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Darrell Sandstrom dsandstrom

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henhan /
Last active September 5, 2024 01:21
Extend and override nginx config for Elastic Beanstalk Amazon Linux 2

Extend and override nginx config for Elastic Beanstalk Amazon Linux 2

Documentation on how to override or extend the default nginx config on Elastic Beanstalk running om Amazon Linux 2. Correct as of 2021-08-01. Also see the general documentation on how to extend linux servers.

All references to placing files refer to putting a file at this location in your application bundle. You should never modify a file directly at your Elastic Beanstalk server by ssh:ing to the server, since such a change will be wiped whenever your servers autoscale or if you rebuild your application completely.

Adding a new location block

The easiest extension is to add a new location block to the main server block. This can be done by placing a .conf file with a server block in the folder .platform/nginx/conf.d/elasticbeanstalk. Any such file is automatically included in the main server block.

Overriding the default location

dsandstrom / deploy.rb
Last active December 26, 2019 22:17 — forked from twetzel/deploy.rb
Compile assets locally with capistrano 3.5.0 and rails 4.2.x (Nginx-Unicorn zero downtime)
# Runs rake assets:clean
# Defaults to nil (no asset cleanup is performed)
# If you use Rails 4+ and you'd like to clean up old assets after each deploy,
# set this to the number of versions to keep
set :keep_assets, 2
# Clear existing task so we can replace it rather than "add" to it.
namespace :deploy do
jamonholmgren / plug.conn.ex
Created March 9, 2016 07:00
Typical Elixir Phoenix Plug.Conn struct contents, in an easy-to-read format. By Jamon Holmgren.
adapter: {Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.Conn, :...},
assigns: %{
my_assigns: "here"
before_send: [
#Function<7.125546534/1 in Phoenix.Controller.fetch_flash/2>,
#Function<1.127904613/1 in Plug.Session.before_send/2>,
#Function<1.43511252/1 in>,
#Function<0.70322810/1 in Phoenix.LiveReloader.before_send_inject_reloader/1>
ThawanFidelis / preview_devise_mail.rb
Last active November 1, 2024 08:26
Preview Devise Mails
# config/enviroments/development.rb
config.action_mailer.preview_path = "#{Rails.root}/app/mailer_previews"
# app/mailer_previews/devise_mailer_preview.rb
class Devise::MailerPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
def confirmation_instructions
Devise::Mailer.confirmation_instructions(User.first, {})
brianpetro / rails-4-new-options
Created April 28, 2015 18:11
Command line options for ` rails new --help ` (Rails 4.2). Useful for planning new Ruby on Rails app. 'Where can I find options for “rails new” command?'
Because I couldn't find these with a quick Google search on 28 April 2015:
rails new APP_PATH [options]
-r, [--ruby=PATH] # Path to the Ruby binary of your choice
# Default: /home/brian/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.0/bin/ruby
-m, [--template=TEMPLATE] # Path to some application template (can be a filesystem path or URL)
[--skip-gemfile], [--no-skip-gemfile] # Don't create a Gemfile
vsouza / .bashrc
Last active September 21, 2024 12:31
Golang setup in Mac OSX with HomeBrew. Set `GOPATH` and `GOROOT` variables in zshell, fish or bash.
# Set variables in .bashrc file
# don't forget to change your path correctly!
export GOPATH=$HOME/golang
export GOROOT=/usr/local/opt/go/libexec
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
mlanett / rails http status codes
Last active December 17, 2024 11:38
HTTP status code symbols for Rails
HTTP status code symbols for Rails
Thanks to Cody Fauser for this list of HTTP responce codes and their Ruby on Rails symbol mappings.
Status Code Symbol
1xx Informational
100 :continue
101 :switching_protocols
102 :processing
twetzel / deploy.rb
Last active February 22, 2018 09:37 — forked from Jesus/deploy.rb
compile assets local with capistrano 3.2.1 and rails 4.1.1 (fully integrated)
# Clear existing task so we can replace it rather than "add" to it.
namespace :deploy do
desc 'Compile assets'
task :compile_assets => [:set_rails_env] do
# invoke 'deploy:assets:precompile'
invoke 'deploy:assets:precompile_local'
invoke 'deploy:assets:backup_manifest'
barneycarroll /
Last active August 29, 2022 12:02
Lock and unlock a page's scroll position.


Useful for when a blocking user experience is needed (in my case, didn't want people unwittingly loosing their place by scrolling while a modal required their attention): $.scrollLock() locks the body in place, preventing scroll until it is unlocked.

// Locks the page if it's currently unlocked

// ...or vice versa
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">