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Created October 20, 2018 14:10
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Powerfile C200 Python from Google groups
from pywin.mfc import dialog, window, activex
import win32ui, win32uiole, win32con, win32file
import os, sys, win32api, glob, time, pywintypes
from win32com.client import gencache
import discinfo
# c200
c200_typelib = '{E9A61682-5978-11D3-B313-00C04F7654DB}'
c200_clsid = '{61A3F5A5-594F-11D3-B313-00C04F7654DB}'
C200 = gencache.EnsureModule(c200_typelib, 0, 1, 0).C200
class ChangerDisc:
def __init__(self, changer):
self.changer = changer
self.mounted = 0
self.slot = 0
class Changer:
def __init__( self, ocx=None ):
self.ocx = ocx = -1
self.driveletter = None
self.mounted = None
self.slots = None
def init_juke(self):
self.changerid = self.ocx.NumberOfChangers - 1
self.ocx.CurrentChangerNumber = self.changerid = self.ocx.FirstDriveElement
self.driveletter = self.ocx.DriveLetterOfDriveElement(
self.nslots = self.ocx.NumberOfStorageElements
self.slot0 = self.ocx.FirstStorageElement
self.slots = []
for i in range(self.nslots):
(rc,tag1,seq1,tag2,seq2,full,selt) = self.ocx.GetVolumeTag(
if full:
disc = ChangerDisc(self)
disc.mounted = 1
disc.slot = -1
disc.tag = tag1
self.mounted = disc
disc.type = self.mounted_disc_type()
self.mounted = None
def read_slots(self):
# getting the complete element map is much faster than
# checking the empty slots with getvolumetag
# type 2 is storage
(rc,mapstr) = self.ocx.GetElementMap(2, self.slot0, self.nslots, 0)
for i in range(self.nslots):
if mapstr[i] == "0":
disc = ChangerDisc(self)
self.slots[i] = disc
(rc,tag1,seq1,tag2,seq2,full,selt) = self.ocx.GetVolumeTag(self.slot0 + i)
disc.mounted = 0
disc.slot = i
disc.tag = tag1
disc.volname = None
disc.fstype = None
#print "%3d %d %s" % (i, full, tag1)
def dump_changer(self):
if self.mounted:
print "mounted: %s" % self.mounted.tag
for i in range(self.nslots):
if not self.slots[i]:
print "slot %3d: %s" % (i, self.slots[i].tag)
def read_volume_labels(self):
if self.mounted:
print "mounted: %s" % self.mounted.tag
for i in range(self.nslots):
if not self.slots[i]:
print "mounting slot %3d: %s" % (i, self.slots[i].tag)
disc = self.slots[i]
# wait for the disc to spin up. should really do this with a retry
# instead
def ejectall(self):
if self.mounted:
for disc in self.slots:
if disc == None:
ioslot = self.ocx.FirstImportExportElement
print "export(%d, %d)" % (disc.slot + self.slot0, ioslot)
rc = self.ocx.ExportElement(disc.slot + self.slot0, ioslot)
if not rc:
print "OCX error ejecting disc %s:" % disc.tag
print self.ocx.GetLastError()
# return
def mounted_disc_type(self):
if not self.mounted:
return None
disc = discinfo.read_disc(self.driveletter)
self.mounted.disc = disc
def unmount(self):
if self.mounted == None:
# find an empty slot
for i in range(self.nslots):
if self.slots[i]:
disc = self.mounted
rc = self.ocx.UnMountElement(, i + self.slot0, 1)
if not rc:
print "OCX error:"
print self.ocx.GetLastError()
self.mounted = None
disc.mounted = 0
disc.slot = i
self.slots[i] = disc
# XXX error - no free slots found
def mount(self, disc):
if self.mounted == disc:
if self.mounted:
rc = self.ocx.MountElement(disc.slot + self.slot0,
if not rc:
print "OCX error:"
print self.ocx.GetLastError()
disc.mounted = 1
self.slots[disc.slot] = None
disc.slot = -1
self.mounted = disc
# the c200 driver doesn't update windows properly when the
# disc is changed. try to tell windows to re-read the drive...
def try_flush(self):
devpath = "\\\\.\\%s:" % self.driveletter
dev = win32file.CreateFile(devpath, win32file.GENERIC_READ,
win32file.FILE_SHARE_READ | win32file.FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
None, win32file.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, None)
def storage_ioctl(code):
return 0x2d4000 | (code << 2)
# IOCTL_STORAGE_MEDIA_REMOVAL = storage_ioctl(0x0201)
# IOCTL_STORAGE_EJECT_MEDIA = storage_ioctl(0x0202)
IOCTL_STORAGE_LOAD_MEDIA = storage_ioctl(0x0203)
ret = win32file.DeviceIoControl(dev, IOCTL_STORAGE_LOAD_MEDIA,
"", 0)
# drivestr = "%s:\\" % self.driveletter
# os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, "C:\\WINNT\\explorer.exe", [drivestr])
def testjuke(self):
print "changer id %s" % juke.ChangerID
print "i/o elt %s" % juke.FirstImportExportElement
print "drive elt %s" % juke.FirstDriveElement
print "storage elt %s x %d" % (juke.FirstStorageElement, juke.NumberOfStorageElements)
elt0 = juke.FirstStorageElement
nelts = juke.NumberOfStorageElements
#emap = juke.GetElementMap(1, elt0, nelts)
# getting the complete element map is much faster than
# checking the empty slots with getvolumetag
# type 2 is storage
(rc,mapstr) = juke.GetElementMap(2, elt0, nelts, 0)
for i in range(nelts):
if mapstr[i] == "0":
(rc,tag1,seq1,tag2,seq2,full,selt) = juke.GetVolumeTag(elt0 + i)
print "%3d %d %s" % (i, full, tag1)
#for p in volinfo:
# print " %s" % p
status = 0
foo = juke.DiscInElement(juke.FirstDriveElement, status)
print "foo = %s status = %s" %(foo, status)
foo = juke.UnMountElement(juke.FirstDriveElement, 1, 1)
# print juke.GetLastError
print "foo = %s" % foo
foo = juke.DiscInElement(juke.FirstDriveElement, status)
print "foo = %s status = %s" %(foo, status)
def check_license_file():
sysdir = win32api.GetSystemDirectory()
licfile = os.path.join(sysdir, "c200.lic")
if os.path.exists(licfile):
licsrc = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "doc\\c200.lic")
if not os.path.exists(licsrc):
raise "can't find license file %s" % licsrc
win32api.CopyFile(licsrc, licfile, 1)
def test():
print "no test here"
if __name__ == "__main__":
# DriveLetterOfDriveElement(self, Element)
# GetLastError(self, ErrorNum, Description, extendedInfo)
# ReserveChanger(self, Reserve)
# DiscInElement(self, Element, Status)
# GetElementMap(self, ElementType, FirstElement, NumberOfElements, VolTag, ElementMap)
# GetVacantStorageElements(self, Count)
# GetVolumeTag(self, Element, PrimaryTagName, pSequence, AlternateTagName, aSequence, Full, StorageElement)
# PutVolumeTag(self, Element, Sequence, TagName, AlternateFlag)
# ImportElement(self, ImportExportElement, StorageElement)
# ExportElement(self, StorageElement, ImportExportElement)
# MountElement(self, StorageElement, DriveElement)
# MountElementAvailableDrive(self, StorageElement, DriveElement)
# UnMountElement(self, DriveElement, StorageElement, ForceUnload)
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