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Created September 26, 2021 06:31
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Convert Keynote shapes (built-in and user-generated) to SVG
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Instructions:
# 1) install svgpathtools with the command:
# pip install svgpathtools
# 2) Run this script with no arguments:
# python
from svgpathtools import parse_path, svg2paths, wsvg
import sqlite3
import hashlib
import json
import sys
import os
KeynoteShapesPath = "/Applications/"
TSKPATH = "".join(
"Data/Library/Application Support/",
OUTDIR = f"{os.environ.get('HOME')}/Pictures/keynote_shape_extracts/"
def writeSVG(shape, shapeName, OUTDIR):
if not os.path.isdir(OUTDIR):
os.makedirs(OUTDIR, exist_ok=True)
print(f"Created {OUTDIR}")
except OSError as e:
print(f"Couldn't create output directory at {OUTDIR}!\n{e}")
if shapeName is None or shapeName == "":
shapeName = hashlib.sha1(shape.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
attributes=[{"fill": "black"}],
def writeShapes(shapeData, OUTDIR):
# shapeData is a list of (shape, shapeName) tuples
wrote = 0
for row in shapeData:
shape = row[0]
shapeName = row[1]
writeSVG(shape, shapeName, OUTDIR)
wrote += 1
print(f"Exported {wrote} keynote shapes as SVGs to {OUTDIR}")
def getUserShapes(TSKPATH=TSKPATH):
con = sqlite3.connect(TSKPATH)
cur = con.cursor()
if cur is None:
print(f"Couldn't access sqlite DB at {TSKPATH}")
print(f"Opened Keynote user library:\n{TSKPATH}")
# The table that holds the user shapes has this schema:
# CREATE TABLE tsduserdefinedshapelibraryshape
# (
# identifier TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
# cloudkitmetadata TEXT,
# needs_first_fetch INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
# tsduserdefinedshapelibrarybezierpathstringkey TEXT,
# tsduserdefinedshapelibrarynamekey TEXT,
# position REAL
# )
Q = """
l = list(cur.execute(Q))
return l
def getKeynoteShapes(OUTDIR=OUTDIR, KeynoteShapesPath=KeynoteShapesPath):
d = dict(json.loads(open(KeynoteShapesPath, "r").read()))
outList = []
l = d.get("shapesByID")
for k, v in l.items():
shapeName = v.get("localizationKey")
shape = v.get("shapePath")
# print(shapeName, shape)
outList.append((shape, shapeName))
return outList
writeShapes(outList, OUTDIR)
def main():
print("Looking for built-in shapes...")
writeShapes(getKeynoteShapes(), OUTDIR)
print("Looking for user shapes...")
writeShapes(getUserShapes(), OUTDIR)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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MikeiLL commented Dec 16, 2022

Nice gist, @dreness. I'm actually trying to go the other way. Do you happen to know if Keynote will honor externally made updates made to TSKPATH?

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dreness commented Feb 13, 2023

Hi, sorry for the slow reply, @MikeiLL. I’ve never tried manually editing the user shapes library (outside of Keynote, I mean), but I’m pretty sure it is designed to support “external” updates, as the data is synced with icloud - this is how shapes you add on a Mac are visible in iOS, for example.

Perhaps you noticed the scare-quotes above. I could imagine that Apple might take steps to prevent manual edits to this data from being recognized as valid to Keynote and / or iCloud (eg a signed checksum wrapped in a public key trusted by keynote / iCloud), but there’s only one way to find out :)

(a few minutes later)

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dreness commented Feb 13, 2023

(a few minutes later)

... actually SVG2Keynote-gui is busted on Apple Silicon. There are several problems to work through, but according to this comment, it seems possible.

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