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Forked from Mufferaw/
Last active December 8, 2016 21:35
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Title: "Conway's Game of Life"
Needs: 'View
grid: collect [repeat i 10 [keep/only collect [repeat j 10 [keep random true]]]]
scratchgrid: collect [repeat i 10 [keep/only collect [repeat j 10 [keep false]]]]
a: copy grid/1
b: copy grid/10
c: collect [keep/only b keep grid keep/only a]
count-neighbors: function [gridd x y][
count: 0
foreach [h v][
(x - 1) (y - 1)
(x - 1) y
(x - 1) (y + 1)
x (y - 1)
x (y + 1)
(x + 1) y
(x + 1) (y - 1)
(x + 1) (y + 1)
if gridd/(do h)/(do v) [count: count + 1]
;?? count
iterate: function [] [
repeat i 10 [
ii: i + 1
repeat j 10 [
ncount: count-neighbors c ii j
scratchgrid/:i/:j: make logic! any [
all [c/:ii/:j ncount > 1 ncount < 4]
all [not c/:ii/:j ncount = 3]
refresh: function [cmds][
clear cmds
repeat i 10 [
repeat j 10 [
insert cell: tail cmds [fill-pen <color> circle <coord> 5]
cell/2: pick [red white] scratchgrid/:i/:j
cell/4: 10 * as-pair i j
sync-grids: [
grid: copy scratchgrid
clear scratchgrid
scratchgrid: collect [repeat i 10 [keep/only collect [repeat j 10 [keep false]]]]
a: copy grid/1
b: copy grid/10
c: collect [keep/only b keep grid keep/only a]
update-all: does [
do iterate
refresh canvas/draw
do sync-grids
cmds: make block! 500
view [
size 800x600
canvas: base 780x580 draw cmds rate 30
on-time [update-all]
do [update-all]
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