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Created May 12, 2010 23:46
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module FmtLogHandler
) where
import System.Log.Logger
import System.Log
import System.Log.Handler
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.List
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (getZonedTime)
import Data.Time.Format (formatTime)
-- Copied directly from Sytem.Log.Handler.Simple (since it isn't exported)
data GenericHandler a = GenericHandler {priority :: Priority,
privData :: a,
writeFunc :: a -> LogRecord -> String -> IO (),
closeFunc :: a -> IO () }
instance LogHandler (GenericHandler a) where
setLevel sh p = sh{priority = p}
getLevel sh = priority sh
emit sh lr loggername = (writeFunc sh) (privData sh) lr loggername
close sh = (closeFunc sh) (privData sh)
-- | Replace some '$' variables in a string with supplied values
replaceVar :: [(String, String)] -- ^ A list of (variableName, value)
-> String -- ^ String to perform substitution on
-> String -- ^ Resulting string
replaceVar _ [] = []
replaceVar keyVals (s:ss) | s=='$' = let (f,rest) = replaceStart keyVals ss
in f ++ replaceVar keyVals rest
| otherwise = s : replaceVar keyVals ss
replaceStart [] str = ("$",str)
replaceStart ((k,v):kvs) str | k `isPrefixOf` str = (v, drop (length k) str)
| otherwise = replaceStart kvs str
type LogFormatter = LogRecord -> String -> IO String
-- | Takes a format string, and returns a function that may be used to
-- format log messages. The format string may contain '$' variables that
-- will be replaced at runtime with corresponding values. The currently
-- supported variables are:
-- $msg - The actual log message
-- $loggername - The name of the logger
-- $prio - The priority level of the message
-- $time - The current time
-- $tid - The thread ID
logFormatter :: String -> LogFormatter
logFormatter format (prio, msg) loggername = do
tid <- myThreadId
cTime <- getZonedTime
let time = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %X" cTime
let outmsg = replaceVar [("msg", msg), ("tid", show tid), ("time", time)
, ("prio", show prio), ("loggername", loggername)]
return outmsg
-- | Like 'streamHandler', but also takes a 'LogFormatter' to specify how to format
-- the log message
fmtLogHandler :: Handle -> Priority -> LogFormatter -> IO (GenericHandler Handle)
fmtLogHandler h pri formatter =
do lock <- newMVar ()
let mywritefunc hdl logRec loggername =
withMVar lock (\_ ->
outmsg <- formatter logRec loggername
hPutStrLn hdl outmsg
hFlush hdl
return (GenericHandler {priority = pri,
privData = h,
writeFunc = mywritefunc,
closeFunc = \x -> return ()})
main = do
lh <- fmtLogHandler stderr DEBUG (logFormatter "[$time : $tid : $prio : $loggername] $msg")
updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName (setHandlers [lh])
updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName (System.Log.Logger.setLevel ERROR)
updateGlobalLogger "MyComp" (System.Log.Logger.setLevel DEBUG)
infoM "" "Test log"
warningM "" "Test log2"
warningM "MyComp" "Test log2"
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