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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Fixed Cousera Downloader

This is quick and dirty fix for coursera-dl script. Put into site-packages and execute like this:

python -m courseradownloader -u -p supersecret -d . behavioralecon-002
import argparse
import getpass
import json
import netrc
import os
import platform
import re
import requests
import shutil
import sys
import tarfile
import time
import math
import unicodedata
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from os import path
from six import print_, PY2
from six.moves.urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse, urlsplit
__version_info__ = (2,0,0)
__version__ = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__))
def filename_from_header(header):
cd = header['Content-Disposition']
pattern = 'attachment; filename="(.*?)"'
m =, cd)
g =
if "%" in g:
g = unquote(g)
return sanitise_filename(g)
except Exception:
return ''
def filename_from_url(url):
# parse the url into its components
u = urlsplit(url)
# split the path into parts and unquote
parts = [unquote(x).strip() for x in u.path.split('/')]
# take the last component as filename
fname = parts[-1]
# if empty, url ended with a trailing slash
# so join up the hostnam/path and use that as a filename
if len(fname) < 1:
s = u.netloc + u.path[:-1]
fname = s.replace('/', '_')
# unquoting could have cuased slashes to appear again
# split and take the last element if so
fname = fname.split('/')[-1]
# add an extension if none
ext = path.splitext(fname)[1]
if len(ext) < 1 or len(ext) > 5:
fname += ".html"
# remove any illegal chars and return
return sanitise_filename(fname)
def clean_url(url):
if not url:
return None
url = url.strip()
if url and not urlparse(url).scheme:
url = "http://" + url
return url
def sanitise_filename(fileName):
# ensure a clean, valid filename (arg may be both str and unicode)
# ensure a unicode string, problematic ascii chars will get removed
if PY2 and isinstance(fileName, str):
fn = unicode(fileName, errors='ignore')
fn = fileName
# normalize it
fn = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', fn)
# encode it into ascii, again ignoring problematic chars
s = fn.encode('ascii', 'ignore') if PY2 else fn
# remove any characters not in the whitelist
s = re.sub('[^\w\-\(\)\[\]\., ]', '', s).strip()
# ensure it is within a sane maximum
max = 250
# split off extension, trim, and re-add the extension
fn, ext = path.splitext(s)
s = fn[:max - len(ext)] + ext
return s
def trim_path(pathname, max_path_len=255, min_len=5):
Trim file name in given path name to fit max_path_len characters. Only file name is trimmed,
path names are not affected to avoid creating multiple folders for the same lecture.
if len(pathname) <= max_path_len:
return pathname
fpath, name = path.split(pathname)
name, ext = path.splitext(name)
to_cut = len(pathname) - max_path_len
to_keep = len(name) - to_cut
if to_keep < min_len:
print_(' Warning: Cannot trim filename "%s" to fit required path length (%d)' %
(pathname, max_path_len))
return pathname
name = name[:to_keep]
new_pathname = path.join(fpath, name + ext)
print_(' Trimmed path name "%s" to "%s" to fit required length (%d)' %
(pathname, new_pathname, max_path_len))
return new_pathname
class CourseraDownloader(object):
Class to download content (videos, lecture notes, ...) from for
use offline.
:param username: username
:param password: password
:keyword proxy: http proxy, eg:
:keyword parser: xml parser
:keyword ignorefiles: comma separated list of file extensions to skip (e.g., "ppt,srt")
HOME_URL = BASE_URL + '/class/index'
LECTURE_URL = BASE_URL + '/lecture/index'
QUIZ_URL = BASE_URL + '/quiz/index'
AUTH_URL = BASE_URL + "/auth/auth_redirector?type=login&subtype=normal"
# see
DEFAULT_PARSER = "html.parser"
# how long to try to open a URL before timing out
TIMEOUT = 30.0
def __init__(self, username,
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.parser = parser
# Split "ignorefiles" argument on commas, strip, remove prefixing dot
# if there is one, and filter out empty tokens.
self.ignorefiles = [x.strip()[1:] if x[0] == '.' else x.strip()
for x in ignorefiles.split(',') if len(x)]
self.session = None
self.proxy = proxy
self.max_path_part_len = max_path_part_len
self.gzip_courses = gzip_courses
self.wk_filter = map(
int, wk_filter.split(",")) if wk_filter else None
except Exception as e:
print_("Invalid week filter, should be a comma separated list of integers", e)
def login(self, className):
Login into coursera and obtain the necessary session cookies.
s = requests.Session()
if self.proxy:
s.proxies = {'http': self.proxy}
url = self.lecture_url_from_name(className)
res = s.get(url, timeout=self.TIMEOUT)
if res.status_code == 404:
raise Exception("Unknown class %s" % className)
# get the csrf token
if 'csrf_token' not in s.cookies:
raise Exception("Failed to find csrf cookie")
# call the authenticator url
LOGIN_FORM = {'email': self.username, 'password': self.password}
s.headers['Referer'] = ''
s.headers['X-CSRFToken'] = s.cookies.get('csrf_token')
s.cookies['csrftoken'] = s.cookies.get('csrf_token')
res =, data=LOGIN_FORM, timeout=self.TIMEOUT)
if res.status_code == 401:
raise Exception("Invalid username or password")
# check if we managed to login
if 'CAUTH' not in s.cookies:
raise Exception("Failed to authenticate as %s" % self.username)
self.session = s
def course_name_from_url(self, course_url):
"""Given the course URL, return the name, e.g., algo2012-p2"""
return course_url.split('/')[3]
def lecture_url_from_name(self, course_name):
"""Given the name of a course, return the video lecture url"""
return self.LECTURE_URL % course_name
# TODO: simple hack, something more elaborate needed
def trim_path_part(self, s):
mppl = self.max_path_part_len
if mppl and len(s) > mppl:
return s[:mppl - 3] + "..."
return s
def get_response(self, url, retries=3, **kwargs):
Get the response
kwargs.update(timeout=self.TIMEOUT, allow_redirects=True)
for i in range(retries):
r = self.session.get(url, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
# print_("Warning: Retrying to connect url:%s" % url)
return r
raise e
def get_headers(self, url):
Get the headers
r = self.get_response(url, stream=True)
headers = r.headers
return headers
def get_page(self, url):
Get the content
r = self.get_response(url)
page = r.content
return page
def get_json(self, url):
Get the json data
r = self.get_response(url)
data = r.json()
return data
def get_downloadable_content(self, course_url):
Given the video lecture URL of the course, return a list of all
downloadable resources.
print_("* Collecting downloadable content from " + course_url)
# get the course name, and redirect to the course lecture page
vidpage = self.get_page(course_url)
# extract the weekly classes
soup = BeautifulSoup(vidpage, self.parser)
# extract the weekly classes
weeks = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "course-item-list-header"})
weeklyTopics = []
# for each weekly class
for week in weeks:
# title of this weeks' classes
h3 = week.findNext('h3')
# sometimes the first week are the hidden sample lectures, catch
# this
if h3.text.strip().startswith("window.onload"):
h3txt = "Sample Lectures"
h3txt = h3.text.strip()
weekTopic = sanitise_filename(h3txt)
weekTopic = self.trim_path_part(weekTopic)
# get all the classes for the week
ul = week.next_sibling
lis = ul.findAll('li')
weekClasses = []
# for each class (= lecture)
for li in lis:
# the name of this class
className = li.a.find(text=True).strip()
# Many class names have the following format:
# "Something really cool (12:34)"
# If the class name has this format, replace the colon in the
# time with a hyphen.
if re.match(".+\(\d?\d:\d\d\)$", className):
head, sep, tail = className.rpartition(":")
className = head + "-" + tail
className = sanitise_filename(className)
className = self.trim_path_part(className)
# collect all the resources for this class (ppt, pdf, mov, ..)
classResources = li.find(
'div', {'class': 'course-lecture-item-resource'})
hrefs = classResources.findAll('a')
resourceLinks = []
for a in hrefs:
# get the hyperlink itself
h = clean_url(a.get('href'))
if not h:
# Sometimes the raw, uncompresed source videos are available as
# well. Don't download them as they are huge and available in
# compressed form anyway.
if h.find('source_videos') > 0:
print_(" - will skip raw source video " + h)
# Dont set a filename here, that will be inferred from the week
# titles
resourceLinks.append((h, None))
# check if the video is included in the resources, if not, try
# do download it directly
hasvid = [x for x, _ in resourceLinks if x.find('.mp4') > 0]
if not hasvid:
ll = li.find('a', {'class': 'lecture-link'})
lurl = clean_url(ll['data-modal-iframe'])
pg = self.get_page(lurl)
bb = BeautifulSoup(pg, self.parser)
vobj = bb.find('source', type="video/mp4")
if not vobj:
" Warning: Failed to find video for %s" % className)
vurl = clean_url(vobj['src'])
# build the matching filename
fn = className + ".mp4"
resourceLinks.append((vurl, fn))
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
# sometimes there is a lecture without a vidio (e.g.,
# genes-001) so this can happen.
" Warning: failed to open the direct video link %s: %s" % (lurl, e))
weekClasses.append((className, resourceLinks))
weeklyTopics.append((weekTopic, weekClasses))
return weeklyTopics
def download(self, url, target_dir=".", target_fname=None):
Download the url to the given filename
# get the headers
headers = self.get_headers(url)
# get the content length (if present)
clen = int(headers.get('Content-Length', -1))
# build the absolute path we are going to write to
fname = target_fname or filename_from_header(
headers) or filename_from_url(url)
# split off the extension
_, ext = path.splitext(fname)
# check if we should skip it (remember to remove the leading .)
if ext and ext[1:] in self.ignorefiles:
print_(' - skipping "%s" (extension ignored)' % fname)
filepath = path.join(target_dir, fname)
dl = True
if path.exists(filepath):
if clen > 0:
fs = path.getsize(filepath)
delta = math.fabs(clen - fs)
# there are cases when a file was not completely downloaded or
# something went wront that meant the file on disk is
# unreadable. The file on disk my be smaller or larger (!) than
# the reported content length in those cases.
# Hence we overwrite the file if the reported content length is
# different than what we have already by at least k bytes (arbitrary)
# TODO this is still not foolproof as the fundamental problem is that the content length cannot be trusted
# so this really needs to be avoided and replaced by something
# else, eg., explicitly storing what downloaded correctly
if delta > 10:
' - "%s" seems corrupt, downloading again' % fname)
print_(' - "%s" already exists, skipping' % fname)
dl = False
# missing or invalid content length
# assume all is ok...
dl = False
# Detect renamed files
existing, short = find_renamed(filepath, clen)
if existing:
print_(' - "%s" seems to be a copy of "%s", renaming existing file' %
(fname, short))
os.rename(existing, filepath)
dl = False
if dl:
print_(' - Downloading', fname)
response = self.get_response(url, stream=True)
full_size = clen
done_size = 0
slice_size = 524288 # 512KB buffer
last_time = time.time()
with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=slice_size):
percent = int(float(done_size) / full_size * 100)
percent = 0
cur_time = time.time()
speed = float(slice_size) / float(
cur_time - last_time)
last_time = cur_time
speed = 0
if speed < 1024:
speed_str = '{:.1f} B/s'.format(speed)
elif speed < 1048576:
speed_str = '{:.1f} KB/s'.format(speed / 1024)
speed_str = '{:.1f} MB/s'.format(speed / 1048576)
status_str = 'status: {:2d}% {}'.format(
percent, speed_str)
status_str + ' ' * (25 - len(status_str)) + '\r')
done_size += slice_size
sys.stdout.write(' ' * 25 + '\r')
except Exception as e:
print_("Failed to download url %s to %s: %s" % (url, filepath, e))
def download_about(self, cname, course_dir):
Download the 'about' json file
fn = os.path.join(course_dir, cname + '-about.json')
# get the base course name (without the -00x suffix)
base_name = re.split('(-[0-9]+)', cname)[0]
# get the json
about_url = self.ABOUT_URL % base_name
data = self.get_json(about_url)
# pretty print to file
with open(fn, 'w') as f:
json_data = json.dumps(data, indent=4, separators=(',', ':'))
def download_course(self, cname, dest_dir=".", reverse_sections=False, gzip_courses=False):
Download all the contents (quizzes, videos, lecture notes, ...)
of the course to the given destination directory (defaults to .)
# get the lecture url
course_url = self.lecture_url_from_name(cname)
weeklyTopics = self.get_downloadable_content(course_url)
if not weeklyTopics:
print_(" Warning: no downloadable content found for %s, did you accept the honour code?" %
print_('* Got all downloadable content for ' + cname)
if reverse_sections:
print_("* Weekly modules reversed")
# where the course will be downloaded to
course_dir = path.abspath(path.join(dest_dir, cname))
# ensure the course dir exists
if not path.exists(course_dir):
print_("* " + cname + " will be downloaded to " + course_dir)
# download the standard pages
print_(" - Downloading lecture/syllabus pages") %
cname, target_dir=course_dir, target_fname="index.html"),
target_dir=course_dir, target_fname="lectures.html")
self.download_about(cname, course_dir)
except Exception as e:
print_("Warning: failed to download about file", e)
# now download the actual content (video's, lecture notes, ...)
for j, (weeklyTopic, weekClasses) in enumerate(weeklyTopics, start=1):
if self.wk_filter and j not in self.wk_filter:
print_(" - skipping %s (idx = %s), as it is not in the week filter" %
(weeklyTopic, j))
# add a numeric prefix to the week directory name to ensure
# chronological ordering
wkdirname = str(j).zfill(2) + " - " + weeklyTopic
# ensure the week dir exists
wkdir = path.join(course_dir, wkdirname)
if not path.exists(wkdir):
print_(" - " + weeklyTopic)
for i, (className, classResources) in enumerate(weekClasses, start=1):
# ensure chronological ordering
clsdirname = str(i).zfill(2) + " - " + className
# ensure the class dir exists
clsdir = path.join(wkdir, clsdirname)
if not path.exists(clsdir):
print_(" - Downloading resources for " + className)
# download each resource
for classResource, tfname in classResources:
classResource, target_dir=clsdir, target_fname=tfname)
except Exception as e:
print_(" - failed: ", classResource, e)
if gzip_courses:
tar_file_name = cname + ".tar.gz"
print_("Compressing and storing as " + tar_file_name)
tar =, tar_file_name), 'w:gz')
tar.add(os.path.join(dest_dir, cname), arcname=cname)
print_("Compression complete. Cleaning up.")
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(dest_dir, cname))
def get_netrc_creds():
Read username/password from the users' netrc file. Returns None if no
coursera credentials can be found.
# inspired by
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
# where could the netrc file be hiding, try a number of places
env_vars = ["HOME", "HOMEDRIVE",
env_dirs = [os.environ[e] for e in env_vars if os.environ.get(e, None)]
# also try the root/cur dirs
env_dirs += ["C:", ""]
# possible filenames
file_names = [".netrc", "_netrc"]
# all possible paths
paths = [path.join(dir, fn) for dir in env_dirs for fn in file_names]
# on *nix just put None, and the correct default will be used
paths = [None]
# try the paths one by one and return the first one that works
creds = None
for p in paths:
auths = netrc.netrc(p).authenticators('coursera-dl')
creds = (auths[0], auths[2])
print_("Credentials found in .netrc file")
except (IOError, TypeError, netrc.NetrcParseError) as e:
return creds
def normalize_string(str):
return ''.join(x for x in str if x not in ' \t-_()"01234567890').lower()
def find_renamed(filename, size):
fpath, name = path.split(filename)
name, ext = path.splitext(name)
name = normalize_string(name)
if not path.exists(fpath):
return None, None
files = os.listdir(fpath)
if files:
for f in files:
fname, fext = path.splitext(f)
fname = normalize_string(fname)
if fname == name and fext == ext:
fullname = os.path.join(fpath, f)
if path.getsize(fullname) == size:
return fullname, f
return None, None
def main():
# parse the commandline arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Download course videos/docs for offline use.')
parser.add_argument("-u", dest='username', type=str,
help='coursera username (.netrc used if omitted)')
"-p", dest='password', type=str, help='coursera password')
parser.add_argument("-d", dest='dest_dir', type=str, default=".",
help='destination directory where everything will be saved')
parser.add_argument("-n", dest='ignorefiles', type=str, default="",
help='comma-separated list of file extensions to skip, e.g., "ppt,srt,pdf"')
"-q", dest='parser', type=str, default=CourseraDownloader.DEFAULT_PARSER,
help="the html parser to use, see")
parser.add_argument("-x", dest='proxy', type=str,
default=None, help="proxy to use, e.g.,")
"--reverse-sections", dest='reverse', action="store_true",
default=False, help="download and save the sections in reverse order")
parser.add_argument('course_names', nargs="+", metavar='<course name>',
type=str, help='one or more course names from the url (e.g., comnets-2012-001)')
dest='gzip_courses', action="store_true", default=False, help='Tarball courses for archival storage (folders get deleted)')
parser.add_argument("-mppl", dest='mppl', type=int, default=100,
help='Maximum length of filenames/dirs in a path (windows only)')
parser.add_argument("-w", dest='wkfilter', type=str, default=None,
help="Comma separted list of week numbers to download e.g., 1,3,8")
args = parser.parse_args()
# check the parser
html_parser = args.parser
if html_parser == "html.parser" and sys.version_info < (2, 7, 3):
" Warning: built-in 'html.parser' may cause problems on Python < 2.7.3")
print_("Coursera-dl v%s (%s)" % (__version__, html_parser))
# search for login credentials in .netrc file if username hasn't been
# provided in command-line args
username, password = args.username, args.password
if not username:
creds = get_netrc_creds()
if not creds:
raise Exception(
"No username passed and no .netrc credentials found (check a netrc file exists and has the correct permissions), unable to login")
username, password = creds
# prompt the user for his password if not specified
if not password:
password = getpass.getpass()
# should we be trimming paths?
# TODO: this is a simple hack, something more elaborate needed
mppl = None
if args.mppl and args.mppl > 0:
#if mppl specified, always use that
mppl = args.mppl
elif platform.system() == "Windows":
# if mppl is not specified on windows set manually
mppl = 90
print_("Maximum length of a path component set to %s" % mppl)
# linux max path length is typically around 4060 so assume thats ok
# instantiate the downloader class
d = CourseraDownloader(
# authenticate, only need to do this once but need a classaname to get hold
# of the csrf token, so simply pass the first one
print_("Logging in as '%s'..." % username)
# download the content
for i, cn in enumerate(args.course_names, start=1):
print_("\nCourse %s of %s" % (i, len(args.course_names)))
d.download_course(cn, dest_dir=args.dest_dir,
reverse_sections=args.reverse, gzip_courses=args.gzip_courses)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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