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kagemusha / gist:1568472
Created January 6, 2012 01:42
JQuery Datatables, Rails Basic Server-side processing Example with Json obj, Custom Data Display
Tested on: Datatable 1.8.2, Rails 3.1.3
This example uses Coffeescript and Haml (you should too :-) )
The following is an example of Datatables server-side processing of a table
which displays a user's song list including the songs' artist names. In
Rails, Song and Artist are ActiveRecord models in a one artist-many song relat.
1a. the Rails controller code
class SongsController < ApplicationController
rstacruz /
Last active November 3, 2023 09:56
Rails models cheatsheet

Rails Models

Generating models

$ rails g model User




kagemusha / gist:1569836
Created January 6, 2012 09:20
Dump Heroku Postgres DB and load locally
Get the Heroku db as detailed here:
1. heroku pgbackups:capture
2. heroku pgbackups:url <backup_num> #=>backup_url
- get backup_num with cmd "heroku pgbackups"
3. curl -o latest.dump <backup_url>
Then locally do:
$ pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U myuser -d mydb latest.dump
haf / gist:2843680
Created May 31, 2012 14:19
Get SSH working on Vagrant/Windows/Git

If you are using vagrant, you probably-statistically are using git. Make sure you have its binary folder on your path, because that path contains 'ssh.exe'.

Now, modify C:\vagrant\vagrant\embedded\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\vagrant-1.0.3\lib\vagrant\ssh.rb to comment out the faulty Windows check and add a real SSH check:

# if
  # raise Errors::SSHUnavailableWindows, :host => ssh_info[:host],
                                       # :port => ssh_info[:port],
                                       # :username => ssh_info[:username],
 # :key_path =&gt; ssh_info[:private_key_path]
askehansen / gist:6809825
Created October 3, 2013 13:28
Parsley config for twitter bootstrap 3.x
$.fn.parsley.defaults = {
// basic data-api overridable properties here..
inputs: 'input, textarea, select' // Default supported inputs.
, excluded: 'input[type=hidden], :disabled' // Do not validate input[type=hidden] & :disabled.
, trigger: false // $.Event() that will trigger validation. eg: keyup, change..
, animate: true // fade in / fade out error messages
, animateDuration: 300 // fadein/fadout ms time
, focus: 'first' // 'fist'|'last'|'none' which error field would have focus first on form validation
, validationMinlength: 3 // If trigger validation specified, only if value.length > validationMinlength
, successClass: 'has-success' // Class name on each valid input
L422Y /
Last active July 19, 2024 10:12
Automounting NFS share in OS X into /Volumes

I have spent quite a bit of time figuring out automounts of NFS shares in OS X...

Somewhere along the line, Apple decided allowing mounts directly into /Volumes should not be possible:

/etc/auto_master (see last line):

# Automounter master map

+auto_master # Use directory service

gitaarik /
Last active July 23, 2024 09:34
Git Submodules basic explanation

Git Submodules basic explanation

Why submodules?

In Git you can add a submodule to a repository. This is basically a repository embedded in your main repository. This can be very useful. A couple of usecases of submodules:

  • Separate big codebases into multiple repositories.
Anywhere: Meteor.isClient
Anywhere: Meteor.isServer
Anywhere: Meteor.startup(func)
Anywhere: Meteor.absoluteUrl([path], [options])
Anywhere: Meteor.settings
Anywhere: Meteor.release
# A little Meteor CheatSheet about Iron-Router. (updated on a weekly basis)
# Check our Studio:
meteor add iron:router
meteor update iron:router
# Iron Router > Configuration
Lerg /
Last active April 11, 2024 19:25
Make all app icons with imagemagick, iOS and Android
convert "$base" -resize '29x29' -unsharp 1x4 "Icon-Small.png"
convert "$base" -resize '40x40' -unsharp 1x4 "Icon-Small-40.png"
convert "$base" -resize '50x50' -unsharp 1x4 "Icon-Small-50.png"
convert "$base" -resize '57x57' -unsharp 1x4 "Icon.png"
convert "$base" -resize '58x58' -unsharp 1x4 "Icon-Small@2x.png"
convert "$base" -resize '60x60' -unsharp 1x4 "Icon-60.png"
convert "$base" -resize '72x72' -unsharp 1x4 "Icon-72.png"
convert "$base" -resize '76x76' -unsharp 1x4 "Icon-76.png"