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JanKoppe /
Last active December 4, 2020 03:58
nginx basic auth with different users for read/write

This nginx configuration allows to restrict access via different methods to separate users.

This is very useful for private docker registries, where you want every member of your team to be able to fetch Docker images, but only some users (admins and CI users) to push new images to the registry.


  • User write can use GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and everything else.
  • User read can only use GET and HEAD.
  • Anonymous users are denied access entirely.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
static CALLBACK DWORD read_thread(void *arg)
HANDLE pipe = arg;
OVERLAPPED ol = { .hEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL) };
char outbuf[128];
Sam0230 / screenlockMonitor.swift
Created July 31, 2021 17:35
Monitoring lock / unlock on macOS.
// import Foundation;
import UserNotifications;
let dnc = DistributedNotificationCenter.default();
let lockObserver = dnc.addObserver(forName: .init(""), object: nil, queue: .main) { _ in
let unlockObserver = dnc.addObserver(forName: .init(""), object: nil, queue: .main) { _ in
fand /
Last active December 21, 2022 03:15
GLSL uniform values conversion table
MilesLitteral / What Is Metal
Last active January 17, 2023 06:37
Description of Metal Shader Language
# What Is Metal
Processing executed in parallel on the GPU can use a Shading language called Metal’s original Metal Shading Language (MSL).
The Metal shading language is a unified language that allows tighter integration between the graphics and compute programs.
MSL Filename Extension
A MSL filename extension is .metal. You can create a new metal file using the metal file template in Xcode.
Using .metal extension allows Xcode to recognize MSL files in your project, automatically build a default library at build time, and help you profile and debug source code with specialized Metal tools.
pudquick /
Created December 22, 2016 22:31
Querying active SIP status directly from the kernel, bypassing nvram and csrutil, via python on macOS
# An overly complicated SIP config checker
# This is a technically interesting implementation because it does not rely on csrutil
# Instead it queries the kernel directly for the current configuration status
# This means, for example, in environments where SIP has been disabled and csrutil has
# been removed or modified (say, with DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH), as long as python can run you
# can still check status
# Additionally, checking the nvram csr-active-config setting isn't accurate now with
# 10.12.2+, since running "sudo csrutil clear" deletes the variable until reboot,
smammy /
Created December 13, 2018 19:14
How to convince macOS to do IPv6 DNS lookups when your only IPv6 address is via a VPN or tunnel of some sort

This was a huge hassle to figure out, so I wrote up a little guide in hopes that others would find it helpful:

How to convince macOS to do IPv6 DNS lookups when your only IPv6 address is via a VPN or tunnel of some sort

The Problem

macOS's domain name resolver will only return IPv6 addresses (from AAAA records) when it thinks that you have a valid routable IPv6 address. For physical interfaces like Ethernet or Wi-Fi it's enough to set or be assigned an IPv6 address, but for tunnels (such as those using utun interfaces) there are some extra annoying steps that need to be taken to convince the system that yes, you indeed have an IPv6 address, and yes, you'd like to get IPv6 addresses back for DNS lookups.

I use wg-quick to establish a WireGuard tunnel between my laptop and a Linode virtual server. WireGuard uses a utun user-space tunnel device to make the connection. Here's how that device gets configured:

# git clone
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from import wavfile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import PIL.Image
import moviepy.editor
import dnnlib
gregneagle /
Last active February 6, 2024 15:14 Reads a preference, prints its value, type, and where it is defined.
import os
import sys
from CoreFoundation import (CFPreferencesAppValueIsForced,
// main.swift
// Shell Notification Center
// Created by Keng Lee on 2021/1/15.
import Foundation
import Combine
var bag = Set<AnyCancellable>()