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Last active June 17, 2023 10:05
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// Authors:
// N8,
// drcmda,
import * as THREE from 'three'
import * as React from 'react'
import { extend, useFrame, useThree } from '@react-three/fiber'
import { useFBO } from './useFBO'
import { RenderTexture } from './RenderTexture'
import { shaderMaterial } from './shaderMaterial'
import { FullScreenQuad } from 'three-stdlib'
const PortalMaterialImpl = shaderMaterial(
{ map: null, blend: 0, resolution: new THREE.Vector2() },
`void main() {
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
`uniform sampler2D map;
uniform vec2 resolution;
#include <packing>
void main() {
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;
gl_FragColor = texture2D(map, uv);
#include <tonemapping_fragment>
#include <encodings_fragment>
export const MeshPortalMaterial = React.forwardRef(
({ children, worldUnits = false, resolution = 512, ...props }, fref) => {
extend({ PortalMaterialImpl })
const ref = React.useRef(null)
const { scene, size, viewport } = useThree()
const [priority, setPriority] = React.useState(0)
useFrame(() => {
// If blend is > 0 then the portal is being entered, the render-priority must change
const p = ref.current.blend > 0 ? 1 : 0
if (priority !== p) setPriority(p)
React.useImperativeHandle(fref, () => ref.current)
return (
resolution={[size.width * viewport.dpr, size.height * viewport.dpr]}
<RenderTexture attach="map">
<ManagePortalScene rootScene={scene} priority={priority} material={ref} worldUnits={worldUnits} />
function ManagePortalScene({ rootScene, material, priority, worldUnits }) {
const scene = useThree((state) => state.scene)
const buffer1 = useFBO()
const buffer2 = useFBO()
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
scene.matrixAutoUpdate = false
}, [])
const [quad, blend] = React.useMemo(() => {
// This fullscreen-quad is used to blend the two textures
const blend = { value: 0 }
const quad = new FullScreenQuad(
new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: {
a: { value: buffer1.texture },
b: { value: buffer2.texture },
vertexShader: /*glsl*/ `
varying vec2 vUv;
void main() {
vUv = uv;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
fragmentShader: /*glsl*/ `
uniform sampler2D a;
uniform sampler2D b;
uniform float blend;
varying vec2 vUv;
#include <packing>
void main() {
vec4 ta = texture2D(a, vUv);
vec4 tb = texture2D(b, vUv);
gl_FragColor = mix(tb, ta, blend);
#include <encodings_fragment>
return [quad, blend]
}, [])
useFrame((state) => {
let parent = material?.current?.__r3f.parent
if (parent) {
// Move portal contents along with the parent if worldUnits is true
if (!worldUnits) scene.matrixWorld.copy(parent.matrixWorld)
else scene.matrixWorld.identity()
// This bit is only necessary if the portal is blended, now it has a render-priority
// and will take over the render loop
if (priority) {
if (material.current?.blend > 0 && material.current?.blend < 1) {
// If blend is ongoing (> 0 and < 1) then we need to render both the root scene
// and the portal scene, both will then be mixed in the quad from above
blend.value = material.current.blend,,
} else if (material.current?.blend === 1) {
// However if blend is 1 we only need to render the portal scene,
}, priority)
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