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Last active December 8, 2024 12:04
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  • Save dragonwocky/ea61c8d21db17913a43da92efe0de634 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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js post request example for discord webhooks using the fetch web api
// node.js versions pre-v0.18.0 do not support the fetch api and require a polyfill
// const fetch = require('node-fetch');
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
// the username to be displayed
username: 'webhook',
// the avatar to be displayed
// contents of the message to be sent
'user mention: <@279098137484722176>, role mention: <@&496160161459863552>, channel mention: <#508500699458306049>',
// enable mentioning of individual users or roles, but not @everyone/@here
allowed_mentions: {
parse: ['users', 'roles'],
// embeds to be sent
embeds: [
// decimal number colour of the side of the embed
color: 11730954,
// author
// - icon next to text at top (text is a link)
author: {
name: 'dragonwocky',
url: '',
icon_url: '',
// embed title
// - link on 2nd row
title: 'title',
// thumbnail
// - small image in top right corner.
thumbnail: {
// embed description
// - text on 3rd row
description: 'description',
// custom embed fields: bold title/name, normal content/value below title
// - located below description, above image.
fields: [
name: 'field 1',
value: 'value',
name: 'field 2',
value: 'other value',
// image
// - picture below description(and fields)
image: {
// footer
// - icon next to text at bottom
footer: {
text: 'footer',
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hey, so I'm trying to integrate this as a function into a chrome extension, but for some reason, it keeps giving me 'Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list', highlighting the embeds array.

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how do i use this in php?

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How do I make it so that it redirects the client to a different website once the message has been posted?

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Bro do you have a kofi for real I been trying for hours to figure out how to embed through fetch posts. You finally gave me what I needed to sort out the log system I'm making

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@JiminyKroket glad this code helped :)

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your code has a little problem, which i fixed and posted on github hope you don't mind:

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dragonwocky commented Aug 30, 2022

@BizarreMaster16 just reposted the exact same code with the image links changed? Please don't do that. If there is a problem with this, it's likely just because it hasn't been updated in a while. People seem to often find this gist, so I'd rather fix the problem here than have the code reposted somewhere else.

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@dragonwocky I'll put it in private so I apologize if you can just put it on the first line:
const fetch = require('node-fetch')

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dragonwocky commented Aug 30, 2022

@BizarreMaster16 that line is only required if you are using Node.js pre-v18.0.0 and is a limitation of old Node.js versions. This webhook code can be run in any other JavaScript environment (e.g. browser, Deno, Bun) without the need for a polyfill, so that line is up to users to add themselves if they need it instead of being part of the general code example, but I've added a comment to the gist to explain that.

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@dragonwocky OK thank you

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Rednexie commented Dec 2, 2023

you can use my repository node-fetch-patch with nodejs.
its a polyfill, which installs node-fetch if it doesn't exist

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Rednexie commented Dec 2, 2023

is it possible to fetch messages from a channel with a webhook?

if your bot has access to the channel, you can do that. with required authorization tags(should be 'Bot <your bot token')

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