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Created May 25, 2023 08:22
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box project uv
// assuming "geo", a THREE.BufferGeometry
let bboxSize = geo.boundingBox.getSize(new THREE.Vector3())
let uvMapSize = Math.min(bboxSize.x, bboxSize.y, bboxSize.z)
// calculate UV coordinates, if uv attribute is not present, it will be added
let boxGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(uvMapSize, uvMapSize, uvMapSize)
let cube = new THREE.Mesh(boxGeometry)
cube.rotation.set(0, 0, 0)
cube.updateWorldMatrix(true, false)
applyBoxUV(geo, cube.matrix.clone().invert(), uvMapSize)
// let three.js know
geo.attributes.uv.needsUpdate = true
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function _applyBoxUV(geom, transformMatrix, bbox, bbox_max_size) {
let coords = []
coords.length = (2 * geom.attributes.position.array.length) / 3
// geom.removeAttribute('uv');
if (geom.attributes.uv === undefined) {
geom.setAttribute('uv', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(coords, 2))
//maps 3 verts of 1 face on the better side of the cube
//side of the cube can be XY, XZ or YZ
let makeUVs = function (v0, v1, v2) {
//pre-rotate the model so that cube sides match world axis
//get normal of the face, to know into which cube side it maps better
let n = new THREE.Vector3()
n.crossVectors(v1.clone().sub(v0), v1.clone().sub(v2)).normalize()
n.x = Math.abs(n.x)
n.y = Math.abs(n.y)
n.z = Math.abs(n.z)
let uv0 = new THREE.Vector2()
let uv1 = new THREE.Vector2()
let uv2 = new THREE.Vector2()
// xz mapping
if (n.y > n.x && n.y > n.z) {
uv0.x = (v0.x - bbox.min.x) / bbox_max_size
uv0.y = (bbox.max.z - v0.z) / bbox_max_size
uv1.x = (v1.x - bbox.min.x) / bbox_max_size
uv1.y = (bbox.max.z - v1.z) / bbox_max_size
uv2.x = (v2.x - bbox.min.x) / bbox_max_size
uv2.y = (bbox.max.z - v2.z) / bbox_max_size
} else if (n.x > n.y && n.x > n.z) {
uv0.x = (v0.z - bbox.min.z) / bbox_max_size
uv0.y = (v0.y - bbox.min.y) / bbox_max_size
uv1.x = (v1.z - bbox.min.z) / bbox_max_size
uv1.y = (v1.y - bbox.min.y) / bbox_max_size
uv2.x = (v2.z - bbox.min.z) / bbox_max_size
uv2.y = (v2.y - bbox.min.y) / bbox_max_size
} else if (n.z > n.y && n.z > n.x) {
uv0.x = (v0.x - bbox.min.x) / bbox_max_size
uv0.y = (v0.y - bbox.min.y) / bbox_max_size
uv1.x = (v1.x - bbox.min.x) / bbox_max_size
uv1.y = (v1.y - bbox.min.y) / bbox_max_size
uv2.x = (v2.x - bbox.min.x) / bbox_max_size
uv2.y = (v2.y - bbox.min.y) / bbox_max_size
return {
uv0: uv0,
uv1: uv1,
uv2: uv2,
if (geom.index) {
// is it indexed buffer geometry?
for (let vi = 0; vi < geom.index.array.length; vi += 3) {
let idx0 = geom.index.array[vi]
let idx1 = geom.index.array[vi + 1]
let idx2 = geom.index.array[vi + 2]
let vx0 = geom.attributes.position.array[3 * idx0]
let vy0 = geom.attributes.position.array[3 * idx0 + 1]
let vz0 = geom.attributes.position.array[3 * idx0 + 2]
let vx1 = geom.attributes.position.array[3 * idx1]
let vy1 = geom.attributes.position.array[3 * idx1 + 1]
let vz1 = geom.attributes.position.array[3 * idx1 + 2]
let vx2 = geom.attributes.position.array[3 * idx2]
let vy2 = geom.attributes.position.array[3 * idx2 + 1]
let vz2 = geom.attributes.position.array[3 * idx2 + 2]
let v0 = new THREE.Vector3(vx0, vy0, vz0)
let v1 = new THREE.Vector3(vx1, vy1, vz1)
let v2 = new THREE.Vector3(vx2, vy2, vz2)
let uvs = makeUVs(v0, v1, v2, coords)
coords[2 * idx0] = uvs.uv0.x
coords[2 * idx0 + 1] = uvs.uv0.y
coords[2 * idx1] = uvs.uv1.x
coords[2 * idx1 + 1] = uvs.uv1.y
coords[2 * idx2] = uvs.uv2.x
coords[2 * idx2 + 1] = uvs.uv2.y
} else {
for (let vi = 0; vi < geom.attributes.position.array.length; vi += 9) {
let vx0 = geom.attributes.position.array[vi]
let vy0 = geom.attributes.position.array[vi + 1]
let vz0 = geom.attributes.position.array[vi + 2]
let vx1 = geom.attributes.position.array[vi + 3]
let vy1 = geom.attributes.position.array[vi + 4]
let vz1 = geom.attributes.position.array[vi + 5]
let vx2 = geom.attributes.position.array[vi + 6]
let vy2 = geom.attributes.position.array[vi + 7]
let vz2 = geom.attributes.position.array[vi + 8]
let v0 = new THREE.Vector3(vx0, vy0, vz0)
let v1 = new THREE.Vector3(vx1, vy1, vz1)
let v2 = new THREE.Vector3(vx2, vy2, vz2)
let uvs = makeUVs(v0, v1, v2, coords)
let idx0 = vi / 3
let idx1 = idx0 + 1
let idx2 = idx0 + 2
coords[2 * idx0] = uvs.uv0.x
coords[2 * idx0 + 1] = uvs.uv0.y
coords[2 * idx1] = uvs.uv1.x
coords[2 * idx1 + 1] = uvs.uv1.y
coords[2 * idx2] = uvs.uv2.x
coords[2 * idx2 + 1] = uvs.uv2.y
geom.attributes.uv.array = new Float32Array(coords)
function applyBoxUV(bufferGeometry, transformMatrix, boxSize) {
if (transformMatrix === undefined) {
transformMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4()
if (boxSize === undefined) {
let geom = bufferGeometry
let bbox = geom.boundingBox
let bbox_size_x = bbox.max.x - bbox.min.x
let bbox_size_z = bbox.max.z - bbox.min.z
let bbox_size_y = bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y
boxSize = Math.max(bbox_size_x, bbox_size_y, bbox_size_z)
let uvBbox = new THREE.Box3(new THREE.Vector3(-boxSize / 2, -boxSize / 2, -boxSize / 2), new THREE.Vector3(boxSize / 2, boxSize / 2, boxSize / 2))
_applyBoxUV(bufferGeometry, transformMatrix, uvBbox, boxSize)
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