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Created November 26, 2011 23:15
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Ring middleware for reloading enlive templates
(ns net.djpowell.reload-templates
(:require [ :as io]))
;; Ring middleware that reloads namespaces when associated templates
;; change. Assumes a hypothetical version of enlive that stores the
;; template path against the deftemplate/defsnippet var under the key:
;; :net.cgrand.enlive-html/template
(defn ^:private ns-templates
"Get the list of templates and snippets associated with a given namespace"
(keep #(:net.cgrand.enlive-html/template (meta %))
(vals (ns-map ns))))
(defn ^:private template-ns-map
"Generate a map of templates to namespaces for all templates
associated with any of the given namespaces"
(reduce (fn [m [t n]] (update-in m [t :namespaces] conj n))
(for [ns ns-list
template (ns-templates ns)]
[template ns])))
(defn ^:private last-modified
"Get the last modified date in milliseconds from a template path"
(io/resource template))))
(defn ^:private template-date-map
"Generate a map of templates to last-modified-dates for all
templates associated with any of the given namespaces"
(into {}
(for [ns ns-list
template (ns-templates ns)]
[template {:date (last-modified template)}])))
(defn ^:private template-map
"Generate a map of templates to dates and namespaces"
(merge-with merge (template-ns-map ns-list)
(template-date-map ns-list)))
; keeps track of the previous states of the templates
(def ^:private old-map-atom (atom {}))
(defn ^:private find-stale-templates
"Returns a list of templates that have been changed since the last check"
[ns-list new-map]
(let [old-map @old-map-atom
all-templates (seq (into #{} (concat (keys new-map) (keys old-map))))]
(remove nil?
(for [template all-templates]
(not (old-map template))
template ; if newly encountered, then stale
(not (new-map template))
nil ; if not in changed set, then not stale
(let [old-date (:date (old-map template))
new-date (:date (new-map template))]
(if (= old-date new-date)
template))))))) ; if date changed, then stale
(defn ^:private find-stale-namespaces
"Returns a list of namespaces that have templates that have changed since the last check"
[ns-list new-map]
(into #{}
(mapcat :namespaces
(map new-map (find-stale-templates ns-list new-map)))))
(defn ^:private reload-stale-templates
"Reloads any namespaces that have templates that have changed since the last call"
(let [new-map (template-map ns-list)
stale-list (find-stale-namespaces ns-list new-map)]
(swap! old-map-atom merge new-map)
(doseq [ns stale-list]
(require ns :reload)
(catch e
nil) ;failed to reload - ignore
(defn wrap-reload-templates
"Ring middleware which takes a list of templates, and reloads those
namespaces if any associated templates have changed"
[handler ns-list]
(fn [req]
(reload-stale-templates ns-list)
(handler req)))
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Experiment for supporting reloadable templates.
Requires the enlive fork:

Recent versions of ring only reload namespaces if their source files change. This means that changing enlive templates doesn't take effect unless you also touch the related source file.

This midldeware requires an enlive patch to record the source files of templates as template var metadata. The namespaces are then introspected by this middleware to find and reload namespaces corresponding to changed templates.

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Link to enlive diff: djpowell/enlive@f280604

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