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Last active November 3, 2020 08:33
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example midi matrix
box = {} -- a table of boxes
msg =
["cc"] = {"cc","val","ch"}
, ["note_on"] = {"note","vel","ch"}
, ["note_off"] = {"note","vel","ch"}
, ["key_pressure"] = {"note","val","ch"}
, ["pitchbend"] = {"val","ch",nil}
, ["channel_pressure"] = {"val","ch",nil}
for source = 1,4 do -- I have four boxes (four USB MIDI ports)
box[source] = midi.connect(source) -- box 1 == whatever's connected to port 1, etc
box[source].connected = {false,false,false,false} -- all boxes are disconnected
box[source].event = function(data) -- what to do when a box sends MIDI into norns:
-- print("box "..source..":") -- uncomment this line to print which box, if you want
local received = midi.to_msg(data) -- capture the message...
-- tab.print(received) -- uncomment this line to print the message, if you want
for destination = 1,4 do -- for each of the potential inter-box destinations:
if box[source].connected[destination] then -- if the source is connected to a destination...
local msg_1 = received[msg[received.type][1]] -- shorten message 1...
local msg_2 = received[msg[received.type][2]] -- shorten message 2...
local msg_3 = received[msg[received.type][3]] -- shorten message 3...
-- send the source's messages to the destination box:
-- ^^ nb: I removed syntactic sugar from self:functionName() ^^
function manage(src,dest,state) -- easier way to manage states:
box[src].connected[dest] = state
--`manage(2,1,true)` sets box 2 as source and box 1 as destination
--`manage(2,1,false)` breaks the sending connection between box 2 and box 1
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