30df-473f-b516-dc9bca28b21d
INFO gadget: Created environment configuration
INFO gadget: Registered agent 7d251a58-30df-473f-b516-dc9bca28b21d with ports HTTP:3000, WS:3001
INFO gadget: Initializing TeeDeployer for public key retrieval
INFO gadget: Discovering available TEEPods...
INFO gadget: Creating VM configuration from Docker Compose "version: '3'\nservices:\n agent:\n container_name: coinbase-agent-7d251a58-30df-473f-b516-dc9bca28b21d\n build:\n context: .\n ports:\n - \"3000:3000\"\n - \"3001:3001\"\n environment:\n - PORT=3000\n - WEBSOCKET_PORT=3001\n - CONTAINER_NAME=coinbase-agent-7d251a58-30df-473f-b516-dc9bca28b21d\n - NODE_ENV=production\n - AGENT_MODE=http\n - MODEL=gpt-4o
choco-bot / 1.RegistrySnapshot.xml
Created March 13, 2025 13:08 v8.0.1086 - Passed - Package Tests Results
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<registrySnapshot xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<key installerType="Msi" displayName="JetBrains ReSharper 8.0 SDK, build 1086" displayVersion="8.0.1086">
<DefaultValue />
<UninstallString><![CDATA[MsiExec.exe /X{588CC87C-D27C-4871-B2C6-EA219C86F545}]]></UninstallString>
choco-bot / 1.RegistrySnapshot.xml
Created March 13, 2025 13:07
dotnet-9.0-aspnetruntime v9.0.3 - Passed - Package Tests Results
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<registrySnapshot xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<key installerType="Msi" displayName="Microsoft ASP.NET Core 9.0.3 Shared Framework (x64)" displayVersion="">
<DefaultValue />
<UninstallString><![CDATA[MsiExec.exe /X{1C056265-B962-3D4C-9049-AD0250BD024D}]]></UninstallString>
fazlulkarimweb / agent loop
Created March 13, 2025 13:07 — forked from jlia0/agent loop
Manus tools and prompts
You are Manus, an AI agent created by the Manus team.
You excel at the following tasks:
1. Information gathering, fact-checking, and documentation
2. Data processing, analysis, and visualization
3. Writing multi-chapter articles and in-depth research reports
4. Creating websites, applications, and tools
5. Using programming to solve various problems beyond development
6. Various tasks that can be accomplished using computers and the internet
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
Log:Green(String) (at /Users/vn/Documents/Projects/Totm1/Totm/Assets/_TotM/Scripts/Log.cs:22)
FirebaseAnalytics:LogEvent(String, Dictionary`2, Boolean) (at /Users/vn/Documents/Projects/Totm1/Totm/Assets/_HMHelpers/FirebaseAnalytics.cs:360)
FirebaseAnalytics:Initialize() (at /Users/vn/Documents/Projects/Totm1/Totm/Assets/_HMHelpers/FirebaseAnalytics.cs:315)
<tt xmlns="" xmlns:ttm="" xmlns:amll="" xmlns:itunes=""><head><metadata><ttm:agent type="person" xml:id="v1"/><amll:meta key="musicName" value="アスタロア"/><amll:meta key="musicName" value="アスタロア (Instrumental)"/><amll:meta key="musicName" value="アスタロア (Inst.)"/><amll:meta key="musicName" value="アスタロア - Instrumental"/><amll:meta key="musicName" value="Asterlore / PC游戏《Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE》主题歌"/><amll:meta key="musicName" value="《夏日口袋 REFLECTION BLUE》游戏片头曲"/><amll:meta key="artists" value="鈴木このみ"/><amll:meta key="artists" value="魁"/><amll:meta key="artists" value="折戸伸治"/><amll:meta key="artists" value="塚越雄一朗"/><amll:meta key="artists" value="VISUAL ARTS / Key"/><amll:meta key="album" value="Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE 『アスタロア』"/><amll:meta key="album" value="PCゲーム『Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE』オープニングテーマ「アスタロア」"/><amll:meta key="album" value="Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE
ifoxxiedev / settings.json
Created March 13, 2025 13:07 — forked from aluiziodeveloper/settings.json
Configuração atual do meu ambiente de desenvolvimento com o Visual Studio Code.
"editor.minimap.enabled": false,
"workbench.colorTheme": "Dracula",
"workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme",
"editor.fontSize": 16,
"editor.lineHeight": 30,
"editor.fontFamily": "Fira Code",
"editor.fontLigatures": true,
"editor.formatOnPaste": true,
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
elianhardyy / anagram.go
Created March 13, 2025 13:06
Elian Hardiawan-Batch 6 Malang-Ultra Voucher
package main
import (
func sortString(s string) string {
bytes := []byte(s)
n := len(bytes)
for i := range n - 1 {