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Created December 28, 2023 18:34
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* There are two fundamental modes here: sequential and parallel. There is very little overlap
* in semantics between the two apart from the submission side. The whole thing is split up into
* a submission queue with impure enqueue and cancel functions which is drained by the `Worker` and an
* internal execution protocol which also involves a queue. The `Worker` encapsulates all of the
* race conditions and negotiations with impure code, while the `Executor` manages running the
* tasks with appropriate semantics. In parallel mode, we shard the `Worker`s according to the
* number of CPUs and select a random queue (in impure code) as a target. This reduces contention
* at the cost of ordering, which is not guaranteed in parallel mode. With sequential mode, there
* is only a single worker.
* On the impure side, the queue bit is the easy part: it's just a `LinkedBlockingQueue` which
* accepts Registration(s). It's easiest to think of this a bit like an actor model, where the
* `Worker` is the actor and the enqueue is the send. Whenever we send a unit of work, that
* message has an `AtomicReference` which allows us to back-propagate a cancelation action. That
* cancelation action can be used in impure code by sending it back to us using the Finalizer
* message. There are certain race conditions involved in canceling work on the queue and work
* which is in the process of being taken off the queue, and those race conditions are negotiated
* between the impure code and the `Worker`.
* On the pure side, the two different `Executor`s are very distinct. In parallel mode, it's easy:
* we have a separate `Supervisor` which doesn't respawn actions, and we use that supervisor to
* spawn a new fiber for each task unit. Cancelation in this mode is easy: we just cancel the fiber.
* For sequential mode, we spawn a *single* executor fiber on the main supervisor (which respawns).
* This fiber is paired with a pure unbounded queue and a shutoff latch. New work is placed on the
* queue, which the fiber takes from in order and executes in-place. If the work self-cancels or
* errors, the executor will be restarted. In the case of external cancelation, we shut off the
* latch (to hold new work), drain the entire work queue into a scratch space, then cancel the
* executor fiber in-place so long as we're sure it's actively working on the target task. Once
* that cancelation completes (which will ultimately restart the executor fiber), we re-fill the
* queue and unlock the latch to allow new work (from the `Worker`).
* Note that a third mode is possible but not implemented: sequential *without* cancelation. In
* this mode, we execute each task directly on the worker fiber as it comes in, without the
* added indirection of the executor queue. This reduces overhead considerably, but the price is
* we can no longer support external (impure) cancelation. This is because the worker fiber is
* *also* responsible for dequeueing from the impure queue, which is where the cancelation tasks
* come in. The worker can't observe a cancelation action while it's executing another action, so
* cancelation cannot then preempt and is effectively worthless.
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