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Last active July 25, 2024 09:36
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Read the current Focus mode on macOS Monterey (12.0+) using JavaScript for Automation (JXA)
const app = Application.currentApplication()
app.includeStandardAdditions = true
function getJSON(path) {
const fullPath = path.replace(/^~/, app.pathTo('home folder'))
const contents =
return JSON.parse(contents)
function run() {
let focus = "No focus" // default
const assert = getJSON("~/Library/DoNotDisturb/DB/Assertions.json").data[0].storeAssertionRecords
const config = getJSON("~/Library/DoNotDisturb/DB/ModeConfigurations.json").data[0].modeConfigurations
if (assert) { // focus set manually
const modeid = assert[0].assertionDetails.assertionDetailsModeIdentifier
focus = config[modeid]
} else { // focus set by trigger
const date = new Date
const now = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes()
for (const modeid in config) {
const triggers = config[modeid].triggers.triggers[0]
if (triggers && triggers.enabledSetting == 2) {
const start = triggers.timePeriodStartTimeHour * 60 + triggers.timePeriodStartTimeMinute
const end = triggers.timePeriodEndTimeHour * 60 + triggers.timePeriodEndTimeMinute
if (start < end) {
if (now >= start && now < end) {
focus = config[modeid]
} else if (start > end) { // includes midnight
if (now >= start || now < end) {
focus = config[modeid]
return focus
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Thanks so much for that. I'm still confused about what exactly is being cross matched from assertions in ModeConfigurations, For manually set focus I assumed that it was matching one of the identifiers i.e. 56361E65-B77B-4467-9C31-433E51BF0CCC, but none of them in assertions seem to match the ones in ModeConfigurations, I'm a bit baffled!

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It will match things like in both files. Look at lines 13-14 to get an idea of the structure of those files. It doesn't seem to work to edit those files, if that's what you're hoping to do. It's possible to set the focus by scripting the UI though.

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Thanks so much! no, I am trying to write a swift version to pull the focus mode, but I have a feeling the Apple Sandboxing won't let me access the user library.

Thanks again for making this and also explaining it, much appreciated.

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jaimefordham commented Jan 19, 2023

Doesn't seem to return active focus mode name if its been set from another device (in my case an iPhone).

MacOS does recognise its in a Focus mode on the menubar but the script returns:

❯ osascript -l JavaScript ~/scripts/get-focus-mode.js
No focus

Contents of ~/Library/DoNotDisturb/DB/ModeConfigurations.json for active Work mode are:

"": { "triggers": { "triggers": [] }, "automaticallyGenerated": false, "mode": { "name": "Work", "tintColorName": "systemTealColor", "identifier": "<REMOVED>", "semanticType": 4, "symbolImageName": "person.lanyardcard.fill", "modeIdentifier": "", "visibility": 0 }, "dimsLockScreen": 0, "configuration": { "suppressionType": 2, "compatibilityVersion": 3, "configurationType": 0, "minimumBreakthroughUrgency": 1, "hideApplicationBadges": 1 }, "created": 1671056911.476048, "compatibilityVersion": 2, "hasSecureData": true, "impactsAvailability": 0, "lastModified": 1674036685.879897 },

Which suggests that its not matching the following condition:

if (triggers && triggers.enabledSetting == 2)

Maybe a focus mode triggered via geo-location doesn't get written out to ~/Library/DoNotDisturb/DB/ModeConfigurations.json ?

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I'm running the script on Ventura 13.4.1, and I get:[ ](focus.js: execution error: Error: Error: Can't convert types. (-1700))

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drewkerr commented Jul 4, 2023

Not sure. It's working for me on the same version, running in Script Editor and Shortcuts, as long as Full Disk Access is allowed in System Settings (siriactionsd, in the case of Shortcuts). This isn't meant to be much more than a hack though.

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devnoname120 commented Jul 5, 2023

I use the following Alfred Workflow in order to enable/disable DND:

It uses its own Shortcut under the hood that needs to be installed first.

I post it here as an example of a working implementation that people can look into.

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Python if you want in that context.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import json
import os
import datetime

ASSERT_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~/Library/DoNotDisturb/DB/Assertions.json")
MODECONFIG_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~/Library/DoNotDisturb/DB/ModeConfigurations.json")
def get_focus():
    focus = "No focus" #default
    assertJ = json.load(open(ASSERT_PATH))['data'][0]['storeAssertionRecords']
    configJ = json.load(open(MODECONFIG_PATH))['data'][0]['modeConfigurations']
    if assertJ:
        modeid = assertJ[0]['assertionDetails']['assertionDetailsModeIdentifier']
        focus = configJ[modeid]['mode']['name']
        date =
        now = date.hour * 60 + date.minute

        for modeid in configJ:
            triggers = configJ[modeid]['triggers']['triggers'][0]
            if triggers and triggers['enabledSetting'] == 2:
                start = triggers['timePeriodStartTimeHour'] * 60 + triggers['timePeriodStartTimeMinute']
                end = triggers['timePeriodEndTimeHour'] * 60 + triggers['timePeriodEndTimeMinute']
                if start < end:
                    if now >= start and now < end:
                        focus = configJ[modeid]['mode']['name']
                elif start > end: # includes midnight
                    if now >= start or now < end:
                        focus = configJ[modeid]['mode']['name']
    return focus

if '__main__' == __name__:

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