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I like decentralisation

Dmitry Larchikov dlarchikov

I like decentralisation
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import ccxt from 'ccxt'
import { RateName } from './service/exchange-rates/exchange-rates.service'
async function run() {
const keys = Object.values(RateName)
const kraken = new ccxt.kraken({
apiKey: '',
secret: '',
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import { Api, JsonRpc } from 'eosjs/dist'
import config from 'config'
import { JsSignatureProvider } from 'eosjs/dist/eosjs-jssig'
import { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } from 'util'
const rpc = new JsonRpc(config.get('daobet.apiEndpoint'), { fetch })
// const defaultPrivateKey = config.get<string>('daobet.privateKey')
const defaultPrivateKey = ''
const signatureProvider = new JsSignatureProvider([defaultPrivateKey])
- 50 битков
bitcoin-cli -regtest listunspent 1 9999999 '["2N264nmDq62WfPLoJptAUJ8ucHCXu33BofC"]'
bitcoin-cli -regtest listunspent 1 9999999 '["2Mxww2DwQPvce8LDhyYZGpXaDwKJRGJUbXB"]'
import coinSelect from 'coinselect'
import { address as Address, Network, networks, payments, Psbt, Transaction, ECPair } from 'bitcoinjs-lib'
const sigwitInputs = [
'txid': '6408410f01e2e11ad9dace33a68bad218fb9698ea2c5b36bf116a89416fa8b97',
'vout': 1,
'address': '2Mz48MFqqPwV5XfQoNCNpEqt8kVL7jW5kiq',
'label': '',
import coinSelect from 'coinselect'
import { address as Address, Network, networks, payments, Psbt, Transaction, ECPair } from 'bitcoinjs-lib'
const sigwitInputs = [
tx_hash: '2e1bc58c73574bd57a3155b1118cf942b43dc8dd9fe7786f6c8110b59c298f5d',
block_height: 632654,
tx_input_n: -1,
tx_output_n: 0,