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tommylees112 /
Created February 12, 2025 12:02
Get holidays from the holidays python package for various geographies and years
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import holidays
def get_holidays(
years: Optional[list[int]] = None,
keizie / gist:7cc6d43d4751c0042ae2fb3544f0bb02
Created February 12, 2025 12:02
nest.js service from prisma $extends (type 1)
import { Injectable, OnModuleDestroy, OnModuleInit } from '@nestjs/common'
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker' // 샘플 문자열 생성 용도
export class DatabaseService
extends getExtendedClient()
implements OnModuleInit, OnModuleDestroy
async onModuleInit() {
.questionOptions button.priBt {
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #FF9800 0%, #FF5722 100%);
using System;
public class C {
public void M() {
Console.WriteLine("количество кб в управлемой куче: " + GC.GetTotalMemory(false));
Auto[] autos = new Auto[1000];
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
autos[i] = new Auto();
bunnny691 / Own*MENU*Levanter
Created February 12, 2025 12:01 — forked from techgod143/Own*MENU*Levanter
Levanter own menu
const { bot, getBuffer, jidToNum, genThumbnail } = require('../lib/');
const { VERSION } = require('../config');
const {
kidastudio / index.html
Created February 12, 2025 12:01
Responsive Rive Demo
<canvas id="rive"></canvas>
HugsLibRecordKeeper / output_log.txt
Created February 12, 2025 12:00
Rimworld output log published using HugsLib
Log uploaded on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 4:58:25 PM
Loaded mods:
Harmony(brrainz.harmony)[mv:]: 0Harmony(2.3.3), HarmonyMod(2.3.1)
BetterLoading([mv:]: BetterLoading(2.3.0), Tomlet(3.1.3)
Core(Ludeon.RimWorld): (no assemblies)
Royalty(Ludeon.RimWorld.Royalty): (no assemblies)
Ideology(Ludeon.RimWorld.Ideology): (no assemblies)
Biotech(Ludeon.RimWorld.Biotech): (no assemblies)
Anomaly(Ludeon.RimWorld.Anomaly): (no assemblies)
Mechanoid Upgrades(GoGaTio.MechanoidUpgrades): MechanoidUpgrades(1.0.0)
choco-bot / Install.txt
Created February 12, 2025 12:00
ArecaBackup v7.5 - Passed - Package Tests Results
2025-02-12 11:57:33,496 3500 [DEBUG] - XmlConfiguration is now operational
2025-02-12 11:57:33,651 3500 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'CygwinService' for type 'IAlternativeSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-02-12 11:57:33,651 3500 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'CygwinService' for type 'IInstallSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-02-12 11:57:33,651 3500 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IAlternativeSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-02-12 11:57:33,668 3500 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IListSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-02-12 11:57:33,668 3500 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IInstallSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-02-12 11:57:33,702 3500 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IUninstallSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-02-12 11:57:33,715 3500 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'RubyGemsService' for type 'IAlternativeSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2025-02-12 11:57:33,715 3500 [DEBUG] - Adding new typ
from colorful_test import TestCase, show_message
from mcq import *
class TestMCQ(TestCase):
success='Question 1 passed!',
fail='Answer for question 1 is incorrect. Think again!',
def test_question_one_0(self):