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Daniel M. Drucker, Ph.D. dmd

View GitHub Profile
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statsmodels.api as sm
# Load the data
file_path = 'output.csv'
data = pd.read_csv(file_path)
# Convert the 'Date' column to datetime format
data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Date'])
Roveg couldn’t suss out the sliver of tension that had entered the gathering, but he didn’t like it. Moreover, the way this round robin was going, the next question was going to focus on where he was headed, and that, he didn’t want. He swooped in, reaching for lighter fare. ‘You know, on the subject of Humans, there’s something I’ve long wanted to ask someone about.’ He paused in thought. ‘Cheese. Is that a real thing?’
Pei erupted in laughter. ‘Ugh,’ she said. ‘Stars. Yeah, cheese is real, unfortunately.’
Roveg was both delighted and horrified by her answer. ‘Not really?’ he said.
This was finally enough to coax Tupo out from under the table. ‘What’s cheese?’
Speaker cocked her head. ‘I second the question.’
# See the slurm.conf man page for more information.
shopt -s extglob
awk 'FNR==1{print ""}1' posts/*AHNS* > AHNS.txt
awk 'FNR==1{print ""}1' posts/*J* > J.txt
awk 'FNR==1{print ""}1' posts/!(*AHNS*|*J*) > US.txt
for i in AHNS US J
#for i in US J
David Thompson <>
Gerard Cannie <>
Ido Ben-David <>
Semantix <>
Yochai Cohen <>
<> - SONET Contact
deaccession 2024-02
working north
casual lex
a blink of the screen
of two minds
revolutionary dreams
gone with the wind
evolution of technolgoy
$ cat compare-node-memory
echo -e "Node\tSLURM\tActual\tpct"
for n in 1 2; do
# Get Allocated Memory from SLURM in MB and convert to GB
ALLOC_MEM_MB=$(scontrol show node $NODE | grep 'AllocMem' | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/AllocMem=//')
ALLOC_MEM_GB=$(echo "$ALLOC_MEM_MB/1024" | bc)
"Hole Foods" store. Donuts, bagels, Cheerios, pretzels, mac and cheese, pineapple rings, Life Savers
"Interrobang", OKCupid clone for grammarians
$590 bike wheel with apps
$600 shoes made of pretty much paper
'A Modest Proposal' family restaurant
.Hz .o, .Hz .m, .Hz .k, .Hz .n
1 month a year people get drafted to do menial labour
1) you have something to say 2) you blog about it 3) PROFIT
1-bit router
"Hole Foods" store. Donuts, bagels, Cheerios, pretzels, mac and cheese, pineapple rings, Life Savers
"Interrobang", OKCupid clone for grammarians
$590 bike wheel with apps
$600 shoes made of pretty much paper
'A Modest Proposal' family restaurant
.Hz .o, .Hz .m, .Hz .k, .Hz .n
1 month a year people get drafted to do menial labour
1) you have something to say 2) you blog about it 3) PROFIT
1-bit router
"Hole Foods" store. Donuts, bagels, Cheerios, pretzels, mac and cheese, pineapple rings, Life Savers
"Interrobang", OKCupid clone for grammarians
$590 bike wheel with apps
$600 shoes made of pretty much paper
'A Modest Proposal' family restaurant
.Hz .o, .Hz .m, .Hz .k, .Hz .n
1 month a year people get drafted to do menial labour
1) you have something to say 2) you blog about it 3) PROFIT
1-bit router