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Created September 25, 2022 09:07
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Integrated Runtime Strawman

We need to add an IORuntimeConfig parameter for a PollingSystem:

abstract class PollingSystem {
  protected[unsafe] def init(): PollingState
  protected[unsafe] def poll(state: PollingState, timeoutNanos: Long): Boolean
  protected[unsafe] def unpark(thread: Thread): Unit
  protected[unsafe] def close(state: PollingState): Unit

// pure marker trait
trait PollingState

Obviously, it should be possible to define this value both as a protected override within IOApp as well as the IORuntimeConfig itself. The former allows some degree of compositionality if the downstream implementor wants to define a custom IOApp subtype.

The contract of PollingSystem is such that it must support at least interruptibly sleeping the thread for up to a timeout. Additional functionality may be supported and would be PollingSystem-specific.

Additionally, on IORuntime itself, we define the following:

def unsafeCurrentPollingState(): PollingState =
  Thread.currentThread() match {
    case wt: WorkerThread => wt.currentPollingState()
    case _ => null

This gives us an efficient thread local mechanism for the polling system, which in turn allows a downstream framework to get their PollingState instance which can be used to register callbacks. Note that this is a very unsafe, very untyped API in which a lot of casting will take place under common use.


The simplest PollingSystem is just what is necessary to handle integrated timers:

object SleepingPollingSystem extends PollingSystem {

  def init(): PollingState = new PollingState {}

  def poll(state: PollingState, timeoutNanos: Long): Boolean = {

  def unpark(thread: Thread): Unit =

  def close(state: PollingState): Unit = ()

In the event that we wanted to have a polling system which supports something like epoll, it would additionally need functionality to maintain the epoll file descriptor within its own PollingState (to which it would need to cast), as well as the ability to register for events. This event registration logic would be called by the downstream implementor itself, empowered via the IORuntime.unsafeCurrentPollingState() mechanism.

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The callback doesn’t fail though. It’s the callback produced by IOFiber which resumes the run loop, so any failures are handled there.

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Perhaps :) it's a bit of a closed-world assumption :)

If we think more generally that this is part of the Runnable-based IORuntime machinery (which is making less and less assumptions that it is specific to IO and Fiber) then I think we should at least consider cases like this.

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Hmm, this is a very fair point. It doesn't hurt to give it access to reportFailure, so we may as well do that. I would rather not force it to explicitly execute all callbacks though. It should be the responsibility of the callback itself to handle the shifting, since IOFiber is extremely efficient about this, and this is where a lot of the thread affinity optimization comes from.

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Yup, definitely agree about that.

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