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Created June 24, 2016 00:29
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l = new BackgroundLayer
racerScale = 1.5
class SpeedLayer extends Layer
constructor:(args) ->
super args
@.direction = args.direction
@.yOffset = args.yOffset
@.preventCopy = true
class SpeedDancer extends Layer
constructor:(args) ->
super args
@.backgroundColor = "null"
if args.dancerOne
@.dancer = new Layer
width: 52 / racerScale
height: 80 / racerScale
superLayer: @
image: "images/dancer.png"
else if args.dancerTwo
@.dancer = new Layer
width: 82 / racerScale
height: 84 / racerScale
superLayer: @
image: "images/double-dancer.png"
@.increment = 0
@.preventCopy = true
setInterval((=> @.alternate()), 175)
alternate:() ->
if @.increment == 0
else if @.increment == 1
else if @.increment == 2
else if @.increment == 3
if @.increment > 4
@.increment = 0
flip:() ->
@.dancer.rotationY = 180
restore:() ->
@.dancer.rotationY = 0
class SpeedWalker extends Layer
constructor:(args) ->
super args
@.backgroundColor = null
@.preventCopy = true
@.walker = new Layer
width: 38 / racerScale
height: 78 / racerScale
visible: false
superLayer: @
image: "images/walker.png"
@.runner = new Layer
width: 62 / racerScale
height: 76 / racerScale
visible: true
x: -5
y: 2
superLayer: @
image: "images/runner.png" = true
setInterval((=> @.alternate()), 200)
setup:() ->
@.walker.visible = false
@.runner.visible = true = false
alternate:() -> = !
@.walker.visible = false
@.runner.visible = true
@.walker.visible = true
@.runner.visible = false
class SpeedRacerCyclist extends Layer
constructor:(args) ->
super args
@.backgroundColor = null
@.width = 84 / racerScale
@.height = 80 / racerScale
@.image = "images/racer.png"
puff:() ->
@.smoke = new Layer
width: 76
height: 52
x: -30
y: 14
superLayer: @
scale: 0.0
image: "images/cloud.png"
time: 1.0
scale: 0.6
time: 4.0
x: -160
y: 0
opacity: 0.0
class SpeedRacerBackground extends Layer
constructor:(options) ->
super options
@.backgroundColor = null
@.items = options.items
@.speed = options.speed
@.time = options.time
@.cycle = options.cycle
@.direction = options.direction
@.randomTime = options.randomTime
@.index = 0
for i in @.items
i.superLayer = @
i.visible = false
#setTimeout((=> @.newItem()), (@.time + Utils.randomNumber(@.randomTime)) * 1000)
newItem:() ->
l = Utils.randomChoice(@.items)
if @.cycle
l = @.items[@.index]
@.index = 0 if @.index >= @.items.length
if not l.preventCopy
l = l.copy(true)
l.x = @.width
l.y = (@.height - l.height)
if l.yOffset
l.y += l.yOffset
l.visible = true
l.superLayer = @
toX = -(l.width + 20)
if @.direction == 1 || l.direction == 1
l.x = -l.width
toX = @.width + 20
a = new Animation
layer: l
curve: "linear"
time: @.speed
x: toX
l.on Events.AnimationEnd, (animation, layer) ->
if not layer.preventCopy
setTimeout((=> @.newItem()), (@.time + Utils.randomNumber(@.randomTime)) * 1000)
class module.exports extends Layer
constructor:(options) ->
super options
@.backgroundColor = null
sceneWidth = Screen.width
@.background = new SpeedRacerBackground
x: (Screen.width - sceneWidth) / 2.0
y: -45
width: sceneWidth
clip: true
height: 80
speed: 5.0
time: 1.0
superLayer: @
randomTime: 3.0
items: [new Layer
width: 76 / racerScale
height: 76 / racerScale
image: "images/building-1.png",
new Layer
width: 76 / racerScale
height: 76 / racerScale
image: "images/building-2.png"
new Layer
width: 76 / racerScale
height: 66 / racerScale
image: "images/building-3.png"
new Layer
width: 76 / racerScale
height: 80 / racerScale
image: "images/building-4.png"
new Layer
width: 76 / racerScale
height: 76 / racerScale
image: "images/building-5.png"
new Layer
width: 76 / racerScale
height: 76 / racerScale
image: "images/building-6.png"
new Layer
width: 76 / racerScale
height: 76 / racerScale
image: "images/building-7.png"
new Layer
width: 76 / racerScale
height: 76 / racerScale
image: "images/building-8.png"
new Layer
width: 80 / racerScale
height: 78 / racerScale
image: "images/building-9.png"
new Layer
width: 76 / racerScale
height: 76 / racerScale
image: "images/building-10.png"
new Layer
width: 60 / racerScale
height: 66 / racerScale
image: "images/building-11.png"
new Layer
width: 84 / racerScale
height: 84 / racerScale
image: "images/building-12.png"
new Layer
width: 76 / racerScale
height: 80 / racerScale
image: "images/building-13.png"
new Layer
width: 84 / racerScale
height: 68 / racerScale
image: "images/building-14.png"]
superLayer: @
@.cyclist = new SpeedRacerCyclist
width: 84
height: 80
y: 10
superLayer: @
@.runner = new SpeedRacerBackground
x: (Screen.width - sceneWidth) / 2.0
y: 20
width: sceneWidth
clip: true
height: 90
speed: 20.0
time: 25.0
direction: 0
randomTime: 0.5
cycle: true
items: [new SpeedWalker
width: 38
new SpeedDancer
dancerOne: true
width: 38
height: 90,
new SpeedDancer
dancerTwo: true
width: 38
height: 90,
new SpeedLayer
width: 84 / 1.25
height: 74 / 1.25
yOffset: -26
direction: 1
image: "images/horse.png",
new SpeedLayer
width: 84
height: 74
image: "images/boat.png"
yOffset: -25
direction: 1
superLayer: @
@.foreground = new SpeedRacerBackground
x: (Screen.width - sceneWidth) / 2.0
y: 0
width: sceneWidth
clip: true
height: 100
speed: 3.5
time: 3.0
randomTime: 0.5
items: [new Layer
width: 78
height: 78
image: "images/tree-1.png"
new Layer
width: 74
height: 82
image: "images/tree-2.png"
new Layer
width: 64
height: 84
image: "images/tree-3.png"
new Layer
width: 68
height: 80
image: "images/tree-4.png"
superLayer: @
willAppear:() ->
setTimeout((=> @.background.newItem()), 1000)
setTimeout((=> @.foreground.newItem()), 2500)
setTimeout((=> @.runner.newItem()), 6500)
setInterval((=> @.foreground.bringToFront()), 500)
time: 6.0
x: Screen.width / 2.0
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