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Last active May 19, 2024 06:21
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basic menu system for settings
package UILib
import UILib.plugin.ParentFrame.isUIVisible
import plugin.Plugin
import plugin.annotations.PluginMeta
import plugin.api.API
import plugin.api.FontColor
import plugin.api.FontType
import plugin.api.TextModifier
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.Toolkit
import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
import java.awt.event.*
author = "downthecrop",
description = "Simple UI Framework",
version = 1.0
class plugin : Plugin() {
override fun Init() {
fun openOne () {
ParentFrame.contentFrame.addElement(TextField("Option 1", 0, 300, 20,"Option 1 Content"))
ParentFrame.contentFrame.addElement(Option("Graphics", listOf("Low", "Medium", "High")))
ParentFrame.contentFrame.addElement(TextField("Name", 20, 150, 200, "Enter your name"))
ParentFrame.contentFrame.addElement(Option("Sound", listOf("Mute", "Low", "Medium", "High")))
ParentFrame.contentFrame.addElement(Button("Submit", 20, 300, 100) {
println("Submit button clicked!")
ParentFrame.contentFrame.addElement(Button("Say Hello", 20, 200, 100) {
ParentFrame.leftNavFrame.addElement(Button("Menu 1", 0, 100, 30) {
ParentFrame.leftNavFrame.addElement(Button("Menu 2", 0, 100, 30) {
ParentFrame.contentFrame.addElement(TextField("Option 2", 0, 300, 20,"Option 2 Content"))
val buttonGroup = ButtonGroup(
Button("Teleport home", 0, 200, 20) {
Button("Open Bank", 0, 200, 20) {
ParentFrame.contentFrame.addElement( Button("Spawn AGS", 0, 200, 20) {
API.DispatchCommand("::item 11694")
ParentFrame.leftNavFrame.addElement(Button("Menu 3", 0, 100, 30) {
ParentFrame.contentFrame.addElement(TextField("Option 3", 0, 300, 20,"Option 3 Content"))
val buttonGroup = ButtonGroup(
Button("Option 1", 0, 100, 20) { println("Option 1 clicked") },
Button("Option 2", 0, 100, 20) { println("Option 2 clicked") },
Button("Option 3", 0, 100, 20) { println("Option 3 clicked") }
ParentFrame.leftNavFrame.scrollRect = ScrollRect(ParentFrame.leftNavFrame, 0, 0, 150, 370, 600)
ParentFrame.contentFrame.scrollRect = ScrollRect(ParentFrame.contentFrame, 0, 0, 450, 370, 600)
// Default to Option 1
override fun Draw(deltaTime: Long) {
object MouseCallbacks : MouseAdapter() {
override fun mousePressed(e: MouseEvent?) {
e?.let {
ParentFrame.handleMousePress(it.x, it.y)
ParentFrame.handleMouseClick(it.x, it.y)
override fun mouseReleased(e: MouseEvent?) {
e?.let {
override fun mouseDragged(e: MouseEvent?) {
e?.let {
ParentFrame.handleMouseDrag(it.x, it.y)
object MouseWheelCallbacks : MouseWheelListener {
override fun mouseWheelMoved(e: MouseWheelEvent?) {
e?.let {
if (ParentFrame.leftNavFrame.scrollRect?.isMouseInside(it.x, it.y) == true) {
} else if (ParentFrame.contentFrame.scrollRect?.isMouseInside(it.x, it.y) == true) {
} else {
object KeyboardCallbacks : KeyAdapter() {
override fun keyTyped(e: KeyEvent?) {
e?.let {
override fun keyPressed(e: KeyEvent?) {
e?.let {
object ParentFrame : Frame(0, 0, 600, 400) {
val leftNavFrame = Frame(0, 30, 150, 370)
val contentFrame = Frame(150, 30, 450, 370)
override fun draw(deltaTime: Long) {
if (!isUIVisible) return
val bgWidth = width
val bgHeight = height + 30
API.FillRect(windowX, windowY, bgWidth, bgHeight, Color.BLACK.rgb, 200)
API.DrawText(FontType.LARGE, FontColor.fromColor(Color.WHITE), TextModifier.CENTER, "Example UI", windowX + bgWidth / 2, windowY + 20)
val closeButtonX = windowX + bgWidth - 20
val closeButtonY = windowY
API.FillRect(closeButtonX, closeButtonY, 20, 20, Color.RED.rgb, 255)
API.DrawText(FontType.SMALL, FontColor.fromColor(Color.WHITE), TextModifier.CENTER, "X", closeButtonX + 10, closeButtonY + 15)
// Draw Left Navigation Frame
leftNavFrame.windowX = windowX
leftNavFrame.windowY = windowY + 30
leftNavFrame.scrollRect?.let {
val clipX = leftNavFrame.windowX + it.xOffset
val clipY = leftNavFrame.windowY + it.yOffset
val clipWidth = it.width
val clipHeight = it.height
API.ClipRect(clipX, clipY, clipX + clipWidth, clipY + clipHeight)
// Draw Content Frame
contentFrame.windowX = windowX + 150
contentFrame.windowY = windowY + 30
contentFrame.scrollRect?.let {
val clipX = contentFrame.windowX + it.xOffset
val clipY = contentFrame.windowY + it.yOffset
val clipWidth = it.width
val clipHeight = it.height
API.ClipRect(clipX, clipY, clipX + clipWidth, clipY + clipHeight)
// Reset clipping rectangle
API.ClipRect(0, 0, API.GetWindowDimensions().width, API.GetWindowDimensions().height)
override fun handleMouseClick(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean {
if (!isUIVisible) return false
val closeButtonX = windowX + width - 20
val closeButtonY = windowY
if (x in closeButtonX until closeButtonX + 20 && y in closeButtonY until closeButtonY + 20) {
isUIVisible = false
return true
if (leftNavFrame.handleMouseClick(x, y)) return true
if (contentFrame.handleMouseClick(x, y)) return true
return false
override fun handleKeyTyped(e: KeyEvent) {
if (!isUIVisible) return
override fun handleKeyPressed(e: KeyEvent) {
if (!isUIVisible) return
open class Frame(
var windowX: Int,
var windowY: Int,
val width: Int,
val height: Int
) {
private val elements = mutableListOf<UIElement>()
private val openDropdowns = mutableListOf<Pair<Option, Int>>()
var scrollRect: ScrollRect? = null
var isUIVisible = true
private var dragStartX = 0
private var dragStartY = 0
private var isDragging = false
fun addElement(element: UIElement) {
fun clearElements() {
// Scroll to top
scrollRect?.scrollOffset = 0
open fun draw(deltaTime: Long) {
if (!isUIVisible) return
API.FillRect(windowX, windowY, width, height, Color.GRAY.rgb, 200)
var yPosition = windowY + 10
for (element in elements) {
element.draw(deltaTime, windowX + 10, yPosition - (scrollRect?.scrollOffset ?: 0))
if (element is Option && element.isDropdownOpen) {
openDropdowns.add(element to yPosition)
yPosition += element.height + 10
for ((dropdown, yPos) in openDropdowns) {
dropdown.drawDropdown(windowX + 10, yPos - (scrollRect?.scrollOffset ?: 0))
fun handleMousePress(x: Int, y: Int) {
if (!isUIVisible) return
if (x in windowX until windowX + width && y in windowY until windowY + 30) {
isDragging = true
dragStartX = x - windowX
dragStartY = y - windowY
fun handleMouseDrag(x: Int, y: Int) {
if (!isUIVisible) return
if (isDragging) {
windowX = x - dragStartX
windowY = y - dragStartY
fun handleMouseRelease() {
if (!isUIVisible) return
isDragging = false
open fun handleMouseClick(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean {
if (!isUIVisible) return false
var yPosition = windowY + 10
for (element in elements) {
if (element.handleMouseClick(x, y, windowX + 10, yPosition - (scrollRect?.scrollOffset ?: 0))) {
return true
yPosition += element.height + 10
return false
open fun handleKeyTyped(e: KeyEvent) {
if (!isUIVisible) return
for (element in elements) {
if (element is TextField && element.isFocused) {
open fun handleKeyPressed(e: KeyEvent) {
if (!isUIVisible) return
for (element in elements) {
if (element is TextField && element.isFocused) {
fun closeAllDropdowns() {
for (element in elements) {
if (element is Option) {
element.isDropdownOpen = false
class ScrollRect(
private val frame: Frame,
val xOffset: Int,
val yOffset: Int,
val width: Int,
val height: Int,
private val contentHeight: Int
) {
var scrollOffset = 0
private val scrollStep = 20
fun draw() {
val x = frame.windowX + xOffset
val y = frame.windowY + yOffset
val scrollbarHeight = (height.toDouble() / contentHeight * height).toInt().coerceAtLeast(20)
val scrollbarY = y + (scrollOffset.toDouble() / contentHeight * height).toInt()
API.FillRect(x + width - 10, scrollbarY, 10, scrollbarHeight, Color.ORANGE.rgb, 128)
fun handleMouseWheelMoved(e: MouseWheelEvent): Boolean {
val rotation = e.wheelRotation
scrollOffset = (scrollOffset + rotation * scrollStep).coerceIn(0, contentHeight - height)
return true
fun isMouseInside(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int): Boolean {
val x = frame.windowX + xOffset
val y = frame.windowY + yOffset
return mouseX in x until x + width && mouseY in y until y + height
interface UIElement {
val height: Int
fun draw(deltaTime: Long, x: Int, y: Int)
fun handleMouseClick(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, x: Int, y: Int): Boolean
class Option(private val label: String, private val dropdownItems: List<String>) : UIElement {
var isDropdownOpen = false
private var selectedItem = dropdownItems[0]
override val height: Int
get() = 20
override fun draw(deltaTime: Long, x: Int, y: Int) {
val labelWidth = 150
val dropdownWidth = 200
API.DrawText(FontType.SMALL, FontColor.fromColor(Color.WHITE), TextModifier.LEFT, label, x, y + 15)
API.FillRect(x + labelWidth, y, dropdownWidth, height, Color.GRAY.rgb, 64)
API.DrawText(FontType.SMALL, FontColor.fromColor(Color.WHITE), TextModifier.LEFT, selectedItem, x + labelWidth + 5, y + 15)
fun drawDropdown(x: Int, y: Int) {
if (!isDropdownOpen) return
val labelWidth = 150
val dropdownWidth = 200
var dropdownY = y + height
for ((index, item) in dropdownItems.withIndex()) {
API.FillRect(x + labelWidth, dropdownY, dropdownWidth, 20, Color.DARK_GRAY.rgb, 0)
API.DrawText(FontType.SMALL, FontColor.fromColor(Color.WHITE), TextModifier.LEFT, item, x + labelWidth + 5, dropdownY + 15)
dropdownY += 20
if (index < dropdownItems.size - 1) {
API.FillRect(x + labelWidth, dropdownY - 1, dropdownWidth, 1, Color.BLACK.rgb, 255)
override fun handleMouseClick(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, x: Int, y: Int): Boolean {
val labelWidth = 150
val dropdownWidth = 200
if (mouseX in x + labelWidth until x + labelWidth + dropdownWidth && mouseY in y until y + height) {
if (!isDropdownOpen) {
isDropdownOpen = true
} else {
isDropdownOpen = false
return true
if (isDropdownOpen) {
var dropdownY = y + height
for (item in dropdownItems) {
if (mouseX in x + labelWidth until x + labelWidth + dropdownWidth && mouseY in dropdownY until dropdownY + 20) {
selectedItem = item
isDropdownOpen = false
API.SendMessage("Selected $item")
return true
dropdownY += 20
return false
class TextField(
private val label: String,
private val x: Int,
private val width: Int,
override val height: Int,
private val placeholder: String? = null
) : UIElement {
var isFocused = false
private var text = ""
private var showCursor = true
private var elapsedTime = 0L
private var selectAll = false
private val blinkInterval = 500L
override fun draw(deltaTime: Long, windowX: Int, yPosition: Int) {
elapsedTime += deltaTime
if (elapsedTime >= blinkInterval) {
showCursor = !showCursor
elapsedTime = 0L
val alpha = if (isFocused) 100 else 50
val labelWidth = 150
API.DrawText(FontType.SMALL, FontColor.fromColor(Color.WHITE), TextModifier.LEFT, label, windowX, yPosition + 15)
API.FillRect(windowX + labelWidth, yPosition, width, height, Color.BLUE.rgb, alpha)
val maxChars = (width - 10) / 8
val displayText = if (text.isEmpty() && !isFocused && placeholder != null) {
} else if (isFocused && showCursor) {
if (text.length > maxChars) text.take(maxChars - 1) + "|" else "$text|"
} else {
val textColor = if (text.isEmpty() && !isFocused && placeholder != null) {
} else {
API.DrawText(FontType.SMALL, textColor, TextModifier.LEFT, displayText, windowX + labelWidth + 5, yPosition + 15)
override fun handleMouseClick(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, windowX: Int, yPosition: Int): Boolean {
val labelWidth = 150
isFocused = mouseX in windowX + labelWidth until windowX + labelWidth + width && mouseY in yPosition until yPosition + height
return isFocused
fun handleKeyTyped(e: KeyEvent) {
if (isFocused && !selectAll) {
val char = e.keyChar
if (char == '\b') {
if (text.isNotEmpty()) {
text = text.substring(0, text.length - 1)
} else {
text += char
fun handleKeyPressed(e: KeyEvent) {
if (isFocused) {
when {
e.isControlDown && e.keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_V -> {
val clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().systemClipboard
try {
val data = clipboard.getData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor) as String
text += data
} catch (ex: Exception) {
e.isControlDown && e.keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_A -> {
selectAll = true
selectAll && (e.keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE || e.keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) -> {
text = ""
selectAll = false
else -> {
selectAll = false
class Button(
private val label: String,
private val x: Int,
val width: Int,
override val height: Int,
private val onClick: () -> Unit
) : UIElement {
override fun draw(deltaTime: Long, windowX: Int, yPosition: Int) {
API.FillRect(windowX + x, yPosition, width, height, Color.GRAY.rgb, 64)
API.DrawText(FontType.SMALL, FontColor.fromColor(Color.WHITE), TextModifier.CENTER, label, windowX + x + width / 2, yPosition + height / 2 + 5)
override fun handleMouseClick(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, windowX: Int, yPosition: Int): Boolean {
if (mouseX in windowX + x until windowX + x + width && mouseY in yPosition until yPosition + height) {
return true
return false
class ButtonGroup(private val buttons: List<Button>) : UIElement {
override val height: Int
get() = buttons.maxOf { it.height }
override fun draw(deltaTime: Long, x: Int, y: Int) {
var currentX = x
for (button in buttons) {
button.draw(deltaTime, currentX, y)
currentX += button.width + 10
override fun handleMouseClick(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, x: Int, y: Int): Boolean {
var currentX = x
for (button in buttons) {
if (button.handleMouseClick(mouseX, mouseY, currentX, y)) {
return true
currentX += button.width + 10
return false
class Spacer(
override val height: Int
) : UIElement {
override fun draw(deltaTime: Long, x: Int, y: Int) {
// Draw nothing
override fun handleMouseClick(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, x: Int, y: Int): Boolean {
return false
override fun ProcessCommand(commandStr: String?, args: Array<out String>?) {
super.ProcessCommand(commandStr, args)
when (commandStr) {
"::openmenu" -> {
isUIVisible = true
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