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Created June 10, 2020 07:11
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import coinSelect from 'coinselect'
import { address as Address, Network, networks, payments, Psbt, Transaction, ECPair } from 'bitcoinjs-lib'
const sigwitInputs = [
'txid': '6408410f01e2e11ad9dace33a68bad218fb9698ea2c5b36bf116a89416fa8b97',
'vout': 1,
'address': '2Mz48MFqqPwV5XfQoNCNpEqt8kVL7jW5kiq',
'label': '',
'redeemScript': '0014909651c8cc8dcaffa9aa8efa4104d4609a2062fe',
'scriptPubKey': 'a9144aaf9924165e4890be15e6290893e0d73013012287',
'amount': 0.49946610,
'confirmations': 1,
'spendable': true,
'solvable': true,
'desc': 'sh(wpkh([493c3ea9/0\'/0\'/7\']022c1bc64ef6ff9e4eaeeda41119998f1cf76db2a2d0f380af72b37f053da96863))#ve0rr094',
'safe': true,
const utxos = => {
return {
txId: i.txid,
vout: i.vout,
value: parseInt((i.amount * 10 ** 8).toFixed(8), 10),
scriptPubKey: i.scriptPubKey,
// redeemScript: i.redeemScript,
// nonWitnessUtxo: Buffer.from(i.hash, 'hex'),
witnessUtxo: {
script: Buffer.from(i.scriptPubKey, 'hex'),
value: parseInt((i.amount * 10 ** 8).toFixed(8), 10),
const utxosSum = utxos.reduce((sum, i) => sum + i.value, 0)
const targets = [
address: '2N7CHqnYhYb9i7dsih7JVGc9QFcnPXaNkde',
value: 50000,
let { inputs, outputs, fee } = coinSelect(utxos, targets, 15)
outputs = => {
if (!i.address) {
i.address = '2Mz48MFqqPwV5XfQoNCNpEqt8kVL7jW5kiq'
return i
const keyPair = ECPair.fromWIF('cSmMkYKfyd9DaXN5p7DToyaGtkZWnrUejFfkF36eyNBwvUbpeDX4', networks.regtest)
const a = payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey, network: networks.regtest })
const b = payments.p2sh({ redeem: a, network: networks.regtest })
const redeemScript = b.redeem.output.toString('hex')
console.log({ utxosSum, inputs, outputs, fee, utxos, redeemScript })
const psbt = new Psbt({ network: networks.regtest })
inputs.forEach(input =>
hash: input.txId,
index: input.vout,
redeemScript: Buffer.from(redeemScript, 'hex'),
witnessUtxo: input.witnessUtxo,
outputs.forEach(output => {
address: output.address,
value: output.value,
// for (let i = 0; i < psbt.inputCount; i++) {
// psbt.signInput(i, keyPair)
// }
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