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Created October 31, 2012 03:46
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Start multiple synchronized SSH connections with Tmux
# ssh-multi
# D.Kovalov
# Based on
# a script to ssh multiple servers over multiple tmux panes
starttmux() {
if [ -z "$HOSTS" ]; then
echo -n "Please provide of list of hosts separated by spaces [ENTER]: "
read HOSTS
local hosts=( $HOSTS )
tmux new-window "ssh ${hosts[0]}"
unset hosts[0];
for i in "${hosts[@]}"; do
tmux split-window -h "ssh $i"
tmux select-layout tiled > /dev/null
tmux select-pane -t 0
tmux set-window-option synchronize-panes on > /dev/null
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cpanato commented Jan 21, 2014


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nodirt commented May 13, 2014

Awesome, thanks

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belminf commented Aug 25, 2015

Great little function. Thanks!

BTW, if you have servers that are sequentially indexed, you could leverage brace expansion like so:

$ startmux foo{1..9}

Or, for a select few:

$ startmux foo{0,5}

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Gibby commented Jan 8, 2016

In tmux 2.1 this no longer works correctly, the first host opens in a new-window but the rest open in the current window. I went back to 2.0 and it works correctly. Haven't been able to figure out the issue yet.

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pwojt commented Jan 22, 2016

Little mod for Tmux 2.1 need to add a target for each event. This sets the target to ssh-multi with the first host in the name:

# ssh-multi
# D.Kovalov
# Based on

# a script to ssh multiple servers over multiple tmux panes

starttmux() {
    if [ -z "$HOSTS" ]; then
       echo -n "Please provide of list of hosts separated by spaces [ENTER]: "
       read HOSTS

    local hosts=( $HOSTS )
    local target="ssh-multi ${host[0]}"

    tmux new-window -n "${target}" ssh ${hosts[0]}
    unset hosts[0];
    for i in "${hosts[@]}"; do
        tmux split-window -t :"${target}" -h  "ssh $i"
        tmux select-layout -t :"${target}" tiled > /dev/null
    tmux select-pane -t 0
    tmux set-window-option -t :"${target}"  synchronize-panes on > /dev/null




edit: small change to make target correct.

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nomad-fr commented Mar 9, 2016

Hi I did a fork here :
it check that you are inside a tmux session and if not create one
I add some options like :
-u to change user for ssh set by defaut to root
-d (destination) then you can specified several host
-d "$(echo 'serv'{0..3})"
-d "serv0 serv1 serv2 serv3"'
-d "$(anotherscript)" # to call a script that give you a list of host

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@nomad-fr page not found?

thanks nice little script.

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olsonbg commented Jul 3, 2016

Great, thanks. I've included some more additions based on the work of @nomad-fr, including:

  • Option to easily have localhost in the synchronized panes (-l),
  • No longer need to specify a user name (so that ~/.ssh/config settings will be used), and
  • No longer opens an extra tmux window when a new session is used.

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greymd commented May 12, 2017

Not fork of it, but

$ xpanes -c "ssh {}" serv1 serv2 serv3 ...

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@greymd xpanes is much more then a mere multi-ssh script. Thanks for sharing it.

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Great little script! Especially this one: tmux set-window-option synchronize-panes on > /dev/null, it's something magic for me! I was using clusterssh before for the same feature, and never know tmux can do this!

BTW: the script in original post works well with tmux 2.1 for me, on a Ubuntu 16.04 box with tmux installed by apt, tmux -V says tmux 2.1.

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@greymd xpanes! - Thank you! I've been looking for exactly this off and on for two years.

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WMcKibbin commented Mar 29, 2019

# Assume session is 0
tmux attach-session -t 0
WINDOW=$(tmux display-message -p "#I")

for arg in $*; do
    if [[ $arg != *"%"* ]]; then
        if [[ $FIRST_ARG == "" ]]; then
            tmux send-keys "ssh $arg" Enter
            tmux split-window "ssh $arg"
        tmux select-layout tiled
tmux set-window-option synchronize-panes on

This is how my old co-worker accomplished this, figured I'd drop in this thread not as a replacement but an alternate option.

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#!/usr/bin/env bash
instead of of hardcoded shebang

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Kimeg commented Jan 11, 2021

Thank you, sir. I found your code very useful for setting environments across multiple servers.

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henri commented Jan 24, 2025

Nice :)

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