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Created January 29, 2012 20:08
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  • Save dive/1700407 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dive/1700407 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
open Skype DB with history and remove some items (Mac OS)
# shutdown Skype
# Skype username - it's a login at Skype
# Mac username - it's a short username of Mac OS X (ex.: dive)
# <...> should be entered without brackets <>
#copy this one, paste to and hit Enter
sqlite3 "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Skype/<your_skype_username>/main.db"
#then copy this one, paste to where sqlite3 running and hit Enter
delete from Messages where dialog_partner = '<delete_history_of_conversation_with_particurarly_username>';
#if you want to remove history with another username, just hit Up arrow and replace username
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nguyenduy020290 commented Oct 25, 2017

This is my script, firstly close Skype, then all message in a conversation. You can adjust the sql query according to your purpose.

  1. Create a file and paste below content, save it with .sh extension
  2. Edit skype_login_name to yours, adjust the sql query according to your purpose then save the file
  3. Execute the script in terminal
SkypePid=$(pgrep Skype)
kill $SkypePid
sqlite3 "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Skype/<skype_login_name>/main.db" <<EOS
delete from main.messages where chatname = '';




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