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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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(ns impala)
;; ===============
;; -subleq oisc-
;; ---------------
;; github/divs1210
;; ===============
;; Primitives
;; ==========
(defn GET
" Get value of a "
[env a]
(-> @env :vars a))
(defn SET
" a <= val "
[env a val]
(swap! env update-in [:vars] assoc a val))
(defn DEL
" Delete variable (free memory) "
[env a]
(swap! env update-in [:vars] dissoc a))
(defn SUB*
" b <= b - a "
[env a b]
(SET env b (- (or (GET env b) 0)
(GET env a))))
(defn GOTO
" Move IP to given index "
[env inst#]
(swap! env assoc :IP inst#))
(defn SUBLEQ
" Turing Equivalent instruction "
[env a b & [c]]
(SUB* env a b)
(if (and (-> c nil? not)
(neg? (GET env b)))
(GOTO env c)
;; Helpers
;; =======
(defn temp
" Returns a randomly generated
variable name. "
(keyword (gensym)))
(defn mk-env
" Returns a fresh environment
with the given program ready
to be executed. "
(atom {:instr-q (vec prog)
:IP 0
:vars {}}))
;; Interpreter
;; ===========
(defn step
" Executes the instruction pointed
at by the IP. Returns env."
(let [ instr-q (:instr-q @env)
IP (:IP @env)
[op & args] (instr-q IP)]
(apply op env args)
(defn run
" Runs the given program in a new
environment. Prints state at
each step to stdout. Returns env. "
(let [env (mk-env prog)]
(println "\n=== start ===")
(while (< (-> @env :IP) (-> @env :instr-q count))
(step env)
(swap! env update-in [:IP] inc)
(println (dissoc @env :instr-q)))
(println "==== end ====")
;; ======
(defn SUB
" b <= b - a "
[env a b]
(SUBLEQ env a b))
(defn ADD
" b <= b + a "
[env a b]
(let [Z (temp)]
(SET env Z 0)
(SUB env a Z)
(SUB env Z b)
(DEL env Z)))
(defn MOV
" b <= a "
[env a b]
(let [Z (temp)]
(SUB env b b)
(SUB env a Z)
(SUB env Z b)
(DEL env Z)))
;; Test
;; ====
(def prog
[[SET :a 5]
[SET :b 3]
[ADD :a :b]
[SUB :a :b]
[MOV :a :b]])
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divs1210 commented Apr 7, 2015

A simple register-based bytecode-interpreting VM in Clojure.
$ lein repl

(load-file "impala.clj")
(use 'impala)
(run prog)

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