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Gen Proto BanG Dream

This is the code rewritten in Python 3 from the original code of esterTion's PHP version. Only works with blobs from Android apk!!! for old versions, for new versions with arm64 blobs.

from struct import unpack
import re
import sys
dumpcs = open('dump.cs').read()
prog = open('', 'rb')
definedClass = []
targetClass = sys.argv[1] #'SuiteMasterGetResponse' # change to get different classes
outputPath = './{}.proto'.format(targetClass)
outputFile = open(outputPath, 'w')
# write first line
outputFile.write('syntax = "proto2";\n')
typeMap = {
'uint': 'uint32',
'string': 'string',
'ulong': 'uint64',
'float': 'float',
'int': 'int32',
'double': 'double',
'bool': 'bool',
'long': 'int64'
def getTag(address):
offset = address & 0xFFFFFFFF
inst =
inst = int.from_bytes(inst, byteorder='little', signed=False)
if inst == 0xe5900004: #0x080440f9: + 4)
retnum = int.from_bytes(, 'little', signed=False)
rotate_flag = int.from_bytes(, 'little', signed=False)
if rotate_flag == 0xA0:
# rotate tag number
rotate_num = (retnum >> 8) & 0xF
tag = retnum & 0xFF
for i in range(rotate_num * 2):
tag = rotr(tag, 32)
return tag
return retnum & 0xfff
elif inst == 0xe92d4c10: + 12)
return int.from_bytes(, 'little', signed=False) & 0xfff
print(hex(inst), hex(address))
def rotr(num, bits):
num &= (2**bits-1)
bit = num & 1
num >>= 1
num |= (1 << (bits-1))
return num
def writeMessage(target, message):
outputFile.write('message {} {{\n'.format(target))
for item, info in message.items():
typ = info[0]
if type(info[1]).__name__ == 'str':
tag = getTag(int(info[1], 16))
tag = info[1]
hint = info[2]
comment = info[3]
if hint == 'map':
outputFile.write(' {}{} {} = {};\n'.format(hint, typ, item, tag))
outputFile.write(' {} {} {} = {};\n'.format(hint, typ, item, tag))
def readClass(level, target):
shownClass = True
except ValueError:
shownClass = False
message = {}
classDef ='\[ProtoContractAttribute\].*?\n.*?class ' + target + ' [^\{\}]*?\{((.*\n)*?)?\s+(//\s+Properties(.*\n)*?)?\s+(//\s+Methods(.*\n)*?)?\}\s*?', dumpcs)
if not classDef:
print('{} not found'.format(target))
propList = re.findall('(\[ProtoMemberAttribute\] //.*Offset: 0x([0-9A-F]+)\n \w+ ([^\ \<]+(\<(.*?)\>)?) ([^\ ;]+))', classDef[0])
for prop in propList:
typ = jumpTyp(level, prop[2], prop[5])
message[typ[0]] = [typ[1], prop[1], typ[2], typ[3]]
if not shownClass:
# print('{} \n'.format(target))
writeMessage(target, message)
def jumpTyp(level, typ, name):
if typ[-2:] == '[]':
sub = jumpTyp(level + 2, typ[0:-2], 'entry')
return [name, sub[1], 'repeated', 'array']
elif typ[0:11] == 'Dictionary`':
subType ='<(\w+), (\w+)>', typ)
readClass(level + 1, subType[2])
# prefix = '{}_{}'.format(subType[1], subType[2])
# try:
# definedClass.index(prefix)
# shownClass = True
# except ValueError:
# definedClass.append(prefix)
# shownClass = False
# message = {}
# sub = jumpTyp(level + 1, subType[1], '{}_key'.format(prefix))
# message[sub[0]] = [sub[1], 1, sub[2], sub[3]]
# sub = jumpTyp(level + 1, subType[2], '{}_value'.format(prefix))
# message[sub[0]] = [sub[1], 2, sub[2], sub[3]]
# if not shownClass:
# writeMessage(prefix, message)
return [name, '<{}, {}>'.format(typeMap.get(subType[1], subType[1]), typeMap.get(subType[2], subType[2])), 'map', 'dictionary']
elif typ[0:5] == 'List`':
subType ='<(\w+)>', typ)
sub = jumpTyp(level + 1, subType[1], 'entry')
return [name, sub[1], 'repeated', 'list']
elif typ[0:9] == 'Nullable`':
subType ='<(\w+)>', typ)
sub = jumpTyp(level, subType[1], name)
sub[3] = 'nullable'
return sub
expectTyp = ['uint','string','ulong','float','int','double', 'bool','long']
isType = True
except ValueError:
isType = False
if isType:
return [name, typeMap[typ], 'optional', 'normal type']
readClass(level + 1, typ)
return [name, typ, 'optional', 'sub class']
readClass(0, targetClass)
from struct import unpack
import re
import sys
dumpcs = open('dump.cs', encoding="utf8").read()
prog = open('', 'rb')
definedClass = []
targetClass = sys.argv[1] #'SuiteMasterGetResponse' # change to get different classes
outputPath = './{}.proto'.format(targetClass)
outputFile = open(outputPath, 'w')
# write first line
outputFile.write('syntax = "proto2";\n')
# outputFile.write('package bang;\n')
typeMap = {
'uint': 'uint32',
'string': 'string',
'ulong': 'uint32',
'float': 'float',
'int': 'int32',
'double': 'double',
'bool': 'bool',
'long': 'int32'
def getTag(address):
offset = address & 0xFFFFFFFF
inst =
inst = int.from_bytes(inst, byteorder='little', signed=False)
if inst == 0xf9400408: + 4)
inst = int.from_bytes(, 'little', signed=False)
elif inst == 0xf81e0ff3: + 16)
inst = int.from_bytes(, 'little', signed=False)
print(hex(inst), hex(address))
return None
if inst >> 24 == 0x52:
return (inst >> 5) & 0xFFFF
elif inst >> 24 == 0x32:
retnum = (inst >> 8) & 0xFFFF
immr = (retnum >> 8) & 0x3F
imms = (retnum >> 2) & 0x3F
clz = lambda x: "{:032b}".format(x).index("1")
_len = 31 - clz((0 << 6) | (~imms & 0x3F))
_size = 1 << _len
R = immr & (_size - 1)
S = imms & (_size - 1)
ret = (1 << (S+1)) - 1
for i in range(immr):
ret = rotr(ret, 32)
return ret
def rotr(num, bits):
num &= (2**bits-1)
bit = num & 1
num >>= 1
num |= (1 << (bits-1))
return num
def writeMessage(target, message):
outputFile.write('message {} {{\n'.format(target))
for item, info in message.items():
typ = info[0]
if type(info[1]).__name__ == 'str':
tag = getTag(int(info[1], 16))
tag = info[1]
hint = info[2]
comment = info[3]
if hint == 'map':
outputFile.write(' {}{} {} = {};\n'.format(hint, typ, item, tag))
outputFile.write(' {} {} {} = {};\n'.format(hint, typ, item, tag))
def readClass(level, target):
shownClass = True
except ValueError:
shownClass = False
message = {}
classDef ='\[ProtoContractAttribute\].*?\n.*?class ' + target + ' [^\{\}]*?\{((.*\n)*?)?\s+(//\s+Properties(.*\n)*?)?\s+(//\s+Methods(.*\n)*?)?\}\s*?', dumpcs)
if not classDef:
print('{} not found'.format(target))
propList = re.findall('(\[ProtoMemberAttribute\] //.*Offset: 0x([0-9A-F]+).+?\n \w+ ([^\ \<]+(\<(.*?)\>)?) ([^\ ;]+))', classDef[0])
for prop in propList:
typ = jumpTyp(level, prop[2], prop[5])
message[typ[0]] = [typ[1], prop[1], typ[2], typ[3]]
if not shownClass:
# print('{} \n'.format(target))
writeMessage(target, message)
def jumpTyp(level, typ, name):
if typ[-2:] == '[]':
sub = jumpTyp(level + 2, typ[0:-2], 'entry')
return [name, sub[1], 'repeated', 'array']
elif typ[0:10] == 'Dictionary':
subType ='<(\w+), (\w+)>', typ)
readClass(level + 1, subType[2])
return [name, '<{}, {}>'.format(typeMap.get(subType[1], subType[1]), typeMap.get(subType[2], subType[2])), 'map', 'dictionary']
elif typ[0:4] == 'List':
subType ='<(\w+)>', typ)
sub = jumpTyp(level + 1, subType[1], 'entry')
return [name, sub[1], 'repeated', 'list']
elif typ[0:8] == 'Nullable':
subType ='<(\w+)>', typ)
sub = jumpTyp(level, subType[1], name)
sub[3] = 'nullable'
return sub
expectTyp = ['uint','string','ulong','float','int','double', 'bool','long']
isType = True
except ValueError:
isType = False
if isType:
return [name, typeMap[typ], 'optional', 'normal type']
readClass(level + 1, typ)
return [name, typ, 'optional', 'sub class']
readClass(0, targetClass)
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dnaroma commented Oct 11, 2018

@esterTion I'm glad to hear from you!

I didn't do much analyse of the arm code, just wondering how can I made a quick adaption. Thanks for your reply, now I know why the tag id is there and how to get them from the rotated value.

For the map syntax, it is a new syntax for proto2. It can make the decoded file somehow cleaner. Your code is amazing, don't bother to change it :-P

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david8557 commented Apr 25, 2021

@dnaroma I use latest Il2cppDumper 6.6.2 and your python script not work anymore. Can you please check it? Here is dump.cs and libil2cpp file
I think problem is in
propList = re.findall('(\[ProtoMemberAttribute\] //.*Offset: 0x([0-9A-F]+)\n \w+ ([^\ \<]+(\<(.*?)\>)?) ([^\ ;]+))', classDef[0])

Of if you can tell me which version Il2cppDumper you are using, it would help too. Thank you!

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dnaroma commented Dec 2, 2021

Hi @david8557 I can't remember the version number but from the revision history I can confirm it works with versions from late 2019 or early 2020. Make sure you have enabled everything in config.json.

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Hi @dnaroma , thank you for your reply, I will try it out. Anyway, can you please show me how to edit script to make it work with google protobuf when you free too? Since it seem more popular than protobuf-net. Thanks a lot!

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dnaroma commented Dec 2, 2021

You can read the output dump.cs to know how the structure was defined and use disassembler to know how to get tag id from binary.

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david8557 commented Dec 2, 2021

I have example code like this. When write manually, proto would be. But I don't know the regex to find and extract field from this. Can you please help me?

message ResGetPlayerInfos{
 UserPlayerInfo userPlayerInfos_=1;
 bool isLinkUUID_=2;
 repeated int32 chargeGoldList_=3;

This is from dump.cs

public sealed class ResGetPlayerInfos : IMessage<ResGetPlayerInfos>, IMessage, IEquatable<ResGetPlayerInfos>, IDeepCloneable<ResGetPlayerInfos> // TypeDefIndex: 10759
	// Fields
	private static readonly MessageParser<ResGetPlayerInfos> _parser; // 0x0
	private UnknownFieldSet _unknownFields; // 0x10
	public const int UserPlayerInfosFieldNumber = 1;
	private static readonly FieldCodec<UserPlayerInfo> _repeated_userPlayerInfos_codec; // 0x8
	private readonly RepeatedField<UserPlayerInfo> userPlayerInfos_; // 0x18
	public const int IsLinkUUIDFieldNumber = 2;
	private bool isLinkUUID_; // 0x20
	public const int ChargeGoldListFieldNumber = 3;
	private static readonly FieldCodec<int> _repeated_chargeGoldList_codec; // 0x10
	private readonly RepeatedField<int> chargeGoldList_; // 0x28

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dnaroma commented Dec 2, 2021

You can learn and test regex with regex101. It won't be much different with protobuf-net ones.

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