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Jamie Brandon jamii

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I finally got around to doing this. Goodreads has an import tool but it requires manually adding and re-rating each book.
Amazon really doesn't seem to want to show you your old ratings, but I finally found a page in Recommendations -> Improve your recommendations -> Items you've rated.
Then run this once:
``` js
localStorage.setItem("ratings", JSON.stringify({}))
/usr/local/bin/tarsnap -c \
--cachedir /home/jamie/tarsnap \
--keyfile /home/jamie/tarsnap.key \
-f machine-`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S` \
/home/jamie/tarsnap.key \
/home/jamie/.ssh \
/home/jamie/bin \
/home/jamie/scratch \
/home/jamie/.bashrc \
jamie@machine:~/logicblox/bin$ lb web-server monitor -w imp node
Predicates currently monitored for workspace 'imp':
jamie@machine:~/logicblox/bin$ lb web-server monitor --help
usage: lb web-server monitor [-h] [-r] [-w WORKSPACE]
positional arguments:
PREDNAME predicate names to monitor
module Graph
using Data
using Query
using BenchmarkTools
using Base.Test
const edge1 = Relation(([1, 2, 3, 3, 4], [2, 3, 1, 4, 2]), 2)
const edge2 = Relation((rand(1:Int64(1E5), Int64(1E6)), rand(1:Int64(1E5), Int64(1E6))), 2)
let # /home/jamie/imp/src/Query.jl, line 340:
local index_2 = index($(Expr(:escape, :playlist)),[2,1])
local index_2_2 = index_2[2]
local index_2_1 = index_2[1]
local lo_2_0 = 1
local hi_2_0 = 1 + length(index_2_2)
local index_3 = index($(Expr(:escape, :playlist_track)),[1,2])
local index_3_1 = index_3[1]
local index_3_2 = index_3[2]
local lo_3_0 = 1
SELECT MIN( AS voiced_char,
MIN( AS voicing_actress,
MIN(t.title) AS voiced_animation
FROM aka_name AS an,
complete_cast AS cc,
comp_cast_type AS cct1,
comp_cast_type AS cct2,
char_name AS chn,
cast_info AS ci,
company_name AS cn,
SELECT MIN( AS actress_pseudonym,
MIN(t.title) AS japanese_movie_dubbed
FROM aka_name AS an1,
cast_info AS ci,
company_name AS cn,
movie_companies AS mc,
name AS n1,
role_type AS rt,
title AS t
WHERE ci.note ='(voice: English version)'
Aggregate (cost=266.51..266.52 rows=1 width=48) (actual time=397.078..397.078 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Nested Loop (cost=5.41..266.50 rows=1 width=48) (actual time=0.653..396.609 rows=1620 loops=1)
Join Filter: ( = cc.status_id)
-> Seq Scan on comp_cast_type cct2 (cost=0.00..1.05 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.005..0.005 rows=1 loops=1)
Filter: ((kind)::text = 'complete+verified'::text)
Rows Removed by Filter: 3