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Created June 19, 2015 20:31
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from Adafruit_PWM_Servo_Driver import PWM
import time
import numpy as np
import cv2
import math
import sys
#create a window
img = np.zeros((480,640,3), np.uint8)
img[:] = (0,0,0), (320,240), 3, (0,255,0))
class ser():
def __init__(self):
# Initialise the PWM device using the default address
self.pwm = PWM(0x40)
#servo variables
self.servoMin = 170 # Min pulse length out of 4096
self.servoMax = 950 # Max pulse length out of 4096
self.servo_pulse = self.servoMin
self.direction = 1
self.step = 10
def sweep_servo(self):
if(self.direction == 1 and self.servo_pulse >= self.servoMax):
self.direction = -1
if(self.direction == -1 and self.servo_pulse <= self.servoMin):
self.direction = 1
self.servo_pulse = self.servo_pulse + (self.direction * self.step)
self.servo_pulse = min(self.servoMax, self.servo_pulse)
self.servo_pulse = max(self.servoMin, self.servo_pulse)
self.pwm.setPWM(0, 0, self.servo_pulse)
def plot_point(distance, angle):
#meters to pixels scalar
scalar = 50
pix = distance * scalar
center = ((int)(pix * math.cos(angle)) + 320, 240 - (int)(pix * math.sin(angle))), center, 1, (255,255,255))
cv2.imshow('map', img)
# Demo callback handler for raw MAVLink messages
def mavrx_debug_handler(message):
if message.get_type() == 'RANGEFINDER':
dist = message.distance
servo_angle = (servo.servo_pulse * math.pi/780) - 17*math.pi/78 #pulse to radians
print (servo_angle * 180/math.pi)
# First get an instance of the API endpoint
api = local_connect()
# Get the connected vehicle (currently only one vehicle can be returned).
v = api.get_vehicles()[0]
servo = ser()
# Set MAVLink callback handler (after getting Vehicle instance)
while not api.exit:
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