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Created March 6, 2016 02:46
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import shims.{Permute2, Permute3}
import scalaz._
object Scratch {
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
object Functor {
def apply[F[_]](implicit F: Functor[F]) = F
implicit def listFunctor: Functor[List] = new Functor[List] {
def map[A, B](fa: List[A])(f: A => B): List[B] = fa map f
implicit def eitherFunctor[A]: Functor[A \/ ?] = new Functor[A \/ ?] {
def map[B, C](either: A \/ B)(f: B => C): A \/ C = either match {
case -\/(a) => -\/(a)
case \/-(b) => \/-(f(b))
trait Unapply[E, TC[_[_]]] {
type A
type F[A]
def tc: TC[F]
def apply(e: E): F[A]
object Unapply {
type Aux[E, TC[_[_]], F0[_], A0] = Unapply[E, TC] { type A = A0; type F[A] = F0[A] }
implicit def materialize1[F0[_], TC[_[_]], A0](implicit tc0: TC[F0]): Unapply.Aux[F0[A0], TC, F0] = new Unapply[F0[A0], TC] {
type A = A0
type F[A] = F0[A]
def tc = tc0
def apply(e: F0[A]): F0[A] = e
implicit def materialize2[F01[_, _], F02[_, _], Z, TC[_[_]], A](implicit ev: Permute2[F01, F02], tc0: TC[F02[Z, ?]]): Unapply.Aux[F02[Z, A], TC, F02[Z, ?]] = new Unapply[F02[Z, A], TC] {
type F[A] = F02[Z, A]
def tc = tc0
implicit def materialize3[F01[_, _, _], F02[_, _, _], Y, Z, TC[_[_]], A](implicit ev: Permute3[F01, F02], tc0: TC[F02[Y, Z, ?]]): Unapply.Aux[F02[Y, Z, A], TC, F02[Y, Z, ?]] = new Unapply[F02[Y, Z, A], TC] {
type F[A] = F02[Y, Z, A]
def tc = tc0
def bar[E](fa: E)(implicit U: Unapply[E, Functor]) = { _.hashCode }
// examples follow
bar(List(1, 2, 3))
val e: String \/ Int = \/-(42)
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