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Created November 26, 2011 23:15
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Ring middleware for reloading enlive templates
(ns net.djpowell.reload-templates
(:require [ :as io]))
;; Ring middleware that reloads namespaces when associated templates
;; change. Assumes a hypothetical version of enlive that stores the
;; template path against the deftemplate/defsnippet var under the key:
;; :net.cgrand.enlive-html/template
(defn ^:private ns-templates
"Get the list of templates and snippets associated with a given namespace"
(keep #(:net.cgrand.enlive-html/template (meta %))
(vals (ns-map ns))))
(defn ^:private template-ns-map
"Generate a map of templates to namespaces for all templates
associated with any of the given namespaces"
(reduce (fn [m [t n]] (update-in m [t :namespaces] conj n))
(for [ns ns-list
template (ns-templates ns)]
[template ns])))
(defn ^:private last-modified
"Get the last modified date in milliseconds from a template path"
(io/resource template))))
(defn ^:private template-date-map
"Generate a map of templates to last-modified-dates for all
templates associated with any of the given namespaces"
(into {}
(for [ns ns-list
template (ns-templates ns)]
[template {:date (last-modified template)}])))
(defn ^:private template-map
"Generate a map of templates to dates and namespaces"
(merge-with merge (template-ns-map ns-list)
(template-date-map ns-list)))
; keeps track of the previous states of the templates
(def ^:private old-map-atom (atom {}))
(defn ^:private find-stale-templates
"Returns a list of templates that have been changed since the last check"
[ns-list new-map]
(let [old-map @old-map-atom
all-templates (seq (into #{} (concat (keys new-map) (keys old-map))))]
(remove nil?
(for [template all-templates]
(not (old-map template))
template ; if newly encountered, then stale
(not (new-map template))
nil ; if not in changed set, then not stale
(let [old-date (:date (old-map template))
new-date (:date (new-map template))]
(if (= old-date new-date)
template))))))) ; if date changed, then stale
(defn ^:private find-stale-namespaces
"Returns a list of namespaces that have templates that have changed since the last check"
[ns-list new-map]
(into #{}
(mapcat :namespaces
(map new-map (find-stale-templates ns-list new-map)))))
(defn ^:private reload-stale-templates
"Reloads any namespaces that have templates that have changed since the last call"
(let [new-map (template-map ns-list)
stale-list (find-stale-namespaces ns-list new-map)]
(swap! old-map-atom merge new-map)
(doseq [ns stale-list]
(require ns :reload)
(catch e
nil) ;failed to reload - ignore
(defn wrap-reload-templates
"Ring middleware which takes a list of templates, and reloads those
namespaces if any associated templates have changed"
[handler ns-list]
(fn [req]
(reload-stale-templates ns-list)
(handler req)))
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Link to enlive diff: djpowell/enlive@f280604

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