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Created April 11, 2016 18:42
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from functools import reduce
token = ['tModule', 'tBegin', 'tEnd', 'tProcedure', 'tFunction', 'tWhile', 'tDo', 'tReturn', 'tIf',
'tThen', 'tElse', 'tVar', 'tNumber', 'tIdent', 'tBoolean', 'tTermOp', 'tFactOp', 'tRelOp', 'tAssign',
'tSemicolon', 'tColon', 'tDot', 'tComma', 'tBang', 'tChar', 'tString', 'tBaseType', 'tLBrak', 'tRBrak',
'tLSquareBrak', 'tRSquareBrak', 'tEOF', 'tIOError', 'tUndefined']
ebnf = {
'module' : ['tModule', 'tIdent', 'tSemicolon', 'varDeclaration', (['subroutineDecl']), 'tBegin', 'statSequence', 'tEnd', 'tIdent', 'tDot'],
'type': {0: ['tBaseType'], 1: ['type', 'tLSquareBrak', ['tNumber'], 'tRSquareBrak']},
'qualident': ['tIdent', (['tLSquareBrak', 'expression', 'tRSquareBrak'])],
'factor': {0: ['qualident'], 1: ['tNumber'], 2: ['tBoolean'], 3: ['tChar'], 4: ['tString'], 5: ['tLBrak', 'expression', 'tRBrak'], 6: ['subroutineCall'], 7: ['tBang', 'factor']},
'term': ['factor', (['tFactOp', 'factor'])],
'simpleexpr': ['tTermOp', 'term', (['tTermOp', 'term'])],
'expression': ['simpleexpr', ['tRelOp', 'simpleexpr']],
'assignment': ['qualident', 'tAssign', 'expression'],
'subroutineCall': ['tIdent', 'tLBrak', ['expression', (['tComma', 'expression'])], 'tRBrak'],
'ifStatement': ['tIf', 'tLBrak', 'expression', 'tRBrak', 'tThen', 'statSequence', ['tElse', 'statSequence'], 'tEnd'],
'whileStatement': ['tWhile', 'tLBrak', 'expression', 'tRBrak', 'tDo', 'statSequence', 'tEnd'],
'returnStatement': ['tReturn', ['expression']],
'statement': {0: ['assignment'], 1: ['subroutineCall'], 2: ['ifStatement'], 3: ['whileStatement'], 4: ['returnStatement']},
'statSequence': [['statement', (['tSemicolon', 'statement'])]],
'varDeclaration': [['tVar', 'varDeclSequence', 'tSemicolon']],
'varDeclSequence': ['varDecl', (['tSemicolon', 'varDecl'])],
'varDecl': ['tIdent', (['tComma', 'tIdent']), 'tColon', 'type'],
'subroutineDecl': [{0: ['procedureDecl'], 1: ['functionDecl']}, 'subroutineBody', 'tIdent', 'tSemicolon'],
'procedureDecl': ['tProcedure', 'tIdent', ['formalParam'], 'tSemicolon'],
'functionDecl': ['tFunction', 'tIdent', ['formalParam'], 'tColon', 'type', 'tSemicolon'],
'formalParam': ['tLBrak', ['varDeclSequence'], 'tRBrak'],
'subroutineBody': ['varDeclaration', 'tBegin', 'statSequence', 'tEnd'],
lrecursion = []
def first(symbol):
if type(symbol) == dict:
return reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, [first(s[0]) for s in symbol.values()])
if type(symbol) == list:
return set(['e']) | first(symbol[0])
elif type(symbol) != str:
print(str(symbol) + ' is not valid symbol')
return None
if symbol in token:
return set([symbol])
if symbol in lrecursion:
return set([])
if type(ebnf[symbol]) == dict:
return reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, [first(s[0]) for s in ebnf[symbol].values()])
elif type(ebnf[symbol]) == tuple:
return set(['e']) | first(ebnf[symbol][0][0])
elif type(ebnf[symbol]) == list:
return first(ebnf[symbol][0])
for symbol in ebnf.keys():
lrecursion = []
print('FIRST( ' + symbol + ' ) = ' + str(first(symbol)))
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