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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Towards a Scientific Theory of Programming

Proposed Components for a Simple, Scientific Theory of Programming

Draft 3

cc: @jonathoda @jamiiecb @jeresig @twleung @lindsey @a_cowley @kmett @ezyang @lambda_calculus

Inspired by The Future Programming Manifesto


Contemporary programming is complicated because it is the unholy union of a purely mathematical discipline (computer science) and a purely technical discipline (software engineering). As a result, the languages we use are an idiosyncratic mish-mash of formal concepts and opportunistic hacks. The end result is ureliable and unreadable software that requires programmers to master endless minituae and arcana in order to achieve the results they want.


To solve this problem, we need to go back to first principles. That is, adopt the scientific attitude of examining the actual practical problems real programs need to solve, then determine the minimal set of concepts necessary to accomplish that task.


The following is my first cut at summarizing what those might be. This is list is almost certainly wrong -- but that's what makes it scientific! The goal is to state our assumptions as clearly as possible so that we can rigorously work out the consequences, compare it against reality, and iterate. Tragically, existing ideas about programming are inextricably tied up with the actual implementations, making it impossible to coherently critique the underlying concepts.

  1. Semantic Model: Stateful Circuits sending Switchable Signals cf.
  2. Fundamental Primitives: Nil, Name, and Abstraction
  3. Composite Abstractions: Property List, Closure & Expression
  4. Operations: Creating, Naming & Applying abstractions
  5. Runtime: Assigning and Resolving names to caches while ensuring read/write Access Control
  6. Dynamics: Sound and complete Scope, Dependency & Effect Typing cf.
  7. Syntax: Expressed via a trivial Data Format rather than a complicated parser cf.

I look forward to your feedback and counter-proposals!

A Note on BitC

cc @geoffreyirving

It is true that Shapiro et al abandoned the approach used by their paper (cited in #6). However, his brilliant post-mortem clearly identifies the four reasons why:

  1. The compilation model.
  2. The insufficiency of the current type system w.r.t. by-reference and reference types.
  3. The absence of some form of inheritance.
  4. The instance coherence problem.

The first three could be solved by install-time compilation, true ByRef types, and first-class object types.

The first two issues are in my opinion solvable, thought the second requires a nearly complete re-implementation of the compiler.

The only hard problem is instance coherence:

The last (instance coherence) does not appear to admit any general solution, and it raises conceptual concerns about the use of type classes for method overload in my mind. It's sufficiently important that I'm going to deal with the first three topics here and take up the last as a separate note.

Which he blames on scoping:

the instance coherence problem exists because the language design performs method resolution in what amounts to a non-scoped way.

which comes from the way they handle type classes:

At the end of the day, type classes just don't seem to work out very well as a mechanism for overload resolution without some other form of support.


The type class notion (more precisely: qualified types) is seductive, but absent a reasonable approach for instance coherence and lexical resolution it provides an unsatisfactory basis for operator overloading.

In his follow-up paper, he even identifies a possible route for a solution:

The main problem is to switch from an ambient instance resolution process to a lexical instance resolution process.

This sounds similar to what Rust is doing with coherent and modular type classes.

That is why I claim proper Scoping and Dependency rules (which Lisp never fully embraced) are essential for properly implementing Effect Typing system. This should also have the side-effect of Right-Time Compilation -- resolving names only and always when you have sufficient information to resolve them unambiguosly (and ensuring you carry around the extra metadata until you do).

The other problem, IMHO, is that the Lisp-inspired syntax made it awkward to properly track effect and constantness everywhere, including the type system:

as the expressiveness of the types becomes too rich, humans cease to be able to read them

If we can strip away all the other complexity, and require the syntax to only deal with issues of effect and naming, I think we can make it manageable again.

But if I've misunderstood or missed anything, please let me know. I've been dying to discuss Shapiro's results for years!

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jamii commented Sep 4, 2014

Could you start with what you think the major problems in programming are and how you think this will solve them? Bear in mind the inferential distance.

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drernie commented Sep 24, 2014

@jamii Great question.The short answer is that I believe all existing programming systems (instruction sets + kernel + services + runtime + language + frameworks) are:

  • excessively complex
  • painfully unsafe
  • extremely inefficient (for both machines and humans)

To me, these seem unarguable facts (just google "programming sucks" for specific data points). However, conventional wisdom appears to be that "this is as good as it gets" (e.g., "there is no silver bullet").

Your point about inferential distance is well taken (thanks, I had not heard the phrase). After four years of trying, I have reluctantly concluded that I am simply not clever enough to bridge that distance by logical argument. I am working to build a concrete demonstration of a new programming environment that is radically simpler and safer while also being more powerful and efficient than existing solutions. The entire project is likely to take a few years, but I am hoping to build a compelling demo in the next few months. Wish me luck!

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