trialNo,type,title,content,trialText,stimFormat,target,stim1,stim2,stim3,stim4,stim5,stim6,mask,ITI,ISI,presTime,presTime2,button1,button2,button3,keyboard,counterTrial,counterBlock |
,instructions,This is your title,"This is your content. <br><br>This screen will be presented for 5 seconds, after which the experiment advances to the next trial.",,,,,,,,,,,,,5000,,,,,,, |
1,test,,,image for 10ms followed by mask until response (1 or 2),.png,,image1,,,,,,mask,50,,10,,,,,1 2,1, |
2,test,,,image for 20ms followed by mask until response (1 or 2),.png,,image1,,,,,,mask,50,,20,,,,,1 2,1, |
3,test,,,image for 30ms followed by mask until response (1 or 2),.png,,image1,,,,,,mask,50,,30,,,,,1 2,1, |
4,test,,,image for 40ms followed by mask until response (1 or 2),.png,,image1,,,,,,mask,50,,40,,,,,1 2,1, |
5,test,,,image for 50ms followed by mask until response (1 or 2),.png,,image1,,,,,,mask,50,,50,,,,,1 2,1, |
6,test,,,image for 60ms followed by mask until response (1 or 2),.png,,image1,,,,,,mask,50,,60,,,,,1 2,1, |
7,test,,,image fo |