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Created December 15, 2009 14:48
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URL in Perl with no strings attached!
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Modern::Perl;
use JSON qw(decode_json);
use Url;
# are converted to LWP::Simple::get using Devel::Declare magic!
# output the json as is
# => He nose the truth.
say decode_json( )->{text};
package Url;
use Modern::Perl;
use Devel::Declare ();
use LWP::Simple ();
use base 'Devel::Declare::Context::Simple';
sub import {
my $class = shift;
my $caller = caller;
my $ctx = __PACKAGE__->new;
http => {
const => sub { $ctx->parser(@_) },
no strict 'refs';
*{$caller.'::http'} = sub ($) { LWP::Simple::get( $_[0] ) };
sub parser {
my $self = shift;
$self->skip_declarator; # skip past "http"
my $line = $self->get_linestr; # get me current line of code
my $pos = $self->offset; # position just after "http"
my $url = substr $line, $pos; # url & everything after "http"
for my $c (split //, $url) {
# if blank, semi-colon or closing parenthesis then no longer a URL
last if $c eq q{ };
last if $c eq q{;};
last if $c eq q{)};
# so wrap url data.... ://
# with http prefix/quotes/brackets.... ("")
substr( $line, $pos, 0 ) = q{")};
substr( $line, $self->offset, 0 ) = q{("http};
# so from originally this...
# we send this back to parser... http("")
$self->set_linestr( $line );
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