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Created January 4, 2018 19:34
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% This is a script for reading the labelme annotations and outputing a
% dataset that can be used for training a CNN. It is specifically designed
% to work with KittiSeg network which uses annotation images with color
% masks denoting the labels.
%% Read the images and annotations
clear;close all;clc;
ANNOTATION_DIR = '../collection/Annotations/';
IMAGE_DIR = '../collection/Images/';
OUTPUT_DIR = '../dataset/ground_truth/';
[D, XML] = LMdatabase(ANNOTATION_DIR);
%% Filter the images not annotated
% filter all images without any obects (ie. ones that have not been
% annotated)
database = [];
for i = 1 : length(D)
if isfield(D(i).annotation, 'object')
database = [database; D(i).annotation];
%% Parse annotations and save annotated images
% red and purple are the default colors
for j = 1 : length(database)
[mask, class] = LMobjectmask(database(j), IMAGE_DIR);
[r,c,~] = size(mask);
mask_composite = false(r,c);
for i = 1 : length(class)
if strcmp(class(i),'line') || strcmp(class(i),'pothole')
mask_composite = mask_composite | mask(:,:,i);
annotation_image = cat(3, 255*ones(r,c), zeros(r,c,2));
blue_mask = cat(3, false(r,c,2), mask_composite);
annotation_image(blue_mask) = annotation_image(blue_mask) + 255;
imwrite(annotation_image, strcat(OUTPUT_DIR, database(j).filename));
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