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Created February 8, 2017 06:22
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Outline for a bash scripting module in python
# Implement
# how to handle sudo
# how to handle readline/buffer with errors
class process():
#cmd - bash cmd + args
#bg - run in bacground
#output_stream - an array of io stream destination for stdout and stderr. If only one output stream is provided both will be directed to that stream
#verbose - how much of the output to print. 0 = silent, 1 = stdout&stderr, 2=stdout, 3=stderr
#buffer_size - how much of the output to hold onto
#callbacks - list of progress callbacks while process is executing
def __init__(cmd,bg=False,output_stream = [], verbose=0, buffer_size=500, callbacks = []):
#runs a process
def run():
# What was the exit code when the process exitted
def exit_code(self):
return self.exit_code
# Running/sleeping/stopped
def status(self):
return self.status
# read the next line from the output buffer
def read_line(self, ignore_errors=False):
return self.out.next_line
#read the entire buffer
def read_buffer(self):
def terminate(self):
# when a new line appears in buffer
class NewLineCallback():
# when a newline contains a certain string(maybe support regrex)
class ContainsCallback():
# when a process finishes
class FinishCallback():
#blocking process that prints
p = process("apt-get install gdm", verbose=1)
#background server that only prints errors
p = process("./server", bg=True, verbose=3)
#ping server
#Background process that prints stdout and stderr while saving both to a file, and call a class
f1 = open("out.txt")
def endtask():
print("im done")
cb = [FinishCallback(endtask)]
p = process("./server", bg=True, out_stream=[f1], verbose=1, callback = cb)
#blocking process that logs stderr
f2 = open("error.txt")
p = process("service stop docker", output_stream=[None,f2])
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