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Created December 29, 2023 01:58
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bevy 0.12 system for spawning a `GltfNode` from `Handle<GltfNode>`
fn gltf_node_spawner(
mut commands: Commands,
node_handles: Query<(Entity, &Handle<GltfNode>), Added<Handle<GltfNode>>>,
assets_gltf_nodes: Res<Assets<GltfNode>>,
assets_gltf_mesh: Res<Assets<GltfMesh>>,
) {
for (parent, handle) in &node_handles {
let Some(node) = assets_gltf_nodes.get(handle) else {
warn!("GltfNode not found: entity {:?}, {:?}", parent, handle);
// because the root GltfNode has a Transform component, we need to
// start loading the node in a child entity. If we don't do this,
// modifying the `Transform` on the `Handle<GltfNode>` entity will
// warp the mesh.
let node_entity = commands
let mut node_queue: VecDeque<(Entity, &GltfNode)> = VecDeque::from([(node_entity, node)]);
while let Some((node_entity, node)) = node_queue.pop_front() {
// create a child entity for each of the GltfNode children and
// queue it for processing
let mut children: Vec<Entity> = node
.map(|child_node| {
let child = commands.spawn_empty().id();
node_queue.push_back((child, &child_node));
// If the GltfNode has a GltfMesh, process it now and add any
// children to the list.
if let Some(handle) = &node.mesh {
if let Some(gltf_mesh) = assets_gltf_mesh.get(handle) {
// create a PbrBundle child for every primitive in the
// GltfMesh
for primitive in gltf_mesh.primitives.iter() {
let child = commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
mesh: primitive.mesh.clone_weak(),
material: primitive
.expect("primitive to have a material")
} else {
warn!("GltfMesh not found: entity {:?}, {:?}", node_entity, handle);
.insert(SpatialBundle {
transform: node.transform,
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