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Created September 17, 2013 14:32
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Save dotchang/6595135 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
solve the meshHelper problem.
#pragma once
// ofDevCon
// Written by Anton Marini (
// With massive help from Memo Akten for GL optimizing and pushing this faster than I expected
// Kyle McDonald and Arturo Castro for C++ nuances
// Lukasz Karluk additions Dec 2012.
// TODO:
// 1) Path issues - not all models:
// a) reference images current working dir
// b) properly describe sub-folders
// c) reference absolute paths for images that dont exist.
// 2) convert to ofMesh (?) in OF 007 ?
// 3) Ability to ease *between* two animations. Maybe later folks.
#include "ofMain.h"
#include "ofxAssimpMeshHelper.h"
#include "ofxAssimpAnimation.h"
#include "ofxAssimpTexture.h"
struct aiScene; // class aiScene;
struct aiNode; // class aiNode;
class ofxAssimpModelLoader{
bool loadModel(string modelName, bool optimize=false);
bool loadModel(ofBuffer & buffer, bool optimize=false, const char * extension="");
void createEmptyModel();
void createLightsFromAiModel();
void optimizeScene();
void update();
bool hasAnimations();
unsigned int getAnimationCount();
ofxAssimpAnimation & getAnimation(int animationIndex);
void playAllAnimations();
void stopAllAnimations();
void resetAllAnimations();
void setPausedForAllAnimations(bool pause);
void setLoopStateForAllAnimations(ofLoopType state);
void setPositionForAllAnimations(float position);
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofxAssimpAnimation instead", void setAnimation(int animationIndex));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofxAssimpAnimation instead", void setNormalizedTime(float time));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofxAssimpAnimation instead", void setTime(float time));
OF_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use ofxAssimpAnimation instead", float getDuration(int animationIndex));
bool hasMeshes();
unsigned int getMeshCount();
ofxAssimpMeshHelper & getMeshHelper(int meshIndex);
void clear();
void setScale(float x, float y, float z);
void setPosition(float x, float y, float z);
void setRotation(int which, float angle, float rot_x, float rot_y, float r_z);
// Scale the model to the screen automatically.
void setScaleNomalization(bool normalize);
void setNormalizationFactor(float factor);
vector<string> getMeshNames();
int getNumMeshes();
ofMesh getMesh(string name);
ofMesh getMesh(int num);
ofMesh getCurrentAnimatedMesh(string name);
ofMesh getCurrentAnimatedMesh(int num);
ofMaterial getMaterialForMesh(string name);
ofMaterial getMaterialForMesh(int num);
ofTexture getTextureForMesh(string name);
ofTexture getTextureForMesh(int num);
void drawWireframe();
void drawFaces();
void drawVertices();
void enableTextures();
void disableTextures();
void enableNormals();
void enableMaterials();
void disableNormals();
void enableColors();
void disableColors();
void disableMaterials();
void draw(ofPolyRenderMode renderType);
void drawMesh(ofxAssimpMeshHelper &mesh, aiMatrix4x4 m);
void traverseDrawNode(aiNode* node);
ofPoint getPosition();
ofPoint getSceneCenter();
float getNormalizedScale();
ofPoint getScale();
ofMatrix4x4 getModelMatrix();
ofPoint getSceneMin(bool bScaled = false);
ofPoint getSceneMax(bool bScaled = false);
int getNumRotations(); // returns the no. of applied rotations
ofPoint getRotationAxis(int which); // gets each rotation axis
float getRotationAngle(int which); //gets each rotation angle
void calculateDimensions();
const aiScene * getAssimpScene();
void onAppExit(ofEventArgs & args);
void updateAnimations();
void updateMeshes(aiNode * node, ofMatrix4x4 parentMatrix);
void updateBones();
void updateModelMatrix();
// the main Asset Import scene that does the magic.
const aiScene * scene;
// Initial VBO creation, etc
void loadGLResources();
// Updates the internal animation transforms for the selected animation index
void updateAnimation(unsigned int animationIndex, float time);
// updates the *actual GL resources* for the current animation
void updateGLResources();
void getBoundingBoxWithMinVector(struct aiVector3D* min, struct aiVector3D* max);
void getBoundingBoxForNode(const struct aiNode* nd, struct aiVector3D* min, struct aiVector3D* max, struct aiMatrix4x4* trafo);
ofFile file;
aiVector3D scene_min, scene_max, scene_center;
bool normalizeScale;
double normalizedScale;
vector<float> rotAngle; // rotAngleがメッシュに紐付けされているのがおかしい。nodeに紐付けされるべき
vector<ofPoint> rotAxis;
ofPoint scale;
ofPoint pos;
ofMatrix4x4 modelMatrix;
vector<ofLight> lights;
vector<ofxAssimpTexture *> textures;
vector<ofxAssimpMeshHelper> modelMeshes;
vector<ofxAssimpAnimation> animations;
int currentAnimation; // DEPRECATED - to be removed with deprecated animation functions.
bool bUsingTextures;
bool bUsingNormals;
bool bUsingColors;
bool bUsingMaterials;
float normalizeFactor;
vector<aiNode*> modelNodes;
map<aiNode*, int> meshHelperIndex;
int serializeNode(aiNode* node);
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