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Last active February 10, 2024 05:40
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Python code to get text and link of the bookmarked tweets and save in markdown
import json
import glob
all_bookmarks = []
md_file = open("", "w+") # saving in markdown file, if no file exists using '+' creates one
files = [file for file in glob.glob("JSONBookmarks/*")] # using glob to read all files from the folder
for file_name in files:
with open(file_name) as bk:
data = json.load(bk) # reads json data
#print(json.dumps(response, indent = 1)) # pretty prints JSON data
# Function to get profile pic if you need
def getAuthorProfilePic(id):
return response["users"][id]["profile_image_url_https"]
# Function to get username
def getUserName(id):
return response["users"][id]["screen_name"]
# Function to construct bookmarked tweet url
def constructUrl(tweet_id, username):
return "" + username + "/status/" + tweet_id
# Function to format the text to write in file
def formatText(text):
text = text.replace("\n-", " ")
text = text.replace("\n", " ")
text = text[:100] + "..."
return text
# Run a loop through all_bookmarks
for data in all_bookmarks:
response = data["globalObjects"]
for tweet_id in response["tweets"]:
tweet = response["tweets"][tweet_id]
text = tweet["full_text"]
text = formatText(text)
url = constructUrl(tweet_id, getUserName(tweet["user_id_str"]))
bookmarked_tweet = "\n- " + text + "\n" + "\t - " + url
import json
import glob
import functools
all_bookmarks = []
md_file = open("", "w+") # saving in markdown file, if no file exists using '+' creates one
files = [file for file in glob.glob("JSONBookmarks/*")] # using glob to read all files from the folder
for file_name in files:
with open(file_name) as bk:
data = json.load(bk) # reads json data
#print(json.dumps(response, indent = 1)) # pretty prints JSON data
# Function to construct bookmarked tweet url
def constructUrl(tweet_id, username):
return "" + username + "/status/" + tweet_id
# Function to format the text to write in file
def formatText(text):
text = text.replace("\n-", " ")
text = text.replace("\n", " ")
text = text[:100] + "..."
return text
# Method to get value of nested dictionary
def deep_get(dictionary, keys, default=None):
return functools.reduce(lambda d, key: d.get(key, default) if isinstance(d, dict) else default, keys.split("."), dictionary)
# Run a loop through all_bookmarks
for data in all_bookmarks:
instructions_list = deep_get(data, "data.bookmark_timeline.timeline.instructions")
tweet_entries_list = deep_get(instructions_list[0], "entries")
for tweet_entry in tweet_entries_list:
result = deep_get(tweet_entry, "content.itemContent.tweet_results.result")
username = deep_get(result, "core.user.legacy.screen_name")
text = deep_get(result, "legacy.full_text")
tweet_id = deep_get(result, "rest_id")
if tweet_id == None or username == None or text == None:
text = formatText(text)
url = constructUrl(tweet_id, username)
bookmarked_tweet = "\n- " + text + "\n" + "\t - " + url
import json
import glob
import functools
all_bookmarks = []
md_file = open("", "w+") # saving in markdown file, if no file exists using '+' creates one
files = [file for file in glob.glob("JSONBookmarks/*")] # using glob to read all files from the folder
for file_name in files:
with open(file_name) as bk:
data = json.load(bk) # reads json data
# print(json.dumps(all_bookmarks, indent = 1)) # pretty prints JSON data
# Function to construct bookmarked tweet url
def constructUrl(tweet_id, username):
return "" + username + "/status/" + tweet_id
# Function to format the text to write in file
def formatText(text):
text = text.replace("\n-", " ")
text = text.replace("\n", " ")
text = text[:100] + "..."
return text
# Method to get value of nested dictionary
def deep_get(dictionary, keys, default=None):
return functools.reduce(lambda d, key: d.get(key, default) if isinstance(d, dict) else default, keys.split("."), dictionary)
# Run a loop through all_bookmarks
for data in all_bookmarks:
instructions_list = deep_get(data, "data.bookmark_timeline.timeline.instructions")
if instructions_list==None: continue
tweet_entries_list = deep_get(instructions_list[0], "entries")
for tweet_entry in tweet_entries_list:
result = deep_get(tweet_entry, "content.itemContent.tweet_results.result")
username = deep_get(result, "core.user_results.result.legacy.screen_name")
text = deep_get(result, "legacy.full_text")
tweet_id = deep_get(result, "rest_id")
if tweet_id == None or username == None or text == None: continue
text = formatText(text)
url = constructUrl(tweet_id, username)
bookmarked_tweet = "\n- " + text + "\n" + "\t - " + url
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Hi, thank you for writing this script! A quick question - the response I got from Twitter is different from the one you showed. Here's the link for your reference -

Is there something I should have done differently while getting the response from Twitter? I used DevTools to get this response.

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divyajyotiuk commented Jun 12, 2021

Seems like twitter has updated their api response! I'll put an updated version as soon as possible.
Edit: I have updated the code. Checkout version v2 of the code. Thank you for the update!

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solalem commented Dec 29, 2021

Thanks! As of today, the following is correct. username = deep_get(result, "core.user_results.result.legacy.screen_name")

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Thank you. Will make a note to update. 👍

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hzarei4 commented Jan 24, 2022

Hi, thanks a lot for this useful script!
Before line 35 there should be an if condition to continue, if instructions_list==None: continue.

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DarkMikey commented Apr 26, 2022

Thanks, I had to add encodings to open to work on Windows.
Also edited to the current json scheme.

import json
import glob
import functools

all_bookmarks = []
md_file = open("", "w+", encoding="utf8")        # saving in markdown file, if no file exists  using '+' creates one

files = [file for file in glob.glob("raw/*")]     # using glob to read all files from the folder
for file_name in files:
  with open(file_name, encoding="utf8") as bk:
      data = json.load(bk)        # reads json data

# print(json.dumps(all_bookmarks, indent = 1)) # pretty prints JSON data

# Function to construct bookmarked tweet url
def constructUrl(tweet_id, username):
  return "" + username + "/status/" + tweet_id

# Function to format the text to write in file
def formatText(text):
  text = text.replace("\n-", " ")
  text = text.replace("\n", " ")
  text = text[:100] + "..."
  return text

# Method to get value of nested dictionary
def deep_get(dictionary, keys, default=None):
  return functools.reduce(lambda d, key: d.get(key, default) if isinstance(d, dict) else default, keys.split("."), dictionary)

# Run a loop through all_bookmarks
for data in all_bookmarks:
  instructions_list = deep_get(data, "data.bookmark_timeline.timeline.instructions")
  if instructions_list==None: continue
  tweet_entries_list = deep_get(instructions_list[0], "entries")
  for tweet_entry in tweet_entries_list:
      result = deep_get(tweet_entry, "content.itemContent.tweet_results.result")
      username = deep_get(result, "core.user_results.result.legacy.screen_name")
      text = deep_get(result, "legacy.full_text")
      tweet_id = deep_get(result, "rest_id")
      if tweet_id == None or username == None or text == None: continue
      text = formatText(text)
      url = constructUrl(tweet_id, username)
      bookmarked_tweet = "\n- " + text + "\n" + "\t - " + url

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Thanks for the update! I have updated the code. Checkout v3 version.

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If you call .sort() on the file name list, the output seems to be in the correct order (by bookmark add date if I'm not mistaken.) That is, assuming the user saved their response JSON files in order of appearance in their devtools.

As it is, my files would sort like this:

Screen Shot 2022-04-29 at 08 13 18

You might change line 8 to read something like this:

globresult = glob.glob("JSONBookmarks/*")
globresult.sort()  # Get files in name order
files = [file for file in globresult]

After this change, my files sorted like this:

Screen Shot 2022-04-29 at 08 13 46

(I also modified the Python script to look in a different folder, for my own purposes.)

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Dear @divyajyotiuk , v3 works for me, thanks.

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Dear @AverageHelper , yes, the sort is useful to have.

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changeling commented Nov 19, 2022

I'm a little unclear on the origin of the JSONBookmarks/* data. Could you clarify how to initially populate the bookmark data? Are you using data from /2/users/:id/bookmarks?

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kiu commented Nov 20, 2022

I'm a little unclear on the origin of the JSONBookmarks/* data. Could you clarify how to initially populate the bookmark data? Are you using data from /2/users/:id/bookmarks?


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kiu commented Nov 20, 2022

@divyajyotiuk I just did an export of my bookmarks and the json looked like this (note the "v2"):

When changing that in your v3 code, it works smoothly for me.

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Thanks ! The v3 works for me.
In my case, I have to add encoding utf8 :
md_file = open("", "w+", encoding="utf8")
open(file_name, encoding="utf8")

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sursh commented Feb 8, 2023

Like @kiu I also needed to update line 34 to this to parse the bookmarks I just downloaded:

instructions_list = deep_get(data, "data.bookmark_timeline_v2.timeline.instructions")

(the bookmark_timeline_v2 is the new part)

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