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Created May 28, 2024 20:59
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"core PC state machine" should {
import cats.effect.kernel.{GenConcurrent, Outcome}
import cats.effect.kernel.implicits._
import cats.syntax.all._
type F[A] = PureConc[Int, A]
val F = GenConcurrent[F]
"run finalizers when canceling never" in {
val t = for {
c <- F.ref(0)
latch <- F.deferred[Unit]
fib <- F.start((latch.complete(()) *> F.never[Unit]).onCancel(c.update(_ + 1)))
_ <- latch.get
_ <- fib.cancel
v <- c.get
} yield v mustEqual Outcome.Succeeded(Some(1))
"run finalizers when canceling Deferred#get" in {
val t = for {
c <- F.ref(0)
latch <- F.deferred[Unit]
hang <- F.deferred[Unit]
fib <- F.start((latch.complete(()) *> hang.get).onCancel(c.update(_ + 1)))
_ <- latch.get
_ <- fib.cancel
v <- c.get
} yield v mustEqual Outcome.Succeeded(Some(1))
"run finalizers when canceling Fiber#join" in {
val t = for {
c <- F.ref(0)
latch <- F.deferred[Unit]
hang <- F.start(F.never[Unit])
fib <- F.start((latch.complete(()) *> hang.join).onCancel(c.update(_ + 1)))
_ <- latch.get
_ <- fib.cancel
v <- c.get
} yield v mustEqual Outcome.Succeeded(Some(1))
"hang when canceling uncancelable never" in {
val t = for {
latch <- F.deferred[Unit]
f <- F.start((latch.complete(()) *> F.never[Unit]).uncancelable)
_ <- latch.get
_ <- f.cancel
} yield () mustEqual Outcome.Succeeded(None)
"hang when canceling uncancelable Deferred#get" in {
val t = for {
latch <- F.deferred[Unit]
hang <- F.deferred[Unit]
f <- F.start((latch.complete(()) *> hang.get).uncancelable)
_ <- latch.get
_ <- f.cancel
} yield () mustEqual Outcome.Succeeded(None)
"hang when canceling uncancelable Fiber#join" in {
val t = for {
latch <- F.deferred[Unit]
hang <- F.start(F.never[Unit])
f <- F.start((latch.complete(()) *> hang.join).uncancelable)
_ <- latch.get
_ <- f.cancel
} yield () mustEqual Outcome.Succeeded(None)
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