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Last active May 23, 2023 02:52
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`bevy_mod_picking` raycast backend with support for multiple raycasting sets
// This is a rough & dirty fork of `bevy_picking_raycast` that supports multiple raycast sets.
// This is needed when you have multiple cameras you want to raycast from at the same time.
// The key change is making the `Backend` generic for raycast sets. It's harder to work
// with as it requires an understanding of `bevy_mod_raycast`.
// Other changes: removed `Picking` component management; added enable/disable via config
//! A raycasting backend for `bevy_mod_picking` that uses `bevy_mod_raycast` for raycasting.
use bevy::{prelude::*, utils::HashMap, window::PrimaryWindow};
use bevy_mod_picking::picking_core::backend::{prelude::*, PickingBackend};
use bevy_mod_raycast::{Ray3d, RaycastSource};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub trait PickingSet: 'static + Send + Sync + Reflect + Clone {}
impl<T: 'static + Send + Sync + Reflect + Clone> PickingSet for T {}
pub struct Backend<T: PickingSet> {
enabled: bool,
phantom: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T: PickingSet> Backend<T> {
pub fn disabled() -> Self {
Self {
enabled: false,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<T: PickingSet> Default for Backend<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
enabled: true,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<T: PickingSet> PickingBackend for Backend<T> {}
impl<T: PickingSet> bevy::app::Plugin for Backend<T> {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
app.insert_resource(Config::<T> {
enabled: self.enabled,
phantom: PhantomData,
#[derive(Resource, Debug)]
pub struct Config<T: PickingSet> {
pub enabled: bool,
phantom: PhantomData<T>,
/// check to see if picking is enabled
fn enabled<T: PickingSet>(config: Res<Config<T>>) -> bool {
/// Marks a camera that should be used for picking with [`bevy_mod_raycast`].
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Component, Reflect)]
pub struct RaycastPickCamera<T: PickingSet> {
/// Maps the pointers visible to this [`RaycastPickCamera`] to their corresponding ray. We need
/// to create a map because many pointers may be visible to this camera.
ray_map: HashMap<PointerId, Ray3d>,
phantom: PhantomData<T>,
// --
// TODO:
// The following design, where we need to add children to the cameras, only exists because
// `bevy_mod_raycast` only supports raycasting via components. Ideally, we would be able to run
// raycasts on demand without needing to supply them as components on entities.
// --
/// Builds rays and updates raycasting [`RaycastPickCamera`]s from [`PointerLocation`]s.
pub fn build_rays_from_pointers<T: PickingSet>(
pointers: Query<(&PointerId, &PointerLocation)>,
windows: Query<&Window>,
primary_window: Query<Entity, With<PrimaryWindow>>,
images: Res<Assets<Image>>,
mut picking_cameras: Query<(&Camera, &GlobalTransform, &mut RaycastPickCamera<T>)>,
) {
picking_cameras.iter_mut().for_each(|(_, _, mut pick_cam)| {
for (pointer_id, pointer_location) in &pointers {
let pointer_location = match pointer_location.location() {
Some(l) => l,
None => continue,
.filter(|(camera, _, _)| {
pointer_location.is_in_viewport(camera, &windows, &primary_window, &images)
.for_each(|(camera, transform, mut source)| {
let pointer_pos = pointer_location.position;
if let Some(ray) = Ray3d::from_screenspace(pointer_pos, camera, transform) {
source.ray_map.insert(*pointer_id, ray);
/// A newtype, used solely to mark the [`RaycastSource`] children on the [`RaycastPickCamera`] so we
/// know what pointer they are associated with.
struct PointerMarker(PointerId);
/// Using the rays in each [`RaycastPickCamera`], updates their child [`RaycastSource`]s.
pub fn spawn_raycast_sources<T: PickingSet>(
mut commands: Commands,
picking_cameras: Query<(Entity, &RaycastPickCamera<T>)>,
child_sources: Query<Entity, With<RaycastSource<T>>>,
) {
.for_each(|pick_source| commands.entity(pick_source).despawn_recursive());
picking_cameras.iter().for_each(|(entity, pick_cam)| {
pick_cam.ray_map.iter().for_each(|(pointer, ray)| {
let mut new_source = RaycastSource::<T>::default();
new_source.ray = Some(*ray);
let pointer_marker = PointerMarker(*pointer);
let new_child = commands.spawn((new_source, pointer_marker)).id();
/// Produces [`PointerHits`]s from [`RaycastSource`] intersections.
fn update_hits<T: PickingSet>(
pick_cameras: Query<(Entity, &Camera), With<RaycastPickCamera<T>>>,
mut pick_sources: Query<(&PointerMarker, &RaycastSource<T>, &Parent)>,
mut output_events: EventWriter<PointerHits>,
) {
.filter_map(|(pointer, pick_source, parent)| {
.map(|(entity, camera)| (pointer, pick_source, entity, camera))
.for_each(|(pointer_marker, pick_source, cam_entity, camera)| {
let under_cursor: Vec<(Entity, HitData)> = pick_source
.map(|(entity, intersection)| {
HitData {
camera: cam_entity,
depth: intersection.distance(),
position: Some(intersection.position()),
normal: Some(intersection.normal()),
if !under_cursor.is_empty() {
output_events.send(PointerHits {
pointer: pointer_marker.0,
picks: under_cursor,
order: camera.order,
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