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var GoogleAuth;
var SCOPE = '';
function handleClientLoad() {
// Load the API's client and auth2 modules.
// Call the initClient function after the modules load.
class PresentItem extends Layer
constructor:(args) ->
super args
@.backgroundColor = null
@.content = new Layer
width: @.width
height: @.height
superLayer: @
image: "images/small-present.png"
explode:() ->
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
self.effectView.frame = self.bounds
self.effectView.effect = UIVibrancyEffect.widgetPrimary()
self.effectView2.frame = self.bounds
self.effectView2.effect = UIVibrancyEffect.widgetSecondary()
self.effectView2.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
new BackgroundLayer
xSide = 0
class Heart extends Layer
constructor:(options) ->
super options
@.image = "images/heart-" + Utils.randomChoice([1,2,3,4,5,6]) + ".png"
#@.image = "images/heart-1.png"
if Utils.randomChoice([0,1,2,3]) == 0
Utils.delay 2.0, =>
l = new BackgroundLayer
racerScale = 1.5
class SpeedLayer extends Layer
constructor:(args) ->
super args
@.direction = args.direction
@.yOffset = args.yOffset
@.preventCopy = true
class SpeedDancer extends Layer
constructor:(args) ->
- Need ‘loading’ version of Zara when the processing step occurs.
- Font tracking on user button
- Font tracking on Zara text
- Leading / line spacing on Zara text
- Probably should add placeholder text into field - ‘First Name’ (See Profile Onboarding)
- Loader dots seem to be slightly too far to the right (should line up with left margin ~20pts)
Scrolling past text too quickly:
- Very nice to meet you *name*
images = [
sourceImage: true
alpha: 1.0
{ sourceImage: true
alpha: 0.3
blendMode: “screen”
filter: [
gradientMap: “color-map.png”
class module.exports extends Layer
options ?= {}
super options
@.options = options
@.settings = options.settings ? {}
@.settings.numberOfLayers ?= 20
@.settings.rotation ?= 45
@.settings.time ?= { start: 3.0, increment : 0.5 }
@.settings.offset ?= { x: 1, y: 20 }
ZaraBlob = require 'ZaraBlob'
class module.exports extends Layer
options ?= {}
options.innerSize ?= 1.08
options.outerSize ?= 1.4
options.spinnerSize ?= 1.25
options.spinnerSpeed ?= 6
super options
@.backgroundColor = null
TextLayer = require 'TextLayer'
class module.exports extends Layer
dotSpacing = 12
dotSize = 12
dotDelay = 0.1
dotJump = 8
constructor: (options) ->
options ?= {}
super options
@.dotColor = options.dotColor