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dmishin /
Created April 2, 2024 00:11
Planet shape in L1 gravity, 2D case
import numpy as np
N = 300 #size of the grid
M = 20000 #number of pixels
potential = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.float64)
masses = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.bool8)
def potential_of_mass_at(i, j):
"""Returns L1 potential of a mass at (i, j) with mass m
potential is calcualted as:
dmishin /
Created November 11, 2023 23:51
Use linear programming to find counterexample for a conjecture regarding the Traveling Salesman Problem
from scipy.optimize import linprog
import numpy as np
import itertools
#Searching for the counterexample for the following conjecture:
# in the shortest hamiltonian path, there is at least one
# node, connected to its 12 nearest neighbors
# Use linear programming to find a counterexample
dmishin /
Created June 28, 2023 21:05
Calculating and plotting smooth fractional iterates of 1-sqrt(1-x^2)
"""Calculate smooth iterates of the function
f(x) = 1-sqrt(1-x^2)
dmishin /
Created October 27, 2022 11:43
Visualize Fourier transform of the Thue-Morse sequence arranged along the Hilbert curve
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import scipy
def ht(n:int)->np.array:
"""Generates Thue-Morse sequence, arranged along the Hilbert curve of order N. Result is (2**n, 2**n) matrix"""
if n < 0: raise ValueError("Bad order")
if n == 0:
return np.array([[1]], dtype=np.int8)
$("#run").click(() => tryCatch(run));
async function run() { function (context) {
var sctivesheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
var table = sctivesheet.tables.add(sctivesheet.getRangeByIndexes(0, 0, 1, 2), true);
var data = [[1, "A"], [2, "B"], [3, "C"]];
table.rows.add(0, data);
dmishin /
Created April 22, 2020 09:35
Numerically checking surprising identities regarding the sums involving Fibonacci numbers
from sympy import *
mfib = Matrix([[0,1],[1,1]])
fib0 = Matrix([0,1])
luc0 = Matrix([2,1])
eye = Matrix([[1,0],[0,1]])
def fibo(n):
dmishin /
Created November 18, 2019 11:22
Detect optimal step for minimal order Schreiber test signal
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.linalg
from math import floor, pi
#Detect optimal step for minimal order Schreiber test signal
#Set to False to disable printing
_verbose = True
dmishin /
Last active November 22, 2018 12:37
Numerically calculate fractional iterate of x^2-2
def approxfi(x, n):
#Apply x -> F(x) mapping until x is sufficiently large
k = 0
while (x < 1e14) and (k<100):
x = x**2-2
k += 1
#Calculate approximate fractional iterate for large argument
x = x**(2**n)
#Apply reverse mapping x -> F[-1](x)
for _ in range(k):
dmishin /
Created April 29, 2016 18:45
Unwrap imgage pixels into a 1-dimensional array along the Hilbert's curve, then convert it to sound using SOX
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function, division
import os.path
from numpy import array, hstack, vstack, clip
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import subprocess # need the subprocess module
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import shutil